Philippians 2:1

2:1 comfort (g-6) 'Encouragement,' by word or any way. The apostle beautifully alludes to what he felt by their sending supply to him from so far; and adds, If you want me to be fully happy, be at one among yourselves.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:7

2:7 himself, (n-3) I have no doubt all this is in contrast with the first Adam. The history of the second man is that he made himself of no reputation (or emptied himself) in becoming a man. place (o-10) _ Genomenos_ , aorist participle, the same word as is translated 'becoming' in v. 8. 'Being made... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:13

2:13 works (c-6) working (c-14) Internal operation of power, though seen in results, as Matthew 14:2 ; Colossians 1:29 . Not as 'work out' in ver. 12.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:15

2:15 generation; (d-20) See Deuteronomy 32:5 , LXX. appear (e-24) 'Appear;' used in the middle voice for the rising or appearing of the heavenly bodies; so here with 'lights,' i.e. 'luminaries,' as Revelation 21:11 .... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:27

2:27 death, (h-8) 'Almost the same as dead,' or 'in like manner;' as Hebrews 2:14 , where the object is not the _ essential_ sameness, but the similarity of the _ form and manner_ .... [ Continue Reading ]

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