Luke 6:1

6:1 second-first (d-8) The expression 'second-first sabbath' is explained thus. The year, as regards the worship of God amongst the Jews, began with the month Abib (Heb. 'green corn'), which lasted from the middle of March to the middle of April. In Leviticus 23 , in which we find the Jewish feasts... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 6:38

6:38 given (b-21) Lit. 'they shall give.' in ver. 44, 'they gather not' and 'they vintage not.' An example of Luke's use of the third person active of a verb impersonally with a passive sense. Also chs. 12.20; 14.35; 16.4,9; 23.31.... [ Continue Reading ]

Luke 6:44

6:44 gathered (b-14) Lit. 'they shall give.' in ver. 44, 'they gather not' and 'they vintage not.' An example of Luke's use of the third person active of a verb impersonally with a passive sense. Also chs. 12.20; 14.35; 16.4,9; 23.31.... [ Continue Reading ]

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