1._It is generally reported that there is among you. _Those
contentions having originated, as has been observed, in presumption
and excessive confidence, he most appropriately proceeds to make
mention of their diseases, the knowledge of which should have the
effect of humbling them. First of all, he... [ Continue Reading ]
2._And ye are puffed up _“_Are _ye not ashamed,” says he, “to
glory in what affords so much occasion for humiliation?” He had
observed previously, that even the highest excellence gives no just
ground of glorying, inasmuch as mankind have nothing of their own, and
it is only through the grace of God... [ Continue Reading ]
3._I truly, _etc. As the Corinthians were wanting in their duty,
having condemned their negligence, he now shows what ought to be done.
In order that this stain may be removed, they must cast out this
incestuous person from the society of the faithful. He prescribes,
then, as a remedy for the diseas... [ Continue Reading ]
4._When you are gathered together and my spirit _— that is, when ye
are _gathered together _with me, but _in spirit_, for they could not
meet together as to bodily presence. He declares, however, that it
would be all one as though he were personally present. It is to be
carefully observed, that Paul... [ Continue Reading ]
5._To deliver to Satan for the destruction of the flesh. _As the
Apostles had been furnished with this power among others, that they
could _deliver over to Satan _wicked and obstinate persons, and made
use of him as a scourge to correct them, Chrysostom, and those that
follow him, view these words o... [ Continue Reading ]
6._Your glorying is not good_. He condemns their glorying, not simply
because they extolled themselves beyond what is lawful for man, but
because they delighted themselves in their faults. He had previously
stripped mankind of all glory; for he had shown that, as they have
nothing of their own, what... [ Continue Reading ]
7._Purge out therefore _Having borrowed a similitude from _leaven_, he
pursues it farther, though he makes a transition from a particular
point to a general doctrine. For he is no longer speaking of the case
of incest, but exhorts them generally to purity of life, on the ground
that we cannot remain... [ Continue Reading ]
8.Now, in the solemnity of this sacred feast we must abstain from
_leaven_, as God commanded the fathers to abstain. But from what
leaven? As the outward passover was to them a figure of the true
_passover_, so its appendages were figures of the reality which we at
this day possess. If, therefore, w... [ Continue Reading ]
9._I wrote to you in an epistle. _The epistle of which he speaks is
not at this day extant. Nor is there any doubt that many others are
lost. It is enough, however, that those have been preserved to us
which the Lord foresaw would suffice. But this passage, in consequence
of its obscurity, has been... [ Continue Reading ]
10._Since you would have required. _It is as to this clause especially
that interpreters are not agreed. For some say, “You must sooner
quit Greece.” Ambrose, on the other hand, says, “You must rather
die.” Erasmus turns it into the optative, as if Paul said, “Would
that it were allowable for you to... [ Continue Reading ]
11._If he who is called a brother _In the Greek there is a participle
(300) without a verb. (301) Those that view this as referring to what
follows, bring out here a forced meaning, and at variance with
Paul’s intention. I confess, indeed, that that is a just sentiment,
(302) and worthy of being par... [ Continue Reading ]
12._For what have I to do to judge them that are without _? There is
nothing to hinder us from judging these also — nay more, even devils
themselves are not exempt from the judgment of the word which is
committed to us. But Paul is speaking here of the jurisdiction that
belongs peculiarly to the Chu... [ Continue Reading ]
13._Put away that wicked person. _This is commonly explained as
referring to the person who was guilty of an illicit connection with
his mother-in-law. For as to those who understand the expression to
mean — “Put away _evil _or _wickedness_, ” they are refuted by
the Greek words made use of by Paul,... [ Continue Reading ]