Luke 12:1

12:1 first, (b-26) Some read 'first of all beware.' but needlessly, I think. It was the first thing on his heart to tell them. Beware (c-27) See Note to Matthew 16:6 .... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:32

12:32 not, (e-2) There is an emphatic article here, impossible to translate into English. '[you who are] the little flock.' It is the character Christ gives to them as attached to him in the midst of the world.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 12:58

12:58 For (b-1) The 'For' here is the practical conclusion the Lord draws as to the need of Israel's reconciling itself with God. 'Hearing what I say, that is what you have to do.' lest (c-21) See Notes, Matthew 5:25 and Mark 4:12 .... [ Continue Reading ]

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