The others. Robert Rainy says: "There were, as we all know, in the Church of those days powerful sections of professed believers, who contested Paul's apostleship, questioned his teaching, and wholly disliked the effects of his work. Perhaps by this time the strain of that conflict had become a little less severe, but it had not wholly passed away. We call these persons the Judaisers [circumcision party]. They were men who looked to Jesus Christ as the Messiah, who owned the authority of His teaching, and claimed an interest in His promises. But they insisted on linking Christianity to Jewish forms, and rules, and conditions of law-keeping, which were on various grounds dear and sacred to them. Possibly there might even be a Christian congregation in the city in which this type prevailed." Compare Acts 21:20; John 19:15 and notes. They probably preached Christ as king, hoping to stir up the Roman authorities against Paul.

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Old Testament