You Philippians. Paul looks back to their actions in the past. Kennedy has Paul say: "But this is no new thing, for you have always been generous. You know this as well as I do." Profits and losses. Paul had given them priceless spiritual gifts! It was only squaring the account for them to share their material things with him! Robert Rainy says: "In this connection it is fit we should remember that the view we take of money, and the use we make of it, are referred to with extraordinary frequency in the New Testament, as a decisive test of Christian sincerity. This feature of Bible teaching is very faintly realized by many. The other point noteworthy in relation to this Philippian gift is the assurance that it shall be recompensed (rewarded). God will not be unfaithful to reward their work and labor of love, in that they have ministered to His servant. We are not to shrink from the doctrine of reward [just] because it has been perverted."

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Old Testament