1._And when. To be fulfilled _is taken in this place for _to come.
_For Luke beareth record again of their perseverance, when he saith
that they stood all in one place until the time which was set them.
Hereunto serveth the adverb, _with one accord _Furthermore, we have
before declared why the Lord... [ Continue Reading ]
2._And there was made _It was requisite that the gift should be
visible, that the bodily sense might the more stir up the disciples.
For such is our slothfulness to consider the gifts of God, that unless
he awake all our senses, his power shall pass away unknown. This was,
therefore, a preparation t... [ Continue Reading ]
4._They began to speak _He showeth that the effect did appear
presently, and also to what use their tongues were to be framed and
applied, But because Luke setteth down shortly after, that strangers
out of divers countries did marvel, because that every one of them did
hear the apostles speaking in... [ Continue Reading ]
5._And there were at Jerusalem. _When he calleth them godly or
religious men, he seemeth to give us to understand that they came to
Jerusalem that they might worship God; like as God, in all ages, after
the scattering abroad, did gather together into that city some seed
which remained, having, as it... [ Continue Reading ]
6._When this was noised abroad. _Luke saith thus in Greek, _This voice
being made; _but his meaning is, that the fame was spread abroad,
whereby it came to pass that a great multitude came together. For if
one after another in divers places, and at divers times, had heard the
apostles speaking in di... [ Continue Reading ]
11._The wonderful works of God. _Luke noteth two things which caused
the hearers to wonder; first, because the apostles being before
ignorant and private persons, (87) born in a base corner, (88) did,
notwithstanding, intreat profoundly of divine matters, and of heavenly
wisdom. The other is, becaus... [ Continue Reading ]
12._Others mocking _Hereby it appeareth how monstrous as well the
sluggishness, as also the ungodliness of men is, when Satan hath taken
away their mind. If God should openly (and visibly) descend from
heaven, his majesty could scarce more manifestly appear than in this
miracle. Whosoever hath any d... [ Continue Reading ]
14._And Peter, standing _By this word _standing _he did signify, that
there was a grave sermon made in the assembly; for they did rise when
they spoke unto the people, to the end they might be the better heard.
The sum of this sermon is this, he gathereth that Christ is already
revealed and given by... [ Continue Reading ]
17._It shall be in the last days _By this effect he proveth that the
Messiah is already revealed. Joel, indeed, doth not express the last
days, (Joel 2:29;) but for as much as he intreateth of the perfect
restoring of the Church, it is not to be doubted but that that
prophecy belongeth unto the last... [ Continue Reading ]
18._Upon my servants. _In these words the promise is restrained unto
the worshippers of God. For God doth not profane his Spirit; which he
should do, if he should make the stone common to the unbelieving and
despisers. It is certain that we are made the servants of God by the
Spirit; and that, there... [ Continue Reading ]
19._And I will show wonders _We must first see what is meant by this
great day of the Lord. Some do expound it of the former coming of
Christ in the flesh; and others refer it unto the last day of the
resurrection, I do allow neither opinion. For, in my judgment, the
prophet comprehendeth the whole... [ Continue Reading ]
21._Whosoever shall call upon _An excellent place. For as God doth
prick us forward like sluggish asses, with threatenings and terrors to
seek salvation, se, after that he hath brought darkness upon the face
of heaven and earth, yet doth he show a means whereby salvation may
shine before our eyes, t... [ Continue Reading ]
22._Jesus of Nazareth _Now doth Peter apply unto his purpose the
prophecy of Joel; namely, that the Jews may thereby know that the time
of restoring was present; and that Christ was given them for this
purpose. For this promise was no otherwise to be fulfilled, save only
by the coming of the Mediato... [ Continue Reading ]
23._Him have ye slain. _He maketh mention of the death of Christ for
this cause chiefly, that the resurrection might the more assuredly be
believed. It was a thing full well known among the Jews that Christ
was crucified. Therefore, in that he rose again, it is a great and
wonderful token of his Div... [ Continue Reading ]
24._Having loosed the sorrows of death. _By the sorrows of death I
understand some farther thing than the bodily sense or feeling. For
those which duly consider the nature of death, because they hear that
it is the curse of God, must needs conceive that God is angry in
death. Hence cometh marvelous... [ Continue Reading ]
25.The resurrection, (110) which was both declared and witnessed by
certain and evident testimonies, and which might also have been
gathered out of the continual doctrine of the prophets, was to be
proved to the Jews as some new and strange thing. And no marvel. For
we see that although Christ had o... [ Continue Reading ]
26._For this my heart rejoiced _Joy of the soul, gladness of the
tongue, and quietness of all the whole body, do ensue upon sure hope
and confidence; for unless men be quite past feeling, (118) they must
needs be careful and sorrowful, and so, consequently, miserably
tormented, so long as they feel... [ Continue Reading ]
27._Because thou shalt not leave _To leave the soul in hell is to
suffer the same to be oppressed with destruction. There be two words
used in this place, both which do signify the grave amongst the
Hebricians. Because שאול, doth signify _to require, _I suppose it
is called סול, because death is ins... [ Continue Reading ]
28._Thou hast made known. _He meaneth, that he was restored from death
to life by the grace of God. For in that he was, as it were, a man
raised from death to life, he acknowledgeth that it was a great good
gift of God. This was in such sort fulfilled in Christ, that there
wanted nothing unto perfec... [ Continue Reading ]
30._Therefore, seeing he was a prophet _He showeth, by two reasons,
that it is no marvel if David do speak of things that should come to
pass long after his time; the former is, because he was a prophet. And
we know that things to come, and such as are removed far from the
knowledge of men, are reve... [ Continue Reading ]
32._This Jesus _After that he had proved by the testimony of David,
that it was most requisite that Christ should rise again, he saith,
that he and the rest of his fellows were such witnesses as saw him
with their eyes after his resurrection. For this text (124) will not
suffer this word _raised up... [ Continue Reading ]
33._He being therefore exalted by the right hand of God _The right
hand is taken in this place for the hand or power, in like sort as it
is taken everywhere in the Scripture. For this is his drift, to
declare that it was a wonderful work of God, in that he had exalted
his Christ (whom men thought to... [ Continue Reading ]
34._For doubtless David _Although they might easily gather by the very
effect which they saw with their eyes, that the principality was
granted and given to Christ, yet to the end his glory may carry the
greater credit, he proveth, by David his testimony, that it was so
appointed in times past by Go... [ Continue Reading ]
36._Therefore, let all the house of Israel know _The house of Israel
did confess that that Christ should come which was promised; yet did
they not know Who it was. Therefore, Peter concludeth, that Jesus:
whom they had so spitefully handled, yea, whose name they did so
greatly detest: is he whom the... [ Continue Reading ]
37._They were pricked in heart. _Luke doth now declare the fruit of
the sermon, to the end we may know that the power of the Holy Ghost
was not only showed forth in the diversity of tongues, but also in
their hearts which heard. And he noteth a double fruit; first, that
they were touched with the fe... [ Continue Reading ]
38._Peter said _Hereby we see that those do never go away empty which
ask at the mouth of the Lord, and do offer themselves unto him to be
ruled and taught; for that promise must needs be true, Knock, and it
shall be opened unto you, (Matthew 7:7.) Therefore, whosoever shall be
rightly prepared to l... [ Continue Reading ]
39._For the promise appertaineth unto you. _It was requisite that this
should be expressly added, that the Jews might certainly think and
persuade themselves that the grace of Christ did belong as well to
them as to the apostles. And Peter proveth it thus, because the
promise of God was made unto th... [ Continue Reading ]
40._And with many _Although in these things which we have had
hitherto, Luke did not recite the words of St Peter, but did only
briefly touch the chief points; notwithstanding he telleth us again in
this place, that Peter did not use doctrine only, but did add the
pricks of exhortations. And he expr... [ Continue Reading ]
41._They, therefore, which willingly. _Luke showeth more plainly how
fruitful this one sermon which Peter made was: to wit, that it gained
unto Christ about three thousand men. And therewithal he declareth the
nature and force of faith when he saith, that with a prompt and ready
(136) mind they embr... [ Continue Reading ]
42._In their doctrine _Luke doth not only commend in them the
constancy of faith or of godliness, but he saith, also, that they did
constantly give themselves to those exercises which serve to the
confirmation of faith; to wit, that they studied continually to profit
by hearing the apostles; that th... [ Continue Reading ]
43._And there came. _He signifieth unto us that the show and sight of
the Church was such, that it made others afraid which did not consent
unto [its] doctrine; and that was done for the preserving and
furthering of the Church. When there ariseth any seen all men set
themselves stoutly against the s... [ Continue Reading ]
44._And all _Whereas I have translated it _joined together, _it is
word for word in St Luke, _Into the same, or into one, _which may be
expounded of the place; as if he should have said that they were wont
to dwell together in one place. Notwithstanding, I had rather
understand it of their consent ... [ Continue Reading ]
46._Continuing in the temple _We must note that they did frequent the
temple for this cause, because there was more opportunity and occasion
offered there to further the gospel. Neither were they drawn with the
holiness of the place, seeing they knew that the shadows of the law
were ceased; neither... [ Continue Reading ]
47._Having favor. _This is the fruit of an innocent life, to find
favor even amongst strangers. And yet we need not to doubt of this,
but that they were hated of many. But although he speak generally of
the people, yet he meaneth that part alone which was sound, neither
yet infected with any poison... [ Continue Reading ]