_ 1:1 Symeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, writes this
letter to those to whom there has been allotted a faith equal in
honour and privilege with our own, through the impartial justice of
our God and Saviour Jesus Christ._
The letter opens wit... [ Continue Reading ]
Since his divine power has bestowed upon us all things that are
necessary for true life and true religion, through the knowledge of
him who called us to his own glory and excellence, and since through
these gifts there have been bestowed upon us precious and very great
promises, that through them we... [ Continue Reading ]
For, if these things exist and increase within you, they will make you
not ineffective and not unfruitful in your progress towards the
knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For whoever does not possess these
things is blind, short-sighted, and has lapsed into forgetfulness that
the sins of his old way... [ Continue Reading ]
It is for this reason that I intend constantly to remind you of these
things, although you already know them, and although you are already
firmly established in the truth which you possess. I think it is
right, so long as I am in this tent, to rouse you by reminding you,
for I know that the time to... [ Continue Reading ]
For it was not cleverly invented fables that we followed when we made
known to you the power and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; it was
because we were made eye-witnesses of his majesty. This happened to us
on that occasion when he received honour and glory from God the
Father, when this voice... [ Continue Reading ]
So this mikes the word of the prophets still more certain for us; and
you will do well to pay attention to it, as it shines like a lamp in a
dingy place, until the day dawns and the Morning Star rises within
your hearts. For you must first and foremost realize that no prophecy
in Scripture permits o... [ Continue Reading ]