The Bible Study New Testament
Romans 1:31
They are immoral. ASUNETOUS = without insight into moral and religious things. These are so amoral that they have lost all sense of Good and evil. No kindness or pity. Compare Matthew 18:21-35 and notes.
They are immoral. ASUNETOUS = without insight into moral and religious things. These are so amoral that they have lost all sense of Good and evil. No kindness or pity. Compare Matthew 18:21-35 and notes.
ROMANS 1:31 avsto,rgouj {A} Recalling a similar catalog of vices in 2 Timothy 3:2-5, where a;storgoj is followed by avspo,ndoj, copyists inserted the latter wo...
Verse 31. _WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING_] ασυνετους, from α, _negative_, and συνετος, _knowing_; persons incapable of comprehending what was spoken; destitute of capacity for spiritual things. _COVENANT -...
WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING - Inconsiderate, or foolish; see Romans 1:21. COVENANT BREAKERS - Perfidious; false to their contracts. WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTIONS - This expression denotes the lack of affectio...
2. THE NEED OF SALVATION DEMONSTRATED. The Whole World Guilty and Lost. Chapter 1:18-3:20. CHAPTER 1:18-32. _ 1. Wrath Revealed from Heaven. 18._ 2. Gentile Knowledge of God. 19-20. 3. Turning f...
Mankind is in a ruinous plight: GOD'S ANGER, which is His righteousness reacting against wrong, rests upon the race. ROMANS 1:18_ A_. The Divine wrath is being revealed from heaven in action against...
A CALL, A GOSPEL AND A TASK (Romans 1:1-7)...
Just as they have given themselves over to a kind of knowledge that rejects the idea of God, so God has given them over to the kind of mind that all reject. The result is that they do things which it...
WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING. Greek. _asunetos._ See Romans 1:21. Note the _Paronomasia_ with next word. App-6. COVENANTBREAKERS. Greek. _asunthetos._ Only here. WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION. Greek. _astorgos...
_without understanding, covenant-breakers_ The Gr. words are almost identical in form and sound. On "_without understanding_" see note on Romans 1:21, where "foolish" represents the same Greek word; a...
Romans 1:18-32. (18) This power and condition revealed in the Gospel meets the need of man; for in the actual state of man we can see that his life lies under GOD’s wrath. Man has by unrighteous actio...
ΆΣΎΝΕΤΟΣ (G801) непонятливый, неразумный, ΆΣΫ́ΝΘΕΤΟΣ (G802) нарушитель завета, нарушитель соглашения, ΆΣΤΌΡΓΟΣ (G794) не умеющий любить, неспособный к нежности. Это относится к недостатку чувства е...
WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING— _Without consideration,_ 'Ασυνετους. See on Romans 1:21.—_Covenant-breakers:_ it is well known that the Romans, as a nation, from the very beginning of their commonwealth, never...
_TEXT_ Romans 1:26-32. For this cause God gave them up unto vile passions: for their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature: Romans 1:27 and likewise also the men, leaving the...
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING, COVENANT-BREAKERS, [ asunetous (G801), asunthetous (G802)] - another alliteration...
_THE CONDUCT OF MANKIND_ 25 There may be an allusion here to the prevalent custom of worshiping the Roman emperor. It has often occurred that, when men have attained to great eminence, they have dema...
THE POWER OF THE GOSPEL AND THE NEED OF THE WORLD. THE GUILT OF THE HEATHEN In his salutation the apostle emphasises his commission, and the greatness of the Person whose servant he is and who is the...
WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING — _i.e.,_ without moral or spiritual understanding; incapable of discriminating between right and wrong, expedient and inexpedient. St. Paul prays that the Colossians may possess...
(24-32) Hence they fell into a still lower depth; for, in anger at their perversion of the truth, God refrained from checking their downward course. He left them to follow their own evil bent. Their i...
CHAPTER 5 MAN GIVEN UP TO HIS OWN WAY: THE HEATHEN Romans 1:24 WHEREFORE God gave them up, in the desires of their hearts, to uncleanness, so as to dishonour their bodies among themselves. There is...
FROM GROSS SINS OF THE FLESH Romans 1:24 Few men knew as much as did Paul of the unutterableness of human need. In terrible words he enumerates its various aspects. Truth would enter human hearts fro...
Bringing the first and seventh verses together, we find the called apostle writing to the called saints. As for himself, Paul declared, first, that he was debtor, because a gift had been bestowed on...
Without understanding, (n) covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: (n) Not caring if they keep their covenants and bargains....
_ Dissolute, rude [6] in their manners, and behaviour. Some, from the Greek, understand breakers of their word; but this would be the same as without fidelity, which we find afterwards in the same ver...
“ _Whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters._ ” The dispositions expressed in the six terms of this group are those of which pride is the centre. There is no reason for reduc...
FOURTH PASSAGE (1:18-32). THE WRATH OF GOD ON THE GENTILES. According to Paul's usual style, the first verse contains summarily all the ideas developed in the following piece. The study of the verse...
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; (19) Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them;...
The circumstances under which the epistle to the Romans was written gave occasion to the most thorough and comprehensive unfolding, not of the church, but of Christianity. No apostle had ever yet visi...
31._Without the feelings of humanity _are they who have put off the first affections of nature towards their own relations. As he mentions the want of _mercy _as an evidence of human nature being depr...
There is no epistle in which the apostle places his apostleship on more positive and formal ground than in this; for at Rome he had no claim in virtue of his labours. He had never seen the Romans. He...
WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING,.... Of God, of his nature and worship, of things divine and even moral, being given up to a reprobate mind: COVENANT BREAKERS; had no regard to private or public contracts: WI...
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Ver. 31. _Implacable_] That will not hear of a truce, much less of a peace. _Nihil se libentius facere dict...
_And as they did not like_ ουκ εδοκιμασαν, _they did not approve, to retain God in their knowledge_ Or rather, as εχειν εν επιγνωσει more properly signifies, _to retain him with acknowledgment._ For i...
The depths of immorality and godlessness:...
The salutation (unusually long) occupies seven verses, - laying down distinctly, as it does, the complete foundation of that Gospel of which Paul was a messenger - thus introducing him with the Gospel...
ROMANS 1:26-32 1. What is the basic problem of man as Paul sees it in chapter one? a. Is it idolatry? b. Failure to worship God? c. Something more basic? 2. Which sin really came first? a. Fooli...
WITHOUT NATURAL: Or, unsociable...
ROMANS 1:29 : Remember, these are sins just as bad as homosexuality! 'UNLOVING' (ROMANS 1:31) -'without natural affection'; which means lovelessness where healthy people should have it; love of famil...
26-32 In the horrid depravity of the heathen, the truth of our Lord's words was shown: "Light was come into the world, but men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil; for he...
OLBGrk; WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING; or, without conscience; sunesiv, or snueidhsiv, being much the same. WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION; this evil also reigned amongst the Gentiles, who sacrificed their very c...
without understanding [those who have so long seared their consciences as to be unable to determine between right and wrong even in plain cases. The loss of moral understanding is very apparent among...
Romans 1:31 undiscerning G801 untrustworthy G802 unloving G794 unforgiving G786 unmerciful G415 Without understanding - Romans 1:2
‘Being filled with all unrighteousness: wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malignity, whisperers, backbiters, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, in...
THE CONSEQUENCES OF REFUSING TO HAVE GOD IN THEIR KNOWLEDGE (1:28-32). Paul now moves on from the results of ungodliness to the results of unrighteousness (compare Romans 1:18). Men refused to have Go...
1. THE SINFULNESS OF THE GENTILES. This fearful yet truthful description of the moral decay of the Gentile world is not introduced abruptly. In Romans 1:17 the Apostle had declared that righteousness...
DOCTRINAL PART. 1. UNIVERSAL NEED. Having asserted that the gospel is God's power unto salvation to every one that believeth, whether Jew or Greek, the Apostle proceeds to show that all men are sinne...
Romans 1:31. In this verse adjectives take the place of the substantives previously used. The long catalogue is thus varied. WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING; the same word as ‘senseless' (E. V. ‘foolish'), Ro...
WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING (ασυνετους). Same word in verse Romans 1:21.COVENANT-BREAKERS (ασυνθετους). Another paronomasia or pun. Α privative and verbal συνθετος from συντιθημ, to put together. Old wo...
Romans 1:18 The Natural History of Paganism. I. St. Paul's first proposition is, that from the first the heathen knew enough of God from His works to render them without excuse for not worshipping H...
CONTENTS: Words of comfort to the church at Rome. The universe a revelation of the power and deity of God. The deplorable condition of a lost world. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, Paul. CONCLUSION: God has...
Romans 1:1. _Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ,_ in the sense he himself illustrates to the Corinthians. Ye are not your own; ye are bought with a price. Therefore glorify God in your body and in your s...
_Being filled with all unrighteousness._ THE PREVALENCE OF EVIL All is full of crime and vice; there is more committed than can be healed by punishment. A monstrous prize contest of wickedness is go...
_For this cause God gave them up to vile affections._ HUMAN DEPRAVITY I. The cause of all this gross ignorance and corruption is assigned in Romans 1:28. “They did not like to retain God in their kn...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Romans 1:22.—Here begins a dark picture of heathenism, but fully verified from the writings of what has been called the most brilliant age of the most intellectual nations of the worl...
EXPOSITION ROMANS 1:1 I. INTRODUCTORY. ROMANS 1:1 A. _Salutation_ with long interposed parenthesis, suggested by "gospel of God." The parenthesis, expressing thoughts of which the writer's mind is...
This time let us turn in our Bibles to Romans, chapter 1. Paul opens his epistle to the Romans declaring: Paul, a bond slave of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, separated unto the gospel of God...
2 Kings 18:14; 2 Timothy 3:3; Isaiah 27:11; Isaiah 33:8; Jeremiah 4:22
Covenant — breakers — It is well known, the Romans, as a nation, from the very beginning of their commonwealth, never made any scruple of vacating altogether the most solemn engagement, if they did no...