SO THEN, MY BROTHERS. In the first eleven Chapter s, Paul showed us
man's guilt and God's offer of salvation. Now he shows us the
obligation which God places on those who reach out through faith to
seize the sacrifice of Christ and make themselves part of it. See
notes on _law_ at the end of _chapte... [ Continue Reading ]
DO NOT CONFORM OUTWARDLY. This is an evil age/world (Galatians 1:4)
and Satan is the evil god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). The exact
opposite of "offering yourselves as a living sacrifice," is to _let
the world squeeze you into its mold._ BUT LET GOD TRANSFORM YOU. This
is written to Christian... [ Continue Reading ]
AND BECAUSE OF GOD'S GRACIOUS GIFT TO ME. His authority as an apostle.
DO NOT THINK OF YOURSELVES MORE HIGHLY. Spiritual gifts were likely as
much of a problem (or would be a problem) as at Corinth. Rank has no
place in the messianic community (_compare_ John 13:1-17). Everything
you have has been _... [ Continue Reading ]
WE HAVE MANY PARTS. Our human bodies are made up of many different
parts, each fulfilling its separate function for the good of the
whole.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN THE SAME WAY. Christians form one body or messianic community under
the rule of Christ who is the head. WE ARE ALL JOINED TO EACH OTHER.
Just as the parts of our natural body are joined together. Each
Christian is "Spirit-filled" (Acts 5:32), and the Spirit welds us
together into one body (1 Cori... [ Continue Reading ]
SO WE ARE TO USE OUR DIFFERENT GIFTS. Each one in the messianic
community has his duties, just as the hand or foot or eye of the body.
Compare 1 Corinthians 12:4-7. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE GRACE. Compare
Romans 12:3. Seven gifts are now mentioned. The first four are
"official," and some are supernorm... [ Continue Reading ]
OR IF IT IS TO SERVE. Acts 6:2-3. IF IT IS TO TEACH. A church
leader/elder was supposed to be a teacher.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF IT IS TO ENCOURAGE _OTHERS._ Acts 4:36; Acts 9:26-27. WHOEVER
SHARES. 2 Corinthians 9:11-13. AUTHORITY. 1 PETER 5:1-4. KINDNESS. 2
Corinthians 9:7; Galatians 6:1-2.... [ Continue Reading ]
IS EVIL. A Christian cannot love evil and love God at the same time.
HOLD ON TO WHAT IS GOOD. We are to seize good and make ourselves part
of it.... [ Continue Reading ]
LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Being "one in Christ" is not _make-believe!_ A
_real_ love and kindness welds us together and makes us honor each
other. John 13:35.... [ Continue Reading ]
WORK HARD. A Christian may "burn out," but never "rust out!" SERVE THE
LORD. The "spiritual temperature" is to be _high_ in the messianic
community!!!... [ Continue Reading ]
LET YOUR HOPE KEEP YOU JOYFUL. The _evidence_ of the Holy Spirit
living in the Christian is: faith, hope, and love. From heaven's view,
they are the supreme miracles of divine grace. BE PATIENT IN YOUR
TROUBLES. Romans 5:3-5. PRAY AT ALL TIMES. Luke 18:1. We see this in
the life of Jesus.... [ Continue Reading ]
SHARE YOUR BELONGINGS. Galatians 6:10; Acts 2:44-45; Acts 6:1-7. OPEN
YOUR HOMES TO STRANGERS. The things in this verse were especially
important in the first century, when persecution often forced
Christians to "run for their lives." Christianity is a faith with an
open hand, an open heart, and an... [ Continue Reading ]
ASK GOD TO BLESS. If you can do this, you are a transformed person!
See note on Matthew 5:44. Christ did this as he hung on the cross!!!... [ Continue Reading ]
BE HAPPY. A Christian will share the joys and sorrows of others,
especially other Christians.... [ Continue Reading ]
HAVE THE SAME CONCERN FOR ALL ALIKE. Treat your fellow Christian as
you would want him to treat you. Compare James 2:1-4. DO NOT BE PROUD.
"Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty." Jesus made himself the
servant of others. DO NOT THINK OF YOURSELVES AS WISE. Compare Luke
18:9-14.... [ Continue Reading ]
DO NOT PAY HIM BACK WITH EVIL. Our human nature wants revenge! It may
be hard to return good for evil, _but it is required,_ and the rewards
are great. _See_ John 13:35 and note. TRY TO DO. See Matthew 5:16; 1
Peter 2:12.... [ Continue Reading ]
DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE. Sometimes it is impossible, but it must never
be the Christian who is at fault. Compare Matthew 5:9.... [ Continue Reading ]
NEVER TAKE REVENGE. If someone does you wrong, _you harm yourself by_
taking revenge. Some condition in the church at Rome must have been
the reason for this strong statement from Paul. Not the one who thinks
he has been wronged, but rather God, is the moral judge of all. Paul
quotes Deuteronomy 32:... [ Continue Reading ]
INSTEAD, AS THE SCRIPTURE SAYS. Paul quotes Proverbs 25:21-22
Septuagint. Compare 2 Kings 6:22; Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:27-28. A
Christian is not passively non-resistive, but _actively repays_
hostility with love!!! The purpose of Christ is not to destroy, but to
save!!! This must be our purpose as wel... [ Continue Reading ]
DO NOT LET EVIL DEFEAT YOU. If the Christian takes revenge and returns
evil for evil, he has been defeated. This is Paul's point here.
Conquer evil with good. This is the only answer. Good is stronger than
evil, even though this may not seem true at the time. Taking revenge
does not change your enem... [ Continue Reading ]