About this time Herod the king began to take hostile action to inflict
injury on certain men of the Church. He killed James, John's brother,
with the sword. When he saw that this gave pleasure to the Jews he
went to arrest Peter too. (These were the days of unleavened bread).
When he had seized Pete... [ Continue Reading ]
When Peter had grasped what had happened, he went to the house of
Mary, the mother of John, who was surnamed Mark. There a large number
had assembled together and were praying. When Peter had knocked at the
door of the entrance a maidservant called Rhoda came to answer the
door. She recognized Peter... [ Continue Reading ]
Herod was furious with the people of Tyre and Sidon. But they came to
him with a common purpose. They gained the ear of Blastus the king's
chamberlain and sued for peace because their country was dependent for
its sustenance on the king's territory. Upon an agreed day Herod put
on his royal robes an... [ Continue Reading ]