1:11 away (a-14) In those days conquerors transported conquered
nations to distant seats, and replaced them by others, that national
feeling might not subsist, but dependence be complete. 'Carrying away'
is feeble for this, but I know no other word.... [ Continue Reading ]
4:4 written, (f-7) Deuteronomy 8:3 .... [ Continue Reading ]
4:5 temple, (g-18) _ Hieron_ , the general buildings. The house
itself, the shrine, is _ Naos_ .... [ Continue Reading ]
4:6 written, (h-17) Psalms 91:11-12 .... [ Continue Reading ]
4:7 written, (i-8) Deuteronomy 6:16 . Lord (k-14) 'Jehovah.' see ch.
1.20.... [ Continue Reading ]
4:9 homage. (l-19) _ Proskuneo_ . an act of personal reverence and
homage. What in modern language is called 'worship' is _ Latreuo_ , as
'serve,' ver. 10. The nearest to this in the use of _ proskuneo_ is
John 4:23 ,John 4:24 .... [ Continue Reading ]
4:10 homage (l-17) _ Proskuneo_ . an act of personal reverence and
homage. What in modern language is called 'worship' is _ Latreuo_ , as
'serve,' ver. 10. The nearest to this in the use of _ proskuneo_ is
John 4:23 ,John 4:24 . written, (m-13) Deuteronomy 6:13 .... [ Continue Reading ]
4:11 ministered (n-11) _ Diakoneo_ , as ch. 27.55; and 'serve,' ch.
20.28.... [ Continue Reading ]
4:13 sea-side (o-15) The Lake of Tiberias. see John 6:1 .... [ Continue Reading ]
4:14 saying, (a-13) Isaiah 9:1 ,Isaiah 9:2 .... [ Continue Reading ]
4:20 trawl-nets, (b-6) Lit. 'the trawl-nets.' The word is supposed to
derive from the verb 'to cast.' so Mark 1:18 ; Luke 5:2-6 ; John
21:6-11 ; 'seine,' in Matthew 13:47 , is a net drawn round from the
shore.... [ Continue Reading ]
4:21 the (c-20) It is well to notice here an habitual use of the
article. It is a known rule that contrast, and hence one part of a
thing as contradistinguished from another, has the article. This is
the case with 'ship' and 'mountain' in the gospels. 'he was' or 'went'
'on board ship;' not a partic... [ Continue Reading ]
4:24 pains, (d-25) 'Torments,' or 'tortures.'... [ Continue Reading ]
4:25 Decapolis, (e-9) Meaning, 'ten towns' -- a district with ten
towns in NE. Palestine.... [ Continue Reading ]