Colossians 4 - Introduction
1:3 [when] (b-15) Or omit [when]. Ver. 9 proves this to be probably the true sense.... [ Continue Reading ]
1:3 [when] (b-15) Or omit [when]. Ver. 9 proves this to be probably the true sense.... [ Continue Reading ]
4:5 opportunities. (b-8) See Note, Ephesians 5:16 .... [ Continue Reading ]
4:7 minister (c-7) _ Diakonos_ , ver. 17 _ diakonia_ . see Note, 1 Corinthians 4:1 .... [ Continue Reading ]
4:11 who (d-20) 'Who are such as have been.'... [ Continue Reading ]
4:12 complete (e-30) Or, possibly, 'fully assured,' as ch. 2.2; 1 Thessalonians 1:5 ; Hebrews 6:11 ; Hebrews 10:22 . will (f-34) Lit. 'in every will of God,' everything that is such.... [ Continue Reading ]
4:17 ministry (c-9) _ Diakonos_ , ver. 17 _ diakonia_ . see Note, 1 Corinthians 4:1 . fulfil (g-22) _ Pleroo_ , as ch. 1.9, and 'complete,' ch. 1.25; 2.10.... [ Continue Reading ]