Matthew 10 - Introduction

1:11 away (a-14) In those days conquerors transported conquered nations to distant seats, and replaced them by others, that national feeling might not subsist, but dependence be complete. 'Carrying away' is feeble for this, but I know no other word.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:1

10:1 power (d-12) Or 'authority.' _ exousia_ not _ dunamis_ . More than authority, but not simply _ dunamis_ ; it is more than _ dunamis_ , as it includes the right to exercise this. Hence 'power' is nearer to it in English. _ dunamis_ is the ability to do a thing. Cf. Luke 4:36 .... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:12

10:12 into (a-5) Lit. 'the.' it hardly alludes to the house in ver. 11, for ver. 13 seems to preclude this. It is going into the house, in contrast with the street.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:24

10:24 the (d-1) the (d-9) There is no article in the original, but 'disciple' and 'bondman' come after the verb and are characteristic.... [ Continue Reading ]

Matthew 10:28

10:28 of (g-5) Here, and in the parallel passage, Luke 12:4 , we have _ apo_ , 'from.' It is not so used elsewhere that I know of in the New Testament. Here it may have the force of 'shrinking from through fear.' hell. (h-30) _ Gehenna_ .... [ Continue Reading ]

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