FROM PAID, A PRISONER. He is a prisoner at Rome as he writes this, but
living in his own house (Acts 28:16_ and note)._ OUR BROTHER TIMOTHY.
This shows us that Timothy was at Rome with Paul. PHILEMON. This man
must have lived in Colossae. Paul had brought him to Christ (Philemon
1:19), but this may... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THE CHURCH. House-churches were common in the first century, but
they also met in the temple (Acts 2:46), and in other buildings (Acts
19:9-10). APPHIA. She may have been Philemon's wife. "Sister" may,
like "brother" Timothy, point to one who takes an active role in the
gospel. Compare Romans 16... [ Continue Reading ]
GIVE YOU GRACE AND PEACE. This is Paul's usual word of greeting. In
Jewish theology, one main purpose of the Messiah was to bring grace
and peace (_see_ Luke 2:14).... [ Continue Reading ]
EVERY TIME I PRAY. Here he begins to speak directly to Philemon. Paul
made it a habit to pray for God's people.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR I HEAR OF YOUR LOVE. Note Paul puts Philemon's love ahead of his
faith.... [ Continue Reading ]
OUR FELLOWSHIP WITH YOU. _Bengelius_ thinks this means Philemon
partaking of faith in common with other Christians. A DEEPER
UNDERSTANDING. _See_ Philippians 1:9-11 and notes.... [ Continue Reading ]
YOUR LOVE. By this Paul must mean Philemon's _active Christian life._
Paul speaks about the moment of jubilation he experienced when he
heard the good news about Philemon and the messianic community at
Colossae (probably brought by Epaphras, Colossians 1:7-8).... [ Continue Reading ]
I COULD BE BOLD ENOUGH. Since he has heard so much about the love
which Philemon has, he has confidence in what he _would do,_ to just
go ahead and order him to accept Onesimus. This would be his right as
an apostle.... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT LOVE COMPELS ME. "Yet love compels me not to use my authority, but
to make a request instead. I have the right to order you, but I will
not do this." [The TEV follows Lightfoot in reading PRESBEUTES =
ambassador.]... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO IS MY OWN SON IN CHRIST. It is possible that Epaphras met Onesimus
in Rome, and brought him to Paul. However, it was Paul who won him to
Christ and became his spiritual father.... [ Continue Reading ]
AT ONE TIME. Onesimus may have been a troublemaker in the past. The
_Expositor's Greek Testament_ says: "As applied to Onesimus the
reference must be to something wrong done by him; the fear of being
punished for this was presumably his reason for running away from his
master." BUT NOW. The "old" On... [ Continue Reading ]
I AM SENDING HIM. This means: "Onesimus wants to come back to you now,
and I am sending him." AND WITH BUN GOES MY HEART. This shows the
close friendship between Paul and Onesimus. To be cruel to him would
be cruel to Paul as well.... [ Continue Reading ]
TO KEEP HIM HERE. "I am the ambassador of Christ. Since I know you
would help me if you were here, Onesimus your slave could help me in
your place. And I would like to keep him here, since he has already
been so much help to me.... [ Continue Reading ]
HOWEVER. Paul could have kept Onesimus and Philemon would surely have
pardoned him. But this might not have been the ethical way to do it.
Paul sends him back to Philemon, so that it is clearly his_ free will_
when he takes Onesimus back into his _family._... [ Continue Reading ]
It MAY BE. "I know it made you unhappy when your slave ran away, but
think about this. This may be God's providence at work. He will now be
your slave for life." [Some see a reference to Deuteronomy 15:16-17 in
this.]... [ Continue Reading ]
HE IS NOT JUST A SLAVE. Here is the vital difference in the slave -
master relationship!!! This slave is now a _brother in Christ_ to his
master. HOW MUCH HE MEANS TO ME! To prevent any possibility of
Philemon being offended because Paul is telling him his slave is his
_brother,_ Paul mentions the C... [ Continue Reading ]
WELCOME HIM BACK. Christian love means: _"to treat others as God has
treated you."_ Paul says to treat this slave just as if he were Paul
himself.... [ Continue Reading ]
CHARGE IT TO MY ACCOUNT. Some think this implies Onesimus had robbed
Philemon, but this is not necessarily so. It was enough of a crime to
run away.... [ Continue Reading ]
I, PAUL, WILL PAY YOU BACK. This is Paul's _promissory-note_
guaranteeing repayment. These are not empty words! This is a legal
form! Roman law would enforce this, if Philemon put in the claim. YOU
OWE YOUR VERY LIFE TO ME. Paul had led him out of the guilt and power
of sin, into the safety of Chris... [ Continue Reading ]
PLEASE DO ME THIS FAVOR. By cheerfully doing what I ask.... [ Continue Reading ]
I AM SURE. "As I write this letter, I am sure you will do even more
than I ask." Some see in this a hint of the _authority_ which Paul
actually had (compare Acts 13:8-12). Some also see in this a hint that
Philemon would give Onesimus his freedom.... [ Continue Reading ]
AT THE SAME TIME. All the Letters written during the first
imprisonment show that Paul expected to be set free from his
confinement. [Contrast this with 2 Timothy 4:6.]... [ Continue Reading ]
EPAPHRAS. See notes on Colossians 1:7; Colossians 4:12. He was also in
prison with Paul. SUNAICHMALOTOS means "a prisoner of war." But Paul
may only mean that Epaphras was with him in his imprisonment.... [ Continue Reading ]
MY FELLOW WORKERS. These are also in Rome with him. MARK. See the
introduction to the Gospel of Mark. ARISTARCHUS. See Acts 27:2. DEMAS.
See note on Colossians 4:14. LAKE. See introduction to the Gospel of
Luke.... [ Continue Reading ]
WITH YOU ALL. Paul's benediction is to all mentioned in this Letter
including all who make up the church in Philemon's house. See Philemon
1:2-3.... [ Continue Reading ]