1_Now I beseech you, by the coming_. It may indeed be read, as I have
noted on the margin, _concerning the coming_, but it suits better to
view it as an earnest entreaty, taken from the subject in hand, just
as in 1 Corinthians 15:31, when discoursing as to the hope of a
resurrection, he makes use o... [ Continue Reading ]
2_That ye be not soon shaken in judgment_. He employs the term
_judgment _to denote that settled faith which rests on sound doctrine.
Now, by means of that fancy which he rejects, they would have been
carried away as it were into ecstasy. He notices, also, three kinds of
imposture, as to which they... [ Continue Reading ]
3_Let no man deceive you_. That they may not groundlessly promise
themselves the arrival in so short a time of the joyful day of
redemption, he presents to them a melancholy prediction as to the
future scattering of the Church. This discourse entirely corresponds
with that which Christ held in the p... [ Continue Reading ]
4_An adversary, and that exalteth himself_. The two epithets — _man
of sin_, and _son of perdition _— intimate, in the first place, how
dreadful the confusion would be, that the unseemliness of it might not
discourage weak minds; and farther, they tend to stir up the pious to
a feeling of detestatio... [ Continue Reading ]
5_Do ye not remember? _This added no small weight to the doctrine,
that they had previously heard it from the mouth of Paul, that they
might not think that it had been contrived by him at the instant. And
as he had given them early warning as to the reign of Antichrist, and
the devastation that was... [ Continue Reading ]
6_. And now what withholdeth _ Τὸ κατέχον means here
properly an impediment or occasion of delay. Chrysostom, who thinks
that this can only be understood as referring to the Spirit, or to the
Roman Empire, prefers to lean to the latter opinion. He assigns a
plausible reason — because Paul would not... [ Continue Reading ]
7_. The mystery of iniquity_. This is opposed to _revelation; _for as
Satan had not yet gathered so much strength, as that Antichrist could
openly oppress the Church, he says that he is carrying on secretly and
clandestinely (658) what he would do openly in his own time. He was
therefore at that tim... [ Continue Reading ]
8_And then will be revealed _— that is, when that _impediment _(
τὸ κατέχον) shall be removed; for he does not point out the
time of revelation as being when he, who now holds the supremacy,
_will be taken out of the way_, but he has an eye to what he had said
before. For he had said that there was... [ Continue Reading ]
9_Whose coming _He confirms what he has said by an argument from
contraries. For as Antichrist cannot stand otherwise than through the
impostures of Satan, he must necessarily vanish as soon as Christ
shines forth. In fine, as it is only in darkness that he reigns, the
dawn of the day puts to flight... [ Continue Reading ]
10_In those that perish_. He limits the power of Satan, as not being
able to injure the elect of God, just as Christ, also, exempts them
from this danger. (Matthew 24:24.) From this it appears, that
Antichrist has not so great power otherwise than by his permission.
Now, this consolation was necessa... [ Continue Reading ]
11_The working of delusion_. He means that errors will not merely have
a place, but the wicked will be blinded, so that they will rush
forward to ruin without consideration. For as God enlightens us
inwardly by his Spirit, that his doctrine may be efficacious in us,
and opens our eyes and hearts, th... [ Continue Reading ]
12_That all may be condemned_. That is, that they may receive the
punishment due to their impiety. Thus, those that perish have no just
ground to expostulate with God, inasmuch as they have obtained what
they sought. For we must keep in view what is stated in Deuteronomy
13:3, that the hearts of men... [ Continue Reading ]
13_But we are bound to give thanks_. He now separates more openly the
Thessalonians from the reprobate, that their faith may not waver from
fear of the revolt that was to take place. At the same time, he had it
in view to consult, not _their _welfare only, but also that of
posterity. (684) And he do... [ Continue Reading ]
14_To which he called us_. He repeats the same thing, though in
somewhat different terms. For the sons of God are not called otherwise
than to the belief of the truth. Paul, however, meant to shew here how
competent a witness he is for confirming that thing of which he was a
minister. He accordingly... [ Continue Reading ]
He deduces this exhortation on good grounds from what goes before,
inasmuch as our steadfastness and power of perseverance rest on
nothing else than assurance of divine grace. When, however, God calls
us to salvation, stretching forth, as it were, his hand to us; when
Christ, by the doctrine of the... [ Continue Reading ]
16_Now the Lord himself_. When he ascribes to Christ a work altogether
Divine, and represents him, in common with the Father, as the Author
of the choicest blessings, as we have in this a clear proof of the
divinity of Christ, so we are admonished, that we cannot obtain
anything from God unless we s... [ Continue Reading ]