Jesus said to his disciples, "There was a rich man who had a steward.
He received information against the steward which alleged that he was
dissipating his goods. He called him, and said to him, 'What is this
that I hear about you? Give an account of your stewardship, for you
can no longer be stewar... [ Continue Reading ]
When the Pharisees, who were characteristically fond of money, heard
these things, they derided Jesus. So he said to them, "You are those
who make yourselves look righteous before men, but God knows your
hearts, because that which is exalted amongst men is an abomination
before God.
"The law and th... [ Continue Reading ]
There was a rich man who dressed habitually in purple and fine linen,
and who feasted in luxury every day. A poor man, called Lazarus, was
laid at his gate. He was full of ulcerated sores, and he desired to
satisfy his hunger from the things which fell from the rich man's
table; more, the dogs used... [ Continue Reading ]