1._Simon Peter. _Prayer takes the first place at the beginning of this
Epistle, and then follows thanksgiving, by which he excites the Jews
to gratitude, lest they should forget what great benefits they had
already received from God's hand. Why he called himself the _servant
and an apostle of Jesus... [ Continue Reading ]
2._Grace and peace. _By grace is designated God’s paternal favor
towards us. We have indeed been once for all reconciled to God by the
death of Christ, and by faith we come to the possession of this so
great a benefit; but as we perceive the grace of God according to the
measure of our faith, it is... [ Continue Reading ]
3._According as his divine power. _He refers to the infinite goodness
of God which they had already experienced, that they might more fully
understand it for the future. For he continues the course of his
benevolence perpetually to the end, except when we ourselves break it
off by our unbelief; for... [ Continue Reading ]
4._Whereby are given to us. _It is doubtful whether he refers only to
glory and power, or to the preceding things also. The whole difficulty
arises from this, — that what is here said is not suitable to the
glory and virtue which God confers on us; but if we read, “by his
own glory and power,” there... [ Continue Reading ]
5_And besides this. _As it is a work arduous and of immense labor, to
put off the corruption which is in us, he bids us to strive and make
every effort for this purpose. He intimates that no place is to be
given in this case to sloth, and that we ought to obey God calling us,
not slowly or carelessl... [ Continue Reading ]
8._For if these things be in you. _Then, he says, you will at length
prove that Christ is really known by you, if ye be endued with virtue,
temperance, and the other endowments. For the knowledge of Christ is
an efficacious thing and a living root, which brings forth fruit. For
by saying that these... [ Continue Reading ]
9._But he that lacketh these things. _He now expresses more clearly
that they who profess a naked faith are wholly without any true
knowledge. He then says that they go astray like the blind in
darkness, because they do not see the right way which is shewn to us
by the light of the gospel. (151) Thi... [ Continue Reading ]
10._Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence. _He draws this
conclusion, that it is one proof that we have been really elected, and
not in vain called by the Lord, if a good conscience and integrity of
life correspond with our profession of faith. And he infers, that
there ought to be more lab... [ Continue Reading ]
He explains the way or means of persevering, when he says, _an
entrance shall be ministered to you. _The import of the words is this:
“God, by ever supplying you abundantly with new graces, will lead
you to his own kingdom.” And this was added, that we may know, that
though we have already passed fr... [ Continue Reading ]
12._Wherefore I will not be negligent_. As we seem to distrust either
the memory or the attention of those whom we often remind of the same
thing, the Apostle makes this modest excuse, that he ceased not to
press on the attention of the faithful what was well known and fixed
in their minds, because... [ Continue Reading ]
13._Yea, I think it meet, _or _right_. He expresses more clearly how
useful and how necessary is admonition, because it is needful to
arouse the faithful, for otherwise torpor will creep in from the
flesh. Though, then, they might not have wanted teaching, yet he says
that the goads of admonitions w... [ Continue Reading ]
14_I must put off this my tabernacle. _Literally the words are,
“Short is the putting; away of this tabernacle.” By this mode of
speaking, and afterwards by the word “departing,” he designates
death, which it behooves us to notice; for we are here taught how much
death differs from perdition. Beside... [ Continue Reading ]
16._For we have not followed cunningly devised fables. _It gives us
much courage, when we know that we labor in a matter that is certain.
Lest, then, the faithful should think that in these labors they were
beating the air, he now comes to set forth the certainty of the
gospel; and he denies that an... [ Continue Reading ]
17._For he received from God the Father. _He chose one memorable
example out of many, even that of Christ, when, adorned with celestial
glory, he conspicuously displayed his divine majesty to his three
disciples. And though Peter does not relate all the circumstances, yet
he sufficiently designates... [ Continue Reading ]
18._In the holy mount. _He calls it _the holy mount_, for the same
reason that the ground was called holy where God appeared to Moses.
For wherever the Lord comes, as he is the fountain of all holiness, he
makes holy all things by the odor of his presence. And by this mode of
speaking we are taught,... [ Continue Reading ]
19._We have also. _He now shews that the truth of the gospel is
founded on the oracles of the prophets, lest they who embraced it
should hesitate to devote themselves wholly to Christ: for they who
waver cannot be otherwise than remiss in their minds. But when he
says, “We have,” he refers to himsel... [ Continue Reading ]
20._Knowing this first. _Here Peter begins to shew how our minds are
to be prepared, if we really wish to make progress in scriptural
knowledge. There may at the same time be two interpretations given, if
you read ἐπηλύσεως as some do, which means _occurrence_,
_impulse_; or, as I have rendered it,... [ Continue Reading ]
_But holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. _They
did not of themselves, or according to their own will, foolishly
deliver their own inventions. The meaning is, that the beginning of
right knowledge is to give that credit to the holy prophets which is
due to God. He calls them t... [ Continue Reading ]