Acts 7 - Introduction

1:2 up; (a-21) The word means 'receiving,' but with the prefix ( _ ana_ ) 'up,' as here, it has the active sense of 'taking up.' It is so translated except in 1 Timothy 3:16 . The more passive reception is seen in Acts 3:21 , where another word is used.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 7:17

7:17 promised (g-12) The Greek means 'openly saying you will give,' Matthew 14:7 . But we have no suited word but 'promise.' It is not the same word as in 'the time of promise.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 7:31

7:31 [the] (c-22) The sentence is without the article and therefore much more emphatic. 'Lord' is a solemn title. The expression amounts to 'there came an utterance of Jehovah.'... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 7:34

7:34 it; (e-30) It has the sense of 'taking to or for oneself,' not merely deliverance as by removing the scourge, but by taking the people.... [ Continue Reading ]

Acts 7:59

7:59 praying, (h-5) Lit. 'invoking,' 'calling on,' but in English we must have a word after this, which mars the connexion here. The Authorized Version seems to separate God and the Lord Jesus. 'Calling on the Lord' would leave out God. The Spirit of God, I doubt not, has purposely left out both 'Lo... [ Continue Reading ]

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