Barclay Daily Study Bible (NT)
Matthew 3:1-17
CHAPTER III. _John the Baptist begins to preach_, 1. _The subject of his preaching_, 2, 3. _Description of his clothing and food_, 4. _The success of his ministry_, 5, 6. _His exhortation to the...
IN THOSE DAYS - The days here referred to cannot be those mentioned in the preceding chapter, for John was but six months older than Christ. Perhaps Matthew intended to embrace in his narrative the wh...
3. THE HERALD OF THE KING; THE ENTRANCE UPON HIS PUBLIC MINISTRY. __ 1. The Herald of the King. (Matthew 3:1 .) 2. His Message and His Baptism. (Matthew 3:7 .) 3. The King in Jordan's Waters. (Matth...
JOHN THE BAPTIST (Mark 1:2 *, Luke 3:1) The common Synoptic material begins here. The chief difference from Mk. is the addition of Matthew 3:7 from Q (p. 672), _cf._ Luk
JOHN THE BAPTIST. -- Matthew 3:1-12. GOLDEN TEXT. --_ Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance._ -- Matthew 3:8. TIME. --A. D. 25. Tiberius Cæsar emperor of Rome; Judea. Roman province with Po...
IN. And in. Greek. _en de._ See App-104. IN THOSE DAYS. Hebrew idiom for an indefinite time (Exodus 2:11; Exodus 2:23.Isaiah 38:1, &c): while the Lord, being grown up, was still dwelling in Nazareth....
_In those days_ See Luke 3:1, where the time is defined. _came_ Rather, COMETH. The same word and the same tense as in Matthew 3:13. _John the Baptist_ So named by the other Synoptists and by Josephu...
Matthew 3:1-12. John Baptist preaches in the Wilderness of Judæa. Mark 1:2-8; Luke 3:1-18; John 1:15-34 St Luke does not name the Pharisees and
ἘΝ ΤΑΙ͂Σ ἩΜΈΡΑΙΣ ἘΚΕΊΝΑΙΣ. See Luke 3:1, where the time is defined. ἸΩΆΝΝΗΣ Ὁ ΒΑΠΤΙΣΤΉΣ. So named by the other Synoptists and by Josephus: in the fourth gospel he is called simply John, a note of the...
JOHN BAPTIST PREACHES IN THE WILDERNESS OF JUDÆA Mark 1:2-8; Luke 3:1-18; John 1:15-34 St Matthew alone names the coming of the Pharisees and Sadducees. St Mark’s brief account contains no additional...
_JOHN PREPARED THE WAY FOR JESUS MATTHEW 3:1-6_ John was called “The” Baptist. Never was he called “A Baptist”. Saying John the Baptist identified the fact that he baptized. John “The Barber” would id...
ΈΝ ΔΈ ΤΑΊΣ ΉΜΈΡΑΙ έκείναις "в те дни". Неопределенное указание времени, описывающее некую предшествующую дату (Meyer), ΠΑΡΑΓΊΝΕΤΑΙ _praes. ind. med. (dep.) от_ ΠΑΡΑΓΊΝΟΜΑΙ (G3854) приходить, прибыват...
IN THOSE DAYS— That is, while Jesus was yet at Nazareth, where he dwelt till he entered on his public ministry, in the thirtieth year of his age. It is usual with authors to denote the times they are...
CHAPTER THREE Section 5. THE PREACHING OF JOHN THE BAPTIST (Parallels: Mark 1:1-8; Luke 3:1-18) TEXT: 3:1-12 1. And in those days cometh John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, sa...
In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, For the proper introduction to this section, we must go to -- Luke 3:1. Here, as Bengel well observes, the curtain of th...
18 Compare Jer_31:15. 18 The name “Rama” was a common one for a site on a hill. There was probably such a place near Bethlehem beside the tomb of Rachel, who died there in sorrow (Gen_35:19-20). Ther...
3:1 Judaea, (e-14) See Joshua 15:61 ....
IN THOSE DAYS] i.e. 26 a.d. THE WILDERNESS OF JUDAEA] a desert tract about 10 m. wide to the W. of the Dead Sea, including also the W. bank of the Jordan near its mouth. The chief towns in it were Eng...
APPEARANCE OF THE BAPTIST. BAPTISM OF JESUS 1-12. John the Baptist's ministry. The circumstances of John's birth are detailed in Luke 1 (see notes there). He was sanctified from birth to be the foreru...
MATTHEW’S GOOD NEWS MATTHEW’S *GOSPEL _HILDA BRIGHT_ CHAPTER 3 THE WORK OF JOHN THE *BAPTIST 3:1-12 V1 In those days, John the *Baptist appeared in Judea’s wild country. V2 He taught the people...
III. (1) JOHN THE BAPTIST. — For the birth and early life of the forerunner of the Christ, see Notes on. Luke 1. The manner in which he is mentioned here shows that his name was already well known to...
CHAPTER 3 His Herald - Matthew 3:1 THIRTY years have gone since all Jerusalem was in trouble at the rumour of Messiah's birth. But as nothing has been heard of Him since, the excitement has passed aw...
_John the Baptist appears_ (Mark 1:1-6; Luke 3:1-6)....
ἐν δὲ ταῖς ἡμέραις ἐκείναις : the time when most vaguely indicated. Luke's narrative here (Matthew 3:1) presents a great contrast, as if with conscious intent to supply a want. John's ministry is ther...
THE HERALD PREPARES THE WAY Matthew 3:1-12 Matthew's Gospel heralds the Kingdom. We are allowed to see and listen to the forerunner, whose voice again awoke the hearts of men with prophetic utteranc...
Here ends the old prophetic line, John being the last of the Hebrew prophets. It found a fitting end in the stem ascetic who roused the nation and with vehement passion denounced their rebellion, and...
In (a) those days came (1) John the Baptist, preaching in the (b) wilderness of Judaea, (a) Not when Joseph went to dwell at Nazareth, but a great while after, about fifteen years: for in the 30th yea...
CHAPTER 4 MINISTRY OF JOHN THE BAPTIST BY MATTHEW, MARK, AND LUKE Luke 3:1-2. “In the fifteenth year of the dominion of Tiberius Caesar, Pontius Pilate being governor of Judea, and Herod tetrarch of...
And the same John had his raiment of camel's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey. I include the whole of these verses into one view, for the better app...
CONTENTS This Chapter opens with an account of the ministry of.John the Baptist. The description of his office and ministry. The Chapter closeth with an account of his baptizing the LORD JESUS CHRIST...
God has been pleased, in the separate accounts He has given us of our Lord Jesus, to display not only His own grace and wisdom, but the infinite excellency of His Son. It is our wisdom to seek to prof...
Matthew 3:1_Now in those days _Luke 3:1._And in the fifteenth year _It could not be gathered from Matthew and Mark in what year of his age John began to preach: but Luke shows sufficiently, that he wa...
We now begin His actual history. John the Baptist comes to prepare the way of Jehovah before Him, according to the prophecy of Isaiah; proclaiming that the kingdom of heaven was at hand, and calling o...
IN THOSE DAYS CAME JOHN THE BAPTIST,.... The Evangelist having given an account of the genealogy and birth of Christ; of the coming of the wise men from the east to him; of his preservation from Herod...
In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, Ver. 1. _In those days came John the Baptist_] Whom Chrysologus fitly calleth _fibulam legis et gratiae, _ the bond or buck...
_In those days_ That is, in those years. For, as these events happened near thirty years after those recorded in the former chapter, this phrase is to be taken, in a very extensive sense, for that age...
BAPTIST; the baptizer, a title given to John because he baptized. THE WILDERNESS OF JUDEA; bordering on the Jordan and the Dead sea. It was a rough and thinly settled region, occupied chiefly as a pl...
THE MINISTRY OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. v. 1. IN THOSE DAYS CAME JOHN THE BAPTIST. The method here used by Matthew to introduce a new section in his history of the Savior is one employed by the holy wri...
Though John was of a priestly family, this too is not mentioned. He does not preach in the temple, but in the wilderness of the river Jordan, at least thirteen miles from Jerusalem. For a priest to pr...
1-6 After Malachi there was no prophet until John the Baptist came. He appeared first in the wilderness of Judea. This was not an uninhabited desert, but a part of the country not thickly peopled, no...
MATTHEW CHAPTER 3 MATTHEW 3:1 The preaching of John the Baptist; his office, and manner of living. MATTHEW 3:5,6 He baptizeth in Jordan, MATTHEW 3:7 and rebuketh the Pharisees....
Tertullian On Repentance John holds not his peace, saying, "Enter upon repentance, for now shall salvation approach the nations"[9]...
Matthew 3:1 In G1161 G1722 those G1565 days G2250 John G2491 Baptist G910 came G3854 (G5736) preaching...
THE MINISTRY OF JOHN THE BAPTIST. THE MESSIAH IS REVEALED TO THE WORLD (3:1-17). Many years had passed by of which Matthew tells us nothing. He is not concerned to give us a biography of Jesus' life....
‘And in those days comes John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, saying,' ‘In those days' is a loose connection timewise with what has gone before. ‘Those days' in context probably re...
THE MINISTRY OF JOHN (3:1-10). The ministry of John is first described. He has come to the Judaean wilderness with a message of fruitfulness and hope, calling for a change of heart towards God and tow...
Matthew 3:1. IN THOSE DAYS. Nearly thirty years after the events mentioned in the last chapter (comp. Luke 3:23). Of that long period of private discipline and preparation in Nazareth, only one incide...
John the Baptist, his mission, character, and preaching. The section takes up the Old Testament prophecy (Matthew 3:3), and concludes with an announcement of the coming Messiah (Matthew 3:11-12), whos...
AND IN THOSE DAYS COMETH JOHN THE BAPTIST (εν δε ταις ημεραις παραγινετα Ιωανης ο Βαπτιστης). Here the synoptic narrative begins with the baptism of John (Matthew 3:1; Mark 1:2; Luke 3:1) as given b...
Matthew 3:1 I. John was the finisher of one, and the introducer of a new dispensation. His words found an echo in all hearts, for what had stirred in him had been stirring in the Jews, only they could...
Matthew 3:1 Morality and Religion. I. As far as we know of the preaching of John the Baptist, it consisted in what we should call the enforcement of moral duties. Soon after, our Lord Himself began H...
Matthew 3:1. _In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, and saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand._ There is no entering the kingdom of heaven with...
Matthew 3:1. _In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, and saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand._ His was a preparatory ministry; his work was to...
We are going to read three passages relating to John the Baptist's testimony concerning Christ. Matthew 3:1. In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, and saying, Re...
CONTENTS: Ministry of John the Baptist and baptism of Jesus. CHARACTERS: God, Jesus, John. CONCLUSION: To follow Jesus in the waters of baptism is to publicly acknowledge our separation from sin, de...
Matthew 3:1. _In those days came John the Baptist._ When the time of the seventy weeks was fulfilled, when the sceptre was departed from Judah, and when all the east, according to Suetonius, expected...
AT THAT TIME. Between 25 and 30 years have passed since the end of _chapter 2._ JOHN THE BAPTIST CAME. Called the "Baptist" because he baptized. He was a reformer and preacher, who led the religious ...
_John the Baptist._ I. The special mission of the Baptist. 1. He wag the herald of the Messiah. 2. He belonged, properly, neither to the Mosaic nor to the Christian dispensation. His was a transiti...
MATTHEW—NOTE ON MATTHEW 3:1 John the Baptist Prepares for the Messianic Kingdom. John now appears, preaching in the Judean desert. It is more than 25 years since Joseph and his family moved back to N...
JOHN THE BAPTIST PREPARES THE WAY FOR JESUS MATTHEW 3:1-12; MARK 1:2-8; LUKE 3:2-18; MATTHEW 3:1 In those days came John the Baptist,...
CHAPTER 3 _In those days_, &c. This was in the fifteenth year of Tiberius, as S. Luke says, when John and Christ were about thirty years of age. Matthew passes at once from the childhood of Christ to...
_CRITICAL NOTES_ Matthew 3:1. IN THOSE DAYS.—Of Christ’s secluded life at Nazareth (see Luke 3:1, etc.) St. Matthew passes over a period of nearly thirty years (Luke 3:23). PREACHING.—Lt heralding; ma...
EXPOSITION MATTHEW 3:1 THE HERALD. His public appearance and proclamation (Matthew 3:1, Matthew 3:2), as foretold by Scripture ...
Chapter Three In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea (Matthew 3:1). Now we have the silent years of Christ. We are jumping now from the return to Nazareth to the b...
Acts 1:22; Acts 13:24; Acts 13:25; Acts 19:3; Acts 19:4;...
In those days. The phrase is indefinite, but always points back to a preceding date; in this case to the date of the settlement of the family at Nazareth. "In those days," i e., some time during the n...
THE PREACHING AND BAPTISM OF JOHN Matthew 3:1 INTRODUCTORY WORDS We wish to present the great theme of John the Baptist as he preached in the wilderness of Judea. 1. THERE IS THE POSITIVE STATEMENT...
In those days — that is, while Jesus dwelt there. In the wilderness of Judea — This was a wilderness properly so called, a wild, barren, desolate place as was that also where our Lord was tempted. But...
Observe here, 1. The preacher sent by God, JOHN THE BAPTIST,. pattern of mortification, and. preacher of repentance. Observe, 2. The place he is sent to preach in, THE WILDERNESS OF JUDEA; not in pop...