The Bible Study New Testament
Revelation 3:11
I am coming soon. His promise. Jesus comes in judgment through his angels (Revelation 1:1). He will come in person at the Second Coming (Revelation 1:7).
I am coming soon. His promise. Jesus comes in judgment through his angels (Revelation 1:1). He will come in person at the Second Coming (Revelation 1:7).
Verse Revelation 3:11. _BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY_] These things will shortly take place; and I am coming with _consolations_ and _rewards_ to my faithful followers, and with _judgments_ to my adversarie...
BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY - That is, in the trials referred to. Compare the notes on Revelation 1:1, Revelation 1:11, Revelation 1:16. Hold that fast whi
CHAPTER 3 Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea _ 1. Sardis: The reformation period (Revelation 3:1)_ 2. Philadelphia: The faithful remnant (Revelation 3:7) 3. Laodicea: The indifferent and apostate Churc...
THE LETTER TO THE CHURCH AT PHILADELPHIA. Philadelphia was about 30 miles SE. of Sardis. Like Sardis it was subject to frequent earthquakes, and consequently never attained any great size. The conditi...
REVELATION 2:1 TO REVELATION 3:22. THE LETTERS TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES. These letters are addressed to individual churches, but their messages are intended for the Church as a whole. In every letter the...
THE LETTER TO SARDIS (Revelation 3:1-6)...
And to the angel of the Church in Philadelphia, write: These things says he who is holy, he who is true, he who has the key of David, he who opens and no man will shut, and shuts and no man opens. I k...
BEHOLD. Omit. HOLD... FAST. Same Greek. word as Revelation 2:1; Revelation 2:13; Revelation 2:14; Revelation 2:15;...
_hold that fast which thou hast_ See on Revelation 2:6; Revelation 2:25. _that no man take thy crown_ i.e. rob thee of it: the image of a race or other contest for a prize does not seem in harmony wi...
ΚΡΆΤΕΙ Ὅ ἜΧΕΙΣ. See on Revelation 2:6; Revelation 2:25. ΛΆΒΗΙ, i.e. rob thee of it: it is hardly meant that his loss will be in any sense another’s gain, but that whoever can tempt him to let go what...
_LETTER TO THE CHURCH AT PHILADELPHIA REVELATION 3:7-13:_ Philadelphia means brotherly love. The purpose of the city of Philadelphia was to spread the Greek language and the Greek way of life. This wa...
ΈΡΧΟΜΑΙ (G2064) _praes. ind. med. (dep.)_ приходить. _Praes._ используется для придания большей уверенности описанию будущего события, ΤΑΧΎΣ (G5036) быстро, скоро, ΚΡΆΤΕΙ _praes. imper. act. от_ ΚΡΑ...
DISCOURSE: 2499 EPISTLE TO PHILADELPHIA Revelation 3:8. I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, a...
Strauss-' Comments SECTION 9 Text Revelation 3:7-13 And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that o...
Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. BEHOLD. Omitted by 'Aleph (') A B C, Vulgate, Coptic, Syriac. I COME QUICKLY - the great incentive to faithful...
THE PROPHETIC SECTION 10 _ Endurance _ will be a cardinal virtue in that day of stress and distress. Seven times are we reminded of it (Rev_1:9; Rev_2:2-3; Rev_2:19; Rev_3:10; Rev_13:10; Rev_14:12)....
THE EPISTLES TO THE SEVEN CHURCHES (CONCLUDED) 1-6. To the Church in Sardis Christ speaks as He who gives the spirit and looks for spiritual life. There is no praise for this Church. Its life is witho...
TO THE CHURCH IN PHILADELPHIA Christ speaks as He by whom alone comes entrance into the Church, the spiritual house of God (Revelation 3:7). The Church is praised for its faithfulness in persecution....
FROM NOW TO THE END OF TIME REVELATION _IAN MACKERVOY_ CHAPTER 3 TO THE *CHURCH IN SARDIS - REVELATION 3:1-6 V1 ‘Write to the *angel of the *church in Sardis. I hold the 7 spirits of God and the...
BEHOLD, I COME. — Omit “Behold.” Better, _I am coming quickly; hold fast; continue your race as those who are striving for a garland_ (1 Corinthians 9:24)....
The message to Philadelphia....
“You have not long to wait and suffer now”; a fresh motive for tenacity of purpose. Compare with what follows the tradition of R. Simon (in Tract. Shabb. bab. 88 _a_) that on the occasion of Exodus 24...
LET NO ONE TAKE THY CROWN Revelation 3:7 For those who have but a little strength, the Lord sets open a wide door. You may not be able to open the door, but you can enter it in His Name. Once He open...
The letter to the Church in Sardis covers the period of the Reformation. The Church was addressed as "dead." Yet there were things remaining which were not dead, but "ready to die." The address is lar...
TO THE ENDURING CHURCH Verse 7 Twenty-eight miles southeast of Sardis was the town of Philadelphia. It was located in a very fertile but dangerously volcanic area. The city was founded by Attalus II w...
To the Angel of the church of Philadelphia. There were several towns of this name; here is understood that which was near Sardis, in Lydia. Here is no more than an admonition to persevere, to hold tha...
(7) And to the angel of the church in Philadelphia write; These things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no...
That God should have chosen John to be the instrument of communicating the closing volume of the New Testament is worthy of our consideration. It is not a new thing for God thus to set out the stronge...
The Church in Philadelphia I. INTRODUCTION A. John 13:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. "By this all will know that...
There is no threat of removing the candlestick: that was settled. Judgment, setting aside the assembly, was fixed. But this body would be treated as the world, not ecclesiastically as a corrupt assemb...
BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY,.... To bring on this hour of temptation on the reformed churches, which will be at the beginning of this period; to help and deliver, save and preserve the truly godly among th...
Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Ver. 11. _That no man take thy crown_] Not that crown of eternal life (for that is unlosable), but that honour that...
_Behold, I come quickly_ To put an end to those trials which for the present are so painful; _hold that fast which thou hast_ With resolute fidelity; _that no man take thy crown_ That no person or thi...
THY CROWN; the crown of life which Christ will bestow upon all who continue faithful to him....
The letter to the congregation at Philadelphia:...
THE ASSEMBLY AT SARDIS (vv. 1-6) The message to the assembly at Sardis has a very different character, for instead of being a development from Thyatira, it is rather a revulsion from it. Sardis mean...
PHILADELPHIA (VERSES 7-13) The City Philadelphia was founded in 140 BC by the king of Pergamos. The name, Philadelphia, means “brotherly love.” It was a center of Greek culture, learning, and langua...
7-13 The same Lord Jesus has the key of government and authority in and over the church. He opens a door of opportunity to his churches; he opens a door of utterance to his ministers; he opens a door...
OLBGrk; BEHOLD, I COME QUICKLY; tacu, which certainly is the same with en tacei; and it might be as well concluded, that the day of judgment should come by that time Rome pagan should cease, as that a...
Cyprian Treatise IX On the Advantage of Patience and again, "Hold that which thou hast, that another take not thy crown."[33] Cyprian Treatise XI Exhortation to Martyrdom Addressed to Fortunatus An...
Revelation 3:11 Behold G2400 (G5628) coming G2064 (G5736) quickly G5035 fast G2902 (G5720) what G3739 have...
Revelation 3:11. I COME QUICKLY. Comp. chap. Revelation 2:25 and Revelation 3:3, in both of which the general, rather than any special, coming of the Lord had been spoken of. He was to ‘come' in the f...
I COME QUICKLY (ερχομα ταχυ). As in Revelation 2:16; Revelation 22:7; Revelation 22:12; Revelation 22:20. "The k...
Revelation 3:11 Divine Decrees.. I. Not long before the fall and treachery of Judas, Christ pronounced a blessing, as it seemed, upon all the twelve Apostles, the traitor included. Who would not have...
CONTENTS: Message to Sardis concerning their hypocrisy. Message to Philadelphia on hollow profession. Message to Laodicea on apostasy. Christ's attitude to the Church in its final stage in the world....
_Epistle the fifth._ Revelation 3:1. _Sardis,_ once a flourishing city, the residence of ancient kings, now a miserable village, having but few christians. This is not the Sardis, capital of Lydia, wh...
_Behold, I come quickly._ THE COMING OF CHRIST It is not improbable that this bishop was no other than the Demetrius who is mentioned in St. John’s third Epistle as having a “good report of all men a...
_Philadelphia._ PHILADELPHIA--THE PATIENT CHURCH Philadelphia furnishes us with the exemplar of the patient church; the exercise and training of patience is its peculiar call, and the perfection of p...
REVELATION—NOTE ON REVELATION 3:7 _Philadelphia_ is praised for enduring in faith. In recognition for the aid after an earthquake in A.D. 17, the city was briefly renamed Neocaesarea (“Caesar’s New Ci...
6. PHILADELPHIA. Vs. 7-13. Here is a church on which Christ bestows unmixed praise. She had "little strength"; few in numbers and poor in resources. The vicissitudes of the city, because of earthquake...
_CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ Revelation 3:7. PHILADELPHIA.—Situated at the foot of Mount Tmolus, and named after Attalus Philadelphus, King of Pergamos. It was a centre of the wine trade. HOLY AND...
EXPOSITION REVELATION 3:1 _The epistle to the Church at Sardis. _This Church is one of the two which receives unmixed reproof. Smyrna and Philadelphia receive no blame; Sardis and Laodicea receive no...
6. PHILADELPHIA: THE CHURCH OF BROTHERLY LOVE Background: Philadelphia was the youngest city of the seven mentioned in the letters. The city was established in 189 BC and was named after two brothers...
And unto the angel of the church in Sardis (Protestant Reformation) write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God (Revelation 3:1), And so the fullness of the Spirit as it dwelt in...
1 Corinthians 9:25; 1 Peter 5:3; 1 Peter 5:4; 2 Timothy 2:5; 2 Timot
Behold. Omit. That no one take thy crown [ι ν α μ η δ ε ι ς λ α β η τ ο ν σ τ ε φ α ν ο ν]. Take it away. The idea is not that of one believer stepping into the place which was designed for another, b...
THE CHURCHES AT SARDIS, PHILADELPHIA, AND LAODICEA Revelation 3:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS We present some of the outstanding things written to the Church at Sardis. This is the fifth Church in the seven...
Thy crown — Which is ready for thee, if thou endure to the end....
Observe here, notwithstanding this church's constancy, yet Christ exhorts her to steadfastness, HOLD FAST; the steadiest and most steadfast Christians have need to be often cautioned and counselled ag...