Colossians 1:1

1_Paul an Apostle. _I have already, in repeated instances, explained the design of such inscriptions. As, however, the Colossians had never seen him, and on that account his authority was not as yet so firmly established among them as to make his private name (278) by itself sufficient, he premises... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:3

3._We give thanks to God. _He praises the faith and love of the Colossians, that it may encourage them the more to alacrity and constancy of perseverance. Farther, by shewing that he has a persuasion of this kind respecting them, he procures their friendly regards, that they may be the more favourab... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:4

4_. Having heard of your faith. _This was a means of stirring up his love towards them, and his concern for their welfare, when he heard it that they were distinguished by _faith _and _love. _And, unquestionably, gifts of God that are so excellent ought to have such an effect upon us as to stir us u... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:5

5._For the hope which is laid up for you in heaven. _For the _hope _of eternal life will never be inactive in us, so as not to produce _love _in us. For it is of necessity, that the man who is fully persuaded that a treasure of life is laid up for him in heaven will aspire thither, looking down upon... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:6

6_As also in all the world it brings forth fruit. _This has a tendency both to confirm and to comfort the pious — to see the effect of the gospel far and wide in gathering many to Christ. The faith of it does not, it is true, depend on its success, as though _we _should believe it on the ground that... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:8

_Love in the Spirit _I take to mean, _spiritual love_, according to the view of Chrysostom, with whom, however, I do not agree in the interpretation of the preceding words. Now, _spiritual love _is of such a nature as has no view to the world, but is consecrated to the service of piety, (286) and ha... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:9

9._For this cause we also. _As he has previously shewn his affection for them in his thanksgivings, so he now shews it still farther in the earnestness of his prayers in their behalf. (288) And, assuredly, the more that the grace of God is conspicuous in any, we ought in that proportion specially to... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:10

10._That ye may walk worthy of God. _In the _first _place he teaches, what is the end of _spiritual understanding_, and for what purpose we ought to make proficiency in God’s school — that we may _walk worthy of God_, that is, that it may be manifest in our life, that we have not in vain been taught... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:11

11._Strengthened with all might. _As he has previously prayed that they might have both a sound understanding and the right use of it, so also now he prays that they may have courage and constancy. In this manner he puts them in mind of their own weakness, for he says, that they will not be strong o... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:12

12._Giving thanks. _Again he returns to thanksgiving, that he may take this opportunity of enumerating the blessings which had been conferred upon them through Christ, and thus he enters upon a full delineation of Christ. For this was the only remedy for fortifying the Colossians against all the sna... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:13

13._Who hath delivered us. _Mark, here is the beginning of our salvation — when God delivers us from the depth of ruin into which we were plunged. For wherever his grace is not, _there _is darkness, (297) as it is said in Isaiah 60:2 Behold darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the nat... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:14

14._In whom we have redemption. _He now proceeds to set forth in order, that all parts of our salvation are contained in Christ, and that he alone ought to shine forth, and to be seen conspicuous above all creatures, inasmuch as he is the beginning and end of all things. In the _first _place, he say... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:15

15._Who is the image of the invisible God. _He mounts up higher in discoursing as to the glory of Christ. He calls him the _image of the invisible God, _meaning by this, that it is in him alone that God, who is otherwise invisible, is manifested to us, in accordance with what is said in John 1:18,... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:16

16._Visible and invisible_. Both of these kinds were included in the foregoing distinction of _heavenly _and _earthly _things; but as Paul meant chiefly to make that affirmation in reference to Angels, he now makes mention of things invisible. Not only, therefore, have those heavenly creatures which... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:17

17._All things were created by him, and for him. _He places angels in subjection to Christ, that they may not obscure his glory, for _four _reasons: In the _first _place, because they were _created by him_; _secondly_, because their creation ought to be viewed as having a relation _to _him, as their... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:18

18._The head of the body. _Having discoursed in a general way of Christ’s excellence, and of his sovereign dominion over all creatures, he again returns to those things which relate peculiarly to the Church. Under the term _head _some consider many things to be included. And, unquestionably, he make... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:19

19._Because it hath pleased the Father that in him. _With the view of confirming what he has declared respecting Christ, he now adds, that it was so arranged in the providence of God. And, unquestionably, in order that we may with reverence adore this mystery, it is necessary that we should be led b... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:20

20._And by him to reconcile all things to himself. _This, also, is a magnificent commendation of Christ, that we cannot be joined to God otherwise than through him. In the first place, let us consider that our happiness consists in our cleaving to God, and that, on the other hand, there is nothing m... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:21

21._And whereas ye were formerly. _The general doctrine which he had set forth he now applies particularly to them, that they may feel that they are guilty of very great ingratitude, if they allow themselves to be drawn away from Christ to new inventions. And this arrangement must be carefully obser... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:22

22._In the body of his flesh. _The expression is in appearance absurd, but the _body of his flesh _means that human body, which the Son of God had in common with us. He meant, therefore, to intimate, that the Son of God had put on the same nature with us, that he took upon him this vile earthly body... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:23

23._If ye continue. _Here we have an exhortation to perseverance, by which he admonishes them that all the grace that had been conferred upon them hitherto would be vain, unless they persevered in the purity of the gospel. And thus he intimates, that they are still only making progress, and have not... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:24

24._I now rejoice. _He has previously claimed for himself authority on the ground of his calling. Now, however, he provides against the honor of his apostleship being detracted from by the bonds and persecutions, which he endured for the sake of the gospel. For Satan, also, perversely turns these th... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:25

25._Of which I am made a minister. _Mark under what character he suffers for the Church — as being a _minister_, not to _give _the price of redemption, (as Augustine dexterously and piously expresses himself,) but to _proclaim _it. He calls himself, however, in this instance, a minister of the Churc... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:26

26._Hidden mystery. _Here we have a commendation of the gospel — that it is a wonderful secret of God. It is not without good reason that Paul so frequently extols the gospel by bestowing upon it the highest commendations in his power; for he saw that it was a stumblingblock to the Jews, and foolis... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:27

27._To whom God was pleased to make known. _Here he puts a bridle upon the presumption of men, that they may not allow themselves to be wise, or to inquire beyond what they ought, but may learn to rest satisfied with this one thing that it has so pleased God. For the good pleasure of God ought to be... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:28

28._Whom we preach. _Here he applies to his own preaching everything that he has previously declared as to the wonderful and adorable secret of God; and thus he explains what he had already touched upon as to the _dispensation _which had been committed to him; for he has it in view to adorn his apos... [ Continue Reading ]

Colossians 1:29

29._For which thing. _He enhances, by two circumstances, the glory of his apostleship and of his doctrine. In the _first _place, he makes mention of his aim, (344) which is a token of the difficulty that he felt; for those things are for the most part the most excellent that are the most difficult.... [ Continue Reading ]

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