1._For we know. _Here follows an amplification
(επεξεργασια) or embellishment of the foregoing statement.
(507) For Paul has it in view, to correct in us impatience, dread, and
dislike of the cross, contempt for what is mean, and in fine, pride,
and effeminacy; and this can only be accomplished by r... [ Continue Reading ]
3._Since clothed _He restricts to believers, what he had stated
respecting the certainty of a future life, as it is a thing peculiar
to them. For the wicked, too, are stripped of the body, but as they
bring nothing within the view of God, but a disgraceful nakedness,
they are, consequently, not clot... [ Continue Reading ]
4._We groan, being burdened, because we desire not to be unclothed.
_The wicked, too, _groan, _because they are not contented with their
present condition; but afterwards an opposite disposition prevails,
that is, a clinging to life, so that they view death with horror, and
do not feel the long cont... [ Continue Reading ]
5._Now he that hath fitted us. _This is added in order that we may
know, that this disposition is supernatural. For mere natural feeling
will not lead us forward to this, for it does not comprehend that
hundredfold recompense which springs from the _dying _of a single
_grain. _(John 12:24.) We must,... [ Continue Reading ]
6._Therefore we are always confident _That is, as exercising
dependence on the _earnest of the Spirit; _for, otherwise, we always
tremble, or, at least, are courageous or alarmed by turns, and do not
retain a uniform and even tenor of mind. Hence, that good courage of
which Paul speaks has no place... [ Continue Reading ]
7._For we walk by faith _ (Εἰδος) I have here rendered _aspectum
_ _, _(_sight,_) because few understood the meaning of the word
_species _ _, _(_appearance._) (520) He states the reason, why it is
that we are now _absent from the Lord _— because we do not as yet
see him _face to face. _(1 Corinthia... [ Continue Reading ]
8._We are confident, I say _He again repeats, what he had said
respecting the confidence of the pious — that they are so far from
breaking down under the severity of the cross, and from being
disheartened by afflictions, that they are made thereby more
courageous. For the worst of evils is death, ye... [ Continue Reading ]
9._Wherefore we strive. _Having shown how magnanimous Christians ought
to be in the endurance of afflictions, (531) so that even in dying
they may be conquerors over death, and that too, because by
afflictions and death they attain to a blessed life, he now from the
same source draws also another co... [ Continue Reading ]
10._We must be manifested. _Though this is common to all, yet all
without distinction do not raise their views in such a way as to
consider every moment, that they must appear before the judgment-seat
of Christ. But while Paul, from a holy desire of acting aright,
constantly sisted himself before th... [ Continue Reading ]
11._Knowing therefore. _He now returns to speak of himself, or he
again applies the general doctrine to himself personally. “I am not
ignorant,” says he, “nor devoid of the fear of God, which ought to
reign in the hearts of all the pious.” To _know the terror of the
Lord, _then, is to be influenced... [ Continue Reading ]
12._For we commend not ourselves. _He confirms what he had said
immediately before, and at the same time anticipates a calumny that
might be brought against him. For it might seem as if he were too
careful as to his own praise, inasmuch as he spoke so frequently
respecting himself. Nay, it is probab... [ Continue Reading ]
13._Whether we are beside ourselves. _This is said by way of
concession; for Paul’s glorying was sane, or it was, if we may so
term it, a sober and most judicious madness; (542) but as he appeared
foolish in the eyes of many, he speaks according to their views. Now
he declares two things: in the _fi... [ Continue Reading ]
14._For the love of Christ. _The term _love _may be taken either in a
_passive _signification, or in an _active. _I prefer the latter. For
if we be not harder than iron, we cannot refrain from devoting
ourselves entirely to Christ, when we consider what great love he
exercised towards us, when he en... [ Continue Reading ]
16._Therefore we henceforth know no man. _To _know, _here, is taken as
meaning to _reckon. _“We do not judge according to external
appearance, so as to reckon that man to be the most illustrious who
seems so in appearance.” Under the term _flesh, _he includes all
external endowments which mankind ar... [ Continue Reading ]
17._Therefore if any man is in Christ. _As there is something wanting
in this expression, it must be supplied in this way — “_If any one
_is desirous to hold some place _in Christ, _that is, in the kingdom
of Christ, or in the Church (551) let him be a _new creature _” By
this expression he condemns... [ Continue Reading ]
18._All things are of God. _He means, all things that belong to
Christ’s kingdom. “If we would be Christ’s, we must be
regenerated by God. Now that is no ordinary gift.” He does not,
therefore, speak here of creation generally; but of the grace of
regeneration, which God confers peculiarly upon his... [ Continue Reading ]
19._God was in Christ. _Some take this as meaning simply — _God
reconciled the world to himself in Christ; _but the meaning is fuller
and more _comprehensive _— _first, _that God was in Christ; and,
_secondly, _that he reconciled the world to himself by his
intercession. It is also of the Father tha... [ Continue Reading ]
20._As if God did beseech you _This is of no small importance for
giving authority to the embassy: nay more, it is absolutely necessary,
for who would rest upon the testimony of men, in reference to his
eternal salvation? It is a matter of too much importance, to allow of
our resting contented with... [ Continue Reading ]
21._Him who knew no sin. _Do you observe, that, according to Paul,
there is no return to favor with God, except what is founded on the
sacrifice of Christ alone? Let us learn, therefore, to turn our views
in that direction, whenever we desire to be absolved from guilt. He
now teaches more clearly, w... [ Continue Reading ]