2 Timothy 1:1

1_Paul an Apostle _From the very preface we already perceive that Paul had not in view Timothy alone; other wise he would not have employed such lofty titles in asserting his apostleship; for what purpose would it have served to employ these ornaments of language in writing to one who was fully conv... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:2

2_My beloved son _By this designation he not only testifies his love of Timothy, but procures respect and submission to him; because he wishes to be acknowledged in him, as one who may justly be called his son, (137) The reason of the appellation is, that he had begotten him in Christ; for, although... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:3

3_I give thanks _The meaning usually assigned to these words is, that Paul “gives thanks to God,” and next assigns the cause or ground of thanksgiving; namely, that he is unceasingly mindful of Timothy. But let my readers consider whether the following sense do not suit equally well and even better:... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:5

5_Calling to remembrance that unfeigned faith _Not so much for the purpose of applauding as of exhorting Timothy, the Apostle commends both his own faith and that of his grandmother and mother; for, when one has begun well and valiantly, the progress he has made should encourage him to advance, and... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:6

6_For which cause I advise thee _The more abundantly that Timothy had received the grace of God, the more attentive (the Apostle intimates) he ought to be in making progress from day to day. It deserves notice that the words “for which cause” introduce this advice as a conclusion from what has been... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:7

7_For God hath not given to us a spirit of cowardice _It is a confirmation of what he had said immediately before; and thus he continues to urge Timothy to display the power of the gifts which he had received. He makes use of this argument, that God governs his ministers by _the Spirit of power, _wh... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:8

8_Be not ashamed, therefore _He said this, because the confession of the gospel was accounted infamous; and therefore he forbids that either ambition or the fear of disgrace shall prevent or retard him from the liberty of preaching the gospel. And he infers this from what has been already said; for... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:9

9_Who hath saved us _From the greatness of the benefit he shews how much we owe to God; for the salvation which he has bestowed on us easily swallows up all the evils that must be endured in this world. The word _saved, _though it admit of a general signification, is here limited, by the context, to... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:10

10_But hath now been revealed by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ _Observe how appropriately he connects the faith which we have from the gospel within God’s secret election, and assigns to each of them its own place. God has now called us by the gospel, not because he has suddenly taken cou... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:11

11_To which I have been appointed _Not without good reason does he so highly commend the gospel along with his apostleship. Satan labors, beyond all things else, to banish from our hearts, by every possible method, the faith of sound doctrine; and as it is not always easy for him to do this if he at... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:12

12_For which cause also I suffer these things _It is well known that the rage of the Jews was kindled against Paul, for this reason more than any other, that he made the gospel common to the Gentiles. Yet the phrase _for which cause _relates to the whole verse, and therefore must not be limited to t... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:13

13_Hold the form of sound words _Some explain it thus: “Let thy doctrine be, as it were, a pattern which others may imitate.” I do not approve of that view. Equally removed from Paul’s meaning is Chrysostom’s exposition, that Timothy should have at hand the image of virtues engraven on his heart by... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:14

14_Keep the excellent thing committed to thee _This exhortation is more extensive than the preceding. He exhorts Timothy to consider what God has given to him, and to bestow care and application in proportion to the high value of that which has been committed; for, when the thing is of little value,... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:15

15_Thou knowest that all that are in Asia have forsaken me _Those apostasies which he mentions might have shaken the hearts of many, and given rise, at the same time, to many suspicions; as we commonly look at everything in the worst light. Paul meets scandals of this kind with courage and heroism,... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:16

16_May the Lord grant mercy _From this prayer we infer, that the good offices done to the saints are not thrown away, even though they cannot recompense them; for, when he prays to God to reward them, this carries in it the force of a promise. At the same time, Paul testifies his gratitude, by desir... [ Continue Reading ]

2 Timothy 1:18

18_May the Lord grant to him _Some explain it thus: — “May God grant to him that he may find mercy with Christ the Judge.” And, indeed, this is somewhat more tolerable than to interpret that passage in the writings of Moses: “The Lord rained fire from the Lord,” (Genesis 19:24,) as meaning, — “The... [ Continue Reading ]

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