1 Corinthians 7:5

7:5 (b-1) It means to 'deprive another of anything wrongfully.' so that it has the sense of 'rob,' 'defraud;' but with the sense of taking away, or depriving of, what another had a right to. Such is the sense. I have said 'defraud,' as it is the same word as in ch. 6.7,8. The sense is just the same;... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 7:6

7:6 [to], (c-7) Or 'permitting' it. Not 'by permission;' that would imply that he said it by the Lord's permission. He said it in the way of permission, not as command.... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Corinthians 7:28

7:28 have (b-17) Or 'she has.' I say 'they' to embrace both sexes, which the 'such' ( _ toioutoi_ , plural), and what follows, distinctly implies. The Greek for 'virgin' is feminine from its primary natural reference, but see Revelation 14:4 .... [ Continue Reading ]

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