1 Kings 7:14

7:14 Naphtali, (a-10) See 2 Chronicles 2:14 . brass; (b-22) Or 'copper,' or 'bronze,' as elsewhere. wisdom (c-28) Or 'skill.'... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 7:21

7:21 for (e-7) Or 'near,' or 'at.' Jachin; (f-24) Meaning, 'He will establish.' Boaz. (g-36) Meaning, 'in Him is strength.'... [ Continue Reading ]

1 Kings 7:40

7:40 lavers, (b-5) Some read 'cauldrons' or 'pots,' cf. ver. 45. bowls. (c-11) 'Bowls' or 'basons' to receive the blood for sprinkling; as Exodus 27:3 ; Numbers 7:13 ; and so vers. 45,50.... [ Continue Reading ]

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