Everything is pure. Compare Peter's vision (Acts 10:9-16), and what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 6:12. The meaning is: "The fulfilling of bodily desires is, when lawful, a pure thing in the case of those who are themselves pure; but this is impure, even when lawful, to those who are themselves impure, defiled and unbelieving." Paul is talking about Christians who make themselves impure by their attitude and unholy life. MacKnight writes: "As the Jews believed themselves the only holy people on the earth, it must have been extremely displeasing to the false teachers of that nation to find themselves represented as polluted like the Gentiles." Lipscomb writes (on Romans 14:1): "A man's faith is weak when it is troubled over untaught and doubtful questions.. It was the duty of Christians to receive these persons of weak and morbid consciences, but not to the discussion of doubtful questions. It is sinful to disturb the peace and harmony of Christians over these untaught questions. The continual discussion of questions of this character will destroy the harmony and zeal of any congregation, and Paul instructs the church not to permit it." The churches should not give such false teachers a platform from which to speak. "Woe to those, who call the bad good and the good bad, who make the light darkness and the darkness light, who make the sweet bitter and the bitter sweet" (Isaiah 5:20 Zamenhof).

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Old Testament