Did God reject his own people? Chapter s 9, 10, 11 must be understood in view of the fact that God does call every man (John 6:44-45); every man responds to this call in some way (Matthew 13:18-23); It is God's desire that everyone come to him and be saved(2 Peter 3:9). The questions which Paul deals with in these Chapter s was in the mind of every Jew: "If the birth of Christ's CHURCH and the conversion of the Gentiles fulfilled God's Plan to bless and save men, then did not God reverse himself, break his promise to Israel, and reject his own chosen people?" Certainly not! [God forbid is not in the Greek.] God does not reverse himself and change his mind and Plan! In Romans 11:1-10 Paul examines the question of whether Israel's unbelief involves God's rejection of his chosen people. Romans 11:11-24 examines the result of some Jews being excluded from the Messianic Kingdom/Church. Romans 11:25-36 praise God's love, wisdom, and faithfulness, as it is revealed in the ONE PLAN OF SALVATION for both Jew and Gentile. I myself am an Israelite. The Expositor's Greek Testament says this should be taken as meaning: "I, too, am an Israelite, to whom the very idea of God's rejection of His people is an impious and incredible idea, to be repelled with horror."

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Old Testament