1.Here followeth new persecution raised by Herod. We see that the
Church had some short truce, that it might, as it were, by a short
breathing, recover some courage against the time to come, and that it
might then fight afresh. So at this day there is no cause why the
faithful, having borne the brun... [ Continue Reading ]
3._Seeing that it pleased the Jews. _It appeareth more plainly by this
that Herod was not moved either with any zeal that he had to Moses’
law or with any hatred of the gospel, thus to persecute the Church;
but that he might provide for his own private affairs, for he
proceedeth in his cruelty that... [ Continue Reading ]
4._Adding four quaternions of soldiers. _Luke doth, in this place,
declare by circumstances that Peter was, as it were, shut up in his
grave, so that it might seem that he was quite past hope; for as they
divided the day and night into four parts by three hours, so Herod
divided the watches, that fo... [ Continue Reading ]
5._But prayers were made. _Luke teacheth here that the faithful did
not, in the mean season, foreslow [neglect] their duty, Peter stood in
the forward (754) alone; but all the rest fought with their prayers
together with him, and they aided him so much as they were able.
Hereby we do also gather, th... [ Continue Reading ]
6._When he was about to bring him forth. _It seemeth at the first
blush that the Church prayeth to small purpose, for the day was now
appointed wherein Peter should be put to death, and he is within one
night of death, and yet the faithful cease not to pray, because they
know that when the Lord doth... [ Continue Reading ]
7._A light shined, _It is to be thought that Peter alone saw this
light, and that the soldiers did either sleep so soundly, or else were
so amazed, that they neither felt nor perceived any thing, And there
might be two causes why God would have the light to shine; either that
Peter might have the us... [ Continue Reading ]
9._He knew not that it was true. _He did not think that it was a vain
or false visor, as Satan doth oftentimes delude men with jugglings;
but_true _is taken in this place for that which is done naturally and
after the manner of men. For we must note the contrariety [antithesis]
that is between the t... [ Continue Reading ]
10._When they were past. _God was able to have carried Peter away in
the turning of an hand; (758) but he overcometh diverse straits one
after another, that the glory of the miracle might be the greater. So
he created the world in six days, (Genesis 1:0.) not because he had
any need of space of thee... [ Continue Reading ]
11._Then Peter returning to himself. _It is word for word, being made
in himself, because, being before astonied with a strange and
incredible thing, he was, as it were, without himself. But now at
length, as it were after a trance, he knoweth that he is delivered
from death. His words set down by L... [ Continue Reading ]
12._Into the house of Mary _It appeareth that she was a matron of rare
godliness, whose house was, as it were, a certain temple of God, where
the brethren did use to meet together. And Luke saith that there were
many assembled there, because, seeing they could not all meet together
in one place with... [ Continue Reading ]
15._When he did knock at the gate. _Whereas they think that the maid
is mad, which telleth them that Peter was come; we gather by this,
that they did not hope or look for Peter’s deliverance, and yet we
will not say that they prayed without faith; because they looked for
some other success, to with... [ Continue Reading ]
17._Tell James and the brethren: _By brethren I understand not every
one that was of the Church but the apostles and elders. For though it
were requisite that the miracle should be made known to all, yet will
Peter worthily for honor’s sake, have his fellows in office to be
certified thereof. Eccles... [ Continue Reading ]
18._When it was day. _Luke returneth now unto Herod and the soldiers;
and he saith that there was no small ado amongst them. For they could
not suspect that Peter was taken from them by violence, or that he was
escaped by some subtle shift. Herod examineth the matter afterward as
a judge; but when a... [ Continue Reading ]
20.A worthy (761) history, which doth not only show, as it were in a
glass, what end is prepared for the enemies of the Church, but also
how greatly God hateth pride. The Scripture saith that “God
resisteth the proud,” (1 Peter 5:5.) God himself did show a lively
image thereof in the person of Herod... [ Continue Reading ]
21._Upon an appointed day. _Luke saith that the men of Tyrus and Sidon
had peace granted them, because this was the occasion of the king’s
oration, without doubt, that he might make them his underlings
hereafter. The same history is extant in Josephus, in his Nineteenth
Book of Antiquities, save onl... [ Continue Reading ]
23._Forthwith he smote him. _As, before, the angel was a minister of
God’s grace in the delivery of Peter, so now he taketh vengeance
upon Herod. And God doth sometimes use the ministry of angels in
heaven in punishing; but sometimes he maketh the devils as hangmen, by
whose hand he executeth his ju... [ Continue Reading ]
24._And the word of God. _When the tyrant was once taken out of the
way the Church was suddenly delivered, as it were, out of the jaws of
the wolf. Therefore, though the faithful be accounted as sheep
appointed to be slain, (Psalms 44:23,) yet the Church doth always
overlive her enemies; and though... [ Continue Reading ]
25_And Barnabas and Paul. _The ministry which Luke saith Barnabas and
Paul did finish, must be referred unto the alms, whereof mention was
made before. For after that Agabus the prophet had foretold the famine
and barrenness, the brethren gathered money at Antioch, whereby they
might relieve the nec... [ Continue Reading ]