1.Luke showeth here that the Church of Ephesus was not only confirmed
and increased by Paul’s return, but also that there was a miracle
wrought there, because the visible graces of the Spirit were given to
certain rude and new disciples. Furthermore, it is not known whether
they were inhabitants... [ Continue Reading ]
2._Whether they had received the Holy Ghost. _The end of the history
doth show that Paul doth not speak in this place of the Spirit of
regeneration, but of the special gifts which God gave to divers at the
beginning of the gospel, for the common edifying of the Church. But
now upon this interrogat... [ Continue Reading ]
4._John truly _Paul’s admonition tended to this end, that these men
being convict of their ignorance might desire to go forward. He saith
that John preached of Christ who was to come. Therefore he sent out
his disciples, − (354) that running in the course they might go
towards Christ who was not a... [ Continue Reading ]
5._When they heard these things. _Because the men of old had conceived
an opinion that the baptism of John and of Christ were diverse, it was
no inconvenient − (356) thing for them to be baptized again, who
were only prepared with the baptism of John. But that that diversity
was falsely and wicked... [ Continue Reading ]
8._Going into the synagogue. _By this we gather that Paul began with
the company of the godly, who had already given their names to Christ.
Secondly, that he came into the synagogue, that he might gather
together into one body of the Church the rest of the Jews who knew not
Christ as yet, or at le... [ Continue Reading ]
9._Seeing their hearts were hardened. _We do not read that Paul was
heard so patiently and so favorably by the Jews at any place as at
Ephesus at his first coming. For whereas others raising tumults did
drive him away, he was requested by these to tarry longer. Now, after
that he had endeavored,... [ Continue Reading ]
10._All which dwelt. _Luke doth not mean that the men of Asia came
thither to hear Paul; but that the smell [savor] of his preaching went
throughout all Asia, and that the seed was sown far and wide; so that
his labor was fruitful not only to one city, but also to places which
were far off; and t... [ Continue Reading ]
11._No small miracles. _He calleth miracles _virtutes _or _powers,
_after the common custom of the Scripture, which were testimonies of
the extraordinary power of God. And showeth that Paul’s apostleship
was set forth with these ensigns, that his doctrine might have the
greater authority. For it i... [ Continue Reading ]
13.To the end it may more plainly appear that the apostleship of Paul
was confirmed by those miracles whereof mention was made of late, Luke
doth now teach that when certain did falsely pretend the name of
Christ, such abuse was most sharply punished. Whereby we gather that
such miracles were wro... [ Continue Reading ]
16._The man running upon them. _That is attributed to the man which
the devil did by him. For he had not been able to do such an act of
himself, as to put to flight seven strong young men being wounded and
naked. And to set down for a certainty how the devil doth dwell in
men, we cannot, save onl... [ Continue Reading ]
17._There came fear. _The fruit of that vengeance which God brought
upon those who did wickedly abuse the name of Christ is this, in that
they were all touched with reverence, lest they should contemn that
doctrine, whose revenger the Lord hath showed by an evident token and
testimony he would be,... [ Continue Reading ]
18._Many which believed. _Luke bringeth forth one token of that fear
whereof he spake. For they did indeed declare that they were
thoroughly touched and moved with the fear of God, who, of their own
accord, did confess the faults and offenses of their former life,
lest, through their dissimulation... [ Continue Reading ]
19._Who used curious crafts. _Luke doth not only speak of magical
jugglings, but of frivolous and vain studies, whereof the more part of
men is for the most part too desirous. For he useth the word,
περιεργα, under which the Grecians comprehend whatsoever
things have in themselves no sound commodi... [ Continue Reading ]
20._Grew mightily _[ _lions. _] The word κατα κρατος doth
signify that the word increased not a little, (or that these
proceedings were not common) as if he should say, that in those
increasings appeared rare efficacy, and such as was greater than it
used commonly to be. The word _grew _do I refe... [ Continue Reading ]
21._He purposed in spirit. _His meaning is, that Paul purposed to take
his journey through the instinct and motion of the Spirit; that we may
know that all his whole life was framed according to God’s will and
pleasure. And therefore hath he the Spirit to be the governor of his
actions, because he... [ Continue Reading ]
23._Tumult about that way. _Concerning this word _way, _let the
readers understand thus much, that it is here taken for that which the
Latins call _sect; _the Greek philosophers call it _heresies _or
_heresy. _But because in the Church of God, where the unity of faith
ought to reign, there is noth... [ Continue Reading ]
25._By this craft. _Demetrius doth in this place filthily betray his
malice. It is lawful for a man, in some measure, to provide for his
private profit; but to trouble common [the public] peace for a man’s
own gain, to overthrow − (388) equity and right, to give over a
man’s self to do violence an... [ Continue Reading ]
27._Not only this part. _This is first disorderly handled in − (389)
that Demetrius is careful for religion after other things; − (390)
because nothing is more absurd than to prefer the belly before the
goddess; but even this is also vain, in that he pretendeth that the
worship of Diana is in haza... [ Continue Reading ]
29.Luke setteth down in this place the nature of the people, as if it
were depainted in a table. − (395) Like as if a thousand houses
should be set on fire at a sudden, so all the city was on an uproar in
one moment; and when such a tempest is once raised, it is not easily
stayed. And forasmuch as... [ Continue Reading ]
30._And when Paul would. _We may see that Paul’s constancy was
coupled with modesty. When as he might well have kept himself out of
sight, of his own accord was he prepared to put himself in hazard. And
yet he doth not refuse to follow their counsel, who knew the state of
matters better than he.... [ Continue Reading ]
33._They drew out Alexander. _It is to be thought that the Jews did
not send forth this Alexander to plead the common cause of the nation,
but that they were desirous to bring him before the people that he
might be murdered. Nevertheless, the name Jew made him to be so hated,
that they did outrage... [ Continue Reading ]
34._Great is Diana of the Ephesians. _This was a clamorous confession,
but without any soundness; neither did it proceed from the faith of
the heart. For whence came that great divinity of Diana whereof they
spake, save only because like mad men they furiously defend that error
which they had onc... [ Continue Reading ]
35.Luke showeth in this place that the tumult was so appeased, that
yet, notwithstanding, superstition prevailed with the mad people, and
the truth of God was not heard. For the town-clerk, as politic men use
to do, counteth it sufficient for him if he can by any means appease
the outrageous multi... [ Continue Reading ]
37._Men which are neither church-robbers. _He doth both truly and well
deny that they be church-robbers; but he doth shortly after falsely
define the kind of church-robbery to speak blasphemously against
Diana. For seeing that all superstition is profane and polluted, it
followeth that those be sa... [ Continue Reading ]