If the first piece of bread. The symbolism is taken from Numbers 15:17-21. A portion of the grain-harvest was baked into two loaves (Leviticus 23:17) which were presented to God as a sacrifice. This "first-portion" or first piece made the whole loaf holy, including the produce of the entire land. Two thoughts are presented by this symbolism. (1) MacKnight says: "By this similitude [symbolism] the apostle teaches, that as the first converts from among the Jews were most acceptable to God, and became members of his newly-erected visible church, so, when the whole mass or body of the nation is converted, they, in like manner, will be most acceptable to God, and will become members of his visible church. Other holiness is not competent to a whole nation." (2) The "first piece of bread" is Abraham himself, and the whole loaf is "God's Chosen People." This seems to best fit in with Paul's line of reasoning here. See also Galatians 3:17-18; Galatians 3:29; Romans 11:16 is also further proof of Paul's claim in Romans 11:1-2. National Israel and God's Chosen People are not identically the same; and in rejecting most of National Israel, God has not rejected his Chosen People. If the roots. The root is Abraham, and the branches are God's Chosen People. The symbolism is taken from Jeremiah 11:16-17.

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Old Testament