Barclay Daily Study Bible (NT)
1 John 5:1-21
1 JOHN 5:1 @kai.# to,n {C} On the one hand, the absence of kai, in B Y 048 33 62 326 2298 itr vg copsa Speculum _al_ may be the result of accidental oversight; on the other hand, the presence of kai,...
CHAPTER V. _He that believeth is born of God; loves God and his children;_ _and keeps his commandments, which are not grievous_, 1-3. _Faith in Christ overcomes the world_, 4, 5. _The three earthl...
WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST - Is the Messiah; the anointed of God. On the meaning of the word Christ, see the notes at Matthew 1:1. Of course, it is meant here that the proposition, t...
V. HEREBY WE KNOW Chapter S 3:19-5:13 _ 1. Hereby we know that we are of the truth (1 John 3:19)_ 2. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God (1 John 4:1) 3. Hereby know we the Spirit of truth and of error...
The marks of true children of God are a correct view of Christ's person, love to God and one another, obedience to God's commandment, and faith, this being the victorious principle by which the world...
WHOSOEVE. = Every one who. BELIEVETH. App-150. JESUS. App-98. CHRIST. App-98. BORN. begotten. OF. App-104. GOD. App-98. LOVETH. App-135. BEGAT, BEGOTTEN. Same word as "born", above....
Faith is the Source of Love, the Victory over the World and the Possession of Life 1. _Whosoever believeth_ Or, _Every one that believeth_: the construction is identical with that in 1Jn 2:29, 1 John...
1 John 2:29 to 1 John 5:12. God is Love There seems to be no serious break in the Epistle from this point onwards until we reach the concluding verses which form a sort of summary (1 John 5:13-21). T...
1 John 2:29 to 1 John 5:12. GOD IS LOVE There seems to be no serious break in the Epistle from this point onwards until we reach the concluding verses which form a sort of summary (1 John 5:13-21). Th...
1. After ἈΓΑΠΑ͂Ι we should perhaps omit ΚΑΊ with [761], Vulgate, and Thebaic against [762][763][764][765] and Syriac. [761] 4th century. Brought to Rome about 1460. It is entered in the earliest catal...
ΠΙΣΤΕΎΩΝ _praes. act. part. от_ ΠΙΣΤΕΎΩ (G4100) верить, ΌΤ (G3754) что. Частица вводит содержание веры, ΓΕΓΈΝΝΗΤΑΙ _perf. ind. pass. от_ ΓΕΝΝΆΩ (G1080) нести; _pass._ рождаться (_см._ 1 John 2:29; R...
WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST— The apostle had been shewingthe inseparable union between the love of their Christian brother and the love of God: here he shews who was their _Christian...
CHAPTER XIV _RIGHTEOUSNESSDEMONSTRATION OF LOVE_ 1 John 4:17-21; 1 John 5:1-3 A. _The Text_ Herein is love made perfect with us, that we may have boldness in the day of judgement; because as he is...
Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. Why our "brother" (1 John 4:21) is entitled to such lo...
VERSE 1. WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST. The history of apostolic preaching given by the sacred penmen shows that the burden of their message was to induce belief in God's Son. The belie...
3 The spirit of antichrist is the spirit of the world. It does not want the Christ of the Scriptures, but prefers some substitute more suited to its taste. This spirit has come to pervade, not only th...
5:1 begotten (b-11) begotten (b-28) Or 'is born.' as ch. 3.9....
THE LOVE, OBEDIENCE, AND ASSURANCE OF BELIEVERS 1. The reason for brotherly love. 2. This is the converse of 1 John 4:19. Love to God and love to the brethren being inseparable, each is the test of...
HOW CAN I BE SURE? 1 JOHN _IAN MACKERVOY_ CHAPTER 5 *FAITH OVERCOMES THE *WORLD (1 JOHN 5:1-5) V1 Jesus is the *Christ. Everyone who believes this has been born of God. Everyone who loves the fa...
V. (8.) FAITH THE TEST OF LOVE (1 John 5:1). (_a_) _Its power_ (1 John 5:1). (_b_) _The evidence on which it rests_ (1 John 5:6). (_c_) _What it contains_ ...
A reiteration of the doctrine that love for God = love for the brethren. Where either is, the other is also. Love for God is the inner principle, love for the brethren its outward manifestation. The a...
What makes the Commandments of God easy. “Every one that hath faith that Jesus is the Christ hath been begotten of God; and every one that loveth Him that begat loveth him that hath been begotten of H...
THE VICTORIOUS LIFE 1 John 5:1 The “begotten” children of God are constantly referred to in this Epistle. The word indicates the communication, in regeneration, of the divine nature, of which the fi...
The final subject is our fellowship with God in life. This is fundamental, and is shown to be so. The relationship between the life of God and the love of God is self-evident, and that is equally true...
LOVING THE BRETHREN Generally speaking, it is easier to love that which is near and seen than that which is far away and unseen. Earlier, John had said, "No one has seen God at any time (verse 12). It...
Whosoever (1) believeth that Jesus is the (a) Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth (b) him also that is begotten of him. (1) He advances in the same argument, showin...
That Jesus is the Christ, the promised Messias, the Redeemer of the world, is born of God, is made his adoptive son by his grace in baptism. (Witham) --- Is born of God; that is, is justified, and bec...
Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and everyone that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. (2) By this we know that we love the children of God, when...
CONTENTS The Apostle closeth his Epistle with this Chapter. He points out the Victory of the Regenerate. He most blessedly declares, of the three heavenly, and the three earthly Witnesses. And shews,...
1_Whosoever believeth _He confirms by another reason, that faith and brotherly love are united; for since God regenerates us by faith he must necessarily be loved by us as a Father; and this love embr...
But a danger exists on the other side. It may be, that we love the brethren because they are pleasant to us; they furnish us with agreeable society, in which our conscience is not wounded. A counter-p...
WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST,.... Or the Messiah that was prophesied of old, was long promised to the Jews, and whom they expected; there was a person spoken of in the writings of the...
Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. Ver. 1. _Whosoever believeth_] viz. Firmly and fiduciall...
_Whosoever_, &c. The apostle having discoursed in the preceding Chapter s, on the privileges of the children of God, now adds a further illustration of the great essential parts of their character, in...
BELIEVETH THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST; heartily, so as to trust in him for salvation. HIM THAT BEGAT-HIM THAT IS BEGOTTEN; the spiritual child bears the image of God his Father. Hence the love of the Fa...
THE POWER, TESTIMONY, AND SUBSTANCE OF FAITH. The wonderful power of faith:...
“Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and everyone that loveth Him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of Him.” The faith that Jesus is the Christ is here seen to corre...
1-5 True love for the people of God, may be distinguished from natural kindness or party attachments, by its being united with the love of God, and obedience to his commands. The same Holy Spirit tha...
1 JOHN CHAPTER 5 1 JOHN 5:1 He that loveth God loveth God's children, and keeth his commandments. 1 JOHN 5:4,5 A true faith will enable us to overcome the world. 1 JOHN 5:6 The witnesses of our faith....
Irenaeus Against Heresies Book III " Wherefore he again exclaims in his Epistle, "Every one that believeth that Jesus is the Christ, has been born of God; "[298]...
1 John 5:1 Whoever G3956 believes G4100 (G5723) that G3754 Jesus G2424 is G2076 (G5748) Christ G5547 born...
‘Whoever believes that Jesus is the Christ is begotten of God, and whoever loves him who begat loves him also who is begotten of him.' Those who have a true faith in the crucified and resurrected Jesu...
The ruling idea of the third part is Faith in the Spirit's testimony concerning the Son of God incarnate. The close of chap. 3 introduces the theme by the first explicit mention of faith and the Spiri...
THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST (οτ Ιησους εστιν ο Χριστος). The Cerinthian antichrist denies the identity of Jesus and Christ (1 John 2:22). Hence John insists on this form of faith (πιστευων here in the...
1 John 5:1. _Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God._ Take comfort, believer, from that declaration. You have accepted Jesus as the Christ the anointed of God, so the apostle aff...
1 John 5:1. _Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God:_ These are very simple words, but they contain a great depth of meaning. The teaching conveyed by this Epistle is very profou...
CONTENTS: Faith the overcoming principle. The advantages of faith in salvation, prayer, preservation from sin. CHARACTERS: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, Satan, John. CONCLUSION: He who has been born agai...
1 John 5:1. _Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God._ The faith which embraces him as the Lord of glory, has a regenerating influence on the heart. The immediate fruit is love to...
WHOEVER BELIEVES. For the meaning _of faith,_ see note on James 2:19. Faith reaches out to seize the sacrifice of Christ (Acts 2:38 and note). WHOEVER LOVES FATHER. This is another way of saying: love...
1 JOHN—NOTE ON 1 JOHN 5:1 Faith in the Son as the Way to Life. So far, John has written much about love and obedience, but not so much about faith. He now shifts to the importance of believing in the...
FAITH THE SOURCE OF LOVE, AND LOVE THE FRUIT OF FAITH _CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL NOTES_ GENUINE faith in Christ is the sure sign of the new life—faith in the sense of living, daily trust. The faith whi...
EXPOSITION 1 JOHN 5:1 Faith is the source of love. 1 JOHN 5:1 The verse is a sorites. To believe in the Incarnation involves birth from God. To be born of God involves loving God. To love God invol...
Chuck Smith Whosoever believes that Jesus is the Messiah is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him (1 John 5:1). So I say, "I love Jesus. He is...
1 John 2:10; 1 John 2:22; 1 John 2:23; 1 John 2:29; 1 John 3:14;...
Whosoever believeth [π α ς ο π ι σ τ ε υ ω ν]. Lit., every one that believeth. For the characteristic form of expression see on 3 3. The Christ. See on Matthew 1:1, and 1 John 1:7....
SOME THINGS WE MAY KNOW 1 John 5:1, _1 John 5:11_ INTRODUCTORY WORDS There may be some places where uncertainties lend enchantment to the view, but in matters of life and death we want full assuranc...
SALVATION MADE SURE 1 John 5:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS Taking stock is a very important thing with the business man. Laying a good foundation is a very important task with the builder, Feeling the. pulse...
The scope and sum of this whole paragraph appears from the conclusion of it, 1 John 5:13, "These things have I written to you who believe, that ye may know that ye who believe have eternal life." So f...
Observe here, 1. The grand proposition laid down as the object of our faith, namely, THAT JESUS IS THE CHRIST; that is, that Jesus of Nazareth, who was born with, and lived amongst the Jews, was the S...