Just as sin ruled. Death oppresses all! Leading us to eternal life. This is like a hymn of praise to God! Sin rules by death, God's grace rules by righteousness, and leads us to eternal life!!! (1) The number saved will be larger than the number lost. Since half of mankind dies in infancy, and, having no personal sin, will be saved (as we believe), the number lost may be no larger proportion than the inmates of a prison compared to the community. See Revelation 7:9 and note. (2) The Logos whom we know as Jesus Christ, by his act to set us free, exalts his people to a much higher level of spiritual development, than humanity would have reached, if unfallen. (3)The benefits of Christ's act to set us free extend beyond the human race. See Romans 8:19-22; Colossians 1:20.

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Old Testament