Some of the branches. In the next seven verses, Paul answers an objection which a Gentile Christian might have to his use of the "root and branches" symbolism. The olive tree, of which Abraham is the root, is the chosen family of Abraham - not his descendants in a natural way (of the flesh), but his descendants in a spiritual way (through faith) who are "children of the promise." Paul draws two special lessons from this: (1) humility, for the Gentiles; (2) hope, for Israel. Have been broken off. Note: not all. but some. And the branch of a wild olive tree. It is very important to notice that the whole cultivated olive tree is not cut down! Only some branches were broken off because of unbelief (Romans 11:20). The wild olive has been joined to the tree among, not instead of, the natural branches which remain. It was the small group of Jewish Christians (Romans 11:5; Romans 11:7) who took the Good News of Christ to the Gentiles!!!

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Old Testament