What he had previously taught by two similitudes, he now confirms by
examples. The Corinthians grew wanton, and gloried, as if they had
served out their time, (520) or at least had finished their course,
when they had scarcely left the starting-point. This vain exultation
and confidence he represses... [ Continue Reading ]
3._The same spiritual meat _He now makes mention of the other
sacrament, which corresponds to the Holy Supper of the Lord. “The
manna,” says he, “and the water that flowed forth from the rock,
served not merely for the food of the body, but also for the spiritual
nourishment of souls.” It is true, t... [ Continue Reading ]
4._That rock was Christ _Some absurdly pervert these words of Paul, as
if he had said, that Christ was the spiritual rock, and as if he were
not speaking of that rock which was a visible sign, for we see that he
is expressly treating of outward signs. The objection that they make
— that the rock is... [ Continue Reading ]
5._But many of them. _We have now the reason why the Apostle has
premised these things — that we might not claim for ourselves any
dignity or excellence above them, but might walk in humility and fear,
for thus only shall we secure, that we have not been favored in vain
with the light of truth, and... [ Continue Reading ]
6._Now these things were types to us. _He warns us in still more
explicit terms, that we have to do with the punishment that was
inflicted upon them, so that they are a lesson to us, that we may not
provoke the anger of God as they did. “God,” says he, “in
punishing them has set before us, as in a p... [ Continue Reading ]
7._Neither be ye idolaters _He touches upon the history that is
recorded in Exodus 32:7, etc. For when Moses made a longer stay upon
the mountain than the unseemly fickleness of the people could endure,
Aaron was constrained to make a calf, and set it up as an object of
worship. Not that the people... [ Continue Reading ]
8._Neither let us commit fornication _Now he speaks of _fornication_,
in respect of which, as appears from historical accounts, great
licentiousness prevailed among the Corinthians, and we may readily
infer from what goes before, that those who had professed themselves
to be Christ’s were not yet al... [ Continue Reading ]
9._Neither let us tempt Christ _This part of the exhortation refers to
the history that is recorded in Numbers 21:6. For the people, having
become weary of the length of time, began to complain of their
condition, and to expostulate with God — “Why has God deceived
us,” etc. This murmuring of the pe... [ Continue Reading ]
10._Neither murmur ye _Others understand this to be the murmuring that
arose, when the twelve, who had been sent to spy out the land,
disheartened, on their return, the minds of the people. But as that
murmuring was not punished suddenly by any special chastisement from
the Lord, but was simply foll... [ Continue Reading ]
11._Now all these things happened as types. _He again repeats it —
that all these things happened to the Israelites, that they might be
types to us — that is, examples, in which God places his judgments
before our _eyes _I am well aware, that others philosophize on these
words with great refinement,... [ Continue Reading ]
12._Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth _The Apostle concludes
from what goes before, that we must not glory in our beginnings or
progress, so as to resign ourselves to carelessness and inactivity.
(562) For the Corinthians gloried in their condition in such a way,
that, forgetting their wea... [ Continue Reading ]
13._No temptation has taken you. _(566) Let others take their own way
of interpreting this. For my part, I am of opinion that it was
intended for their consolation, lest on hearing of such appalling
instances of the wrath of God, as he had previously related, they
should feel discouraged, being over... [ Continue Reading ]
14._Wherefore, my beloved, flee, etc. _The Apostle now returns to the
particular question, from which he had for a little digressed, for,
lest bare doctrine should have little effect among them, he has
introduced those general exhortations that we have read, but now he
pursues the discussion on whic... [ Continue Reading ]
15._I speak as to wise men. _As he was about to take his argument from
the mystery of the Supper, he arouses them by this little preface,
that they may consider more attentively the magnitude of the thing.
(573) “I do not address mere novices. You understand the efficacy of
the sacred Supper in it w... [ Continue Reading ]
16._The cup of blessing _While the sacred Supper of Christ has two
elements — bread and wine — he begins with the second. He calls
it, _the cup of blessing_, as having been set apart for a mystical
benediction. (574) For I do not agree with those who understand
_blessing to _mean _thanksgiving_, and... [ Continue Reading ]
17._For we are one bread. _I have already stated above, that it was
not Paul’s particular design here to exhort us to love, but he
mentions this by the way, that the Corinthians may understand that we
must, even by external profession, maintain that unity which subsists
between us and Christ, inasmu... [ Continue Reading ]
18._Behold Israel after the flesh _He establishes it by another
example, that such is the nature of all sacred observances, that they
bind us in a kind of fellowship with God. For the law of Moses admits
no one to a feast upon a sacrifice, but the man who has duly prepared
himself. I speak not of pr... [ Continue Reading ]
19._What do I say then? _It might seem at first view as if the Apostle
either argued inconclusively, or ascribed to idols something of
existence and of power. Now it might readily be objected — “What
comparison is there between the living God and idols? God connects us
with himself by the sacraments... [ Continue Reading ]
20._But the things _(585) _that the Gentiles sacrifice. _To complete
the answer, a negative must be understood in this way: “I do not say
that _an idol is anything_, nor do I imagine it to be endued with any
virtue, but I say that _the Gentiles sacrifice to the devil and not to
gods _those things wh... [ Continue Reading ]
22._Do we provoke the Lord _? Having laid down the doctrine, he
assumes a more vehement tone, from observing, that what was a most
atrocious offense against God was regarded as nothing, or, at least,
was looked upon as a very trivial error. The Corinthians wished the
liberty that they took to be rec... [ Continue Reading ]
23._All things are lawful for me _Again he returns to the right of
Christian liberty, by which the Corinthians defended themselves, and
sets aside their objection by giving the same explanation as before.
“To eat of meats that were sacrificed, and be present at the
banquet, was an outward thing, and... [ Continue Reading ]
24._Let no one seek his own. _He handles the same subject in the 14th
Chapter of the Romans. _Let no one please himself_, _but endeavor to
please his brethren for their edification _This is a precept that is
very necessary, for we are so corrupted by nature, that every one
consults his own interests... [ Continue Reading ]
25._Whatsoever is sold in the shambles _He has spoken above of
dissembling in connection with idolatry, or, at least, as to those
actions which the Corinthians could not engage in, without professing
themselves to be the associates of the wicked in their superstitions.
He now requires them, not mere... [ Continue Reading ]
26._The earth is the Lord’s _He establishes, from the testimony of
David, the liberty which he had allowed. (Psalms 24:1, and Psalms
50:12.) But it will be asked by some one, “What has this to do with
the point?” I answer, If _the fullness of the earth _(599) _is the
Lord’s_, there is nothing in the... [ Continue Reading ]
27._If any one of them that believe not invites you. _Here follows an
exception, to this effect, that if a believer has been warned, that
what is set before him has been offered to an idol, and sees that
there is a danger of offense being given, he sins against the brethren
if he does not abstain. H... [ Continue Reading ]
29._Conscience, I say, not thine own _He always carefully takes heed
not to diminish liberty, or to appear to take from it in any degree.
“Thou oughtest to bear with the weak conscience of thy brother, that
thou mayest not abuse thy right, so as to give occasion of offense to
him; but in the meantim... [ Continue Reading ]
30._If therefore by grace. _This argument is similar to the preceding
one, or nearly so. “As it is owing to the kindness of God that _all
things are lawful for me, _why should I act in such a manner, that it
should be reckoned to my account as a vice?” We cannot, it is true,
prevent the wicked from... [ Continue Reading ]
31._Whether, therefore, ye eat, or drink _Lest they should think, that
in so small a matter they should not be so careful to avoid blame, he
teaches that there is no part of our life, and no action so minute,
(605) that it ought not to be directed to the glory of God, and that
we must take care that... [ Continue Reading ]
32._Be not occasions of stumbling to any _This is the _second _point,
which it becomes us to have an eye to — the rule of love. A desire,
then, for the glory of God, holds the _first _place; a regard to our
neighbor holds the _second _He makes mention of _Jews and Gentiles_,
not merely because the C... [ Continue Reading ]
33._Even as I please all men in all this _As he speaks in a general
way, and without exception, some extend it by mistake to things that
are unlawful, and at variance with the word of the Lord — as if it
were allowable, for the sake of our neighbor, to venture farther than
the Lord permits us. It is... [ Continue Reading ]