1._I would have you know. _He declares his affection towards them,
that he may have more credit and authority; for we readily believe
those whom we know to be desirous of our welfare. It is also an
evidence of no ordinary affection, that he was concerned about them in
the midst of death, that is, wh... [ Continue Reading ]
2._That their hearts may receive consolation. _He now intimates what
he desires for them, and shews that his affection is truly apostolic;
for he declares that nothing else is desired by him than that they may
be united together in faith and love. He shews, accordingly, that it
was by no unreasonabl... [ Continue Reading ]
3._In whom are all the treasures. _The expression _in quo _ (_in
whom_, or _in which_) may either have a reference collectively to
everything he has said as to the _acknowledgment of the mystery_, or
it may relate simply to what came immediately before, namely,
_Christ_. While there is not much diff... [ Continue Reading ]
4._This I say, that no man may deceive you. _As the contrivances of
men have (as we shall afterwards see) an appearance of wisdom, the
minds of the pious ought to be preoccupied with this persuasion —
that the knowledge of Christ is of itself amply sufficient. And,
unquestionably, this is the key th... [ Continue Reading ]
5._For though I am absent in body. _Lest any one should object that
the admonition was unseasonable, as coming from a place so remote, he
says, that his affection towards them made him be _present with them
in spirit_, and judge of what is expedient for them, as though he were
present. By praising,... [ Continue Reading ]
6._As ye have received. _To commendation he adds exhortation, in which
he teaches them that their having once received Christ will be of no
advantage to them, unless they remain in him. Farther, as the false
apostles held forth Christ’s name with a view to deceive, he
obviates this danger twice, by... [ Continue Reading ]
7._And confirmed in the faith. _He now repeats without a figure the
same thing that he had expressed by metaphors, — that the
prosecution of the way, the support of the root, and of the
foundation, is firmness and steadfastness of faith. And observe, that
this argument is set before them in conseque... [ Continue Reading ]
8._Beware lest any one plunder you. _He again instructs them as to the
poison, which the antidote presented by him should be made use of to
counteract. For although this, as we have stated, is a common remedy
against all the impostures of the devil, (359) it had, nevertheless,
at that time a peculia... [ Continue Reading ]
9._For in him dwelleth_. Here we have the reason why those _elements
of the world_, which are taught by men, do not accord with Christ —
because they are additions for supplying a deficiency, as they speak.
Now in Christ there is a perfection, to which nothing can be added.
Hence everything that man... [ Continue Reading ]
10._And ye are complete in him. _He adds, that this perfect essence of
Deity, which is in Christ, is profitable to us in this respect, that
we are also perfect in him. “As to God’s dwelling wholly in
Christ, it is in order that we, having obtained him, may posses in him
an entire perfection.” Those,... [ Continue Reading ]
11._In whom ye also are circumcised. _From this it appears, that he
has a controversy with the false apostles, who mixed the law with the
gospel, and by that means made Christ have, as it were, two faces. He
specifies, however, one instance by way of example. He proves that the
circumcision of Moses... [ Continue Reading ]
12._Buried with him, in baptism. _He explains still more clearly the
manner of spiritual circumcision — because, being _buried with
Christ_, we are partakers of his death. He expressly declares that we
obtain this by means of baptism, that it may be the more clearly
apparent that there is no advanta... [ Continue Reading ]
13._And you, when ye were dead. _He admonishes the Colossians to
recognize, what he had treated of in a general way, as applicable to
themselves, which is by far the most effectual way of teaching.
Farther, as they were Gentiles when they were converted to Christ, he
takes occasion from this to shew... [ Continue Reading ]
14._Having blotted out the hand-writing which was against us. _He now
contends with the false apostles in close combat. For this was the
main point in question, — whether the observance of ceremonies was
necessary under the reign of Christ? Now Paul contends that ceremonies
have been abolished, and... [ Continue Reading ]
15._Spoiling principalities. _There is no doubt that he means devils,
whom Scripture represents as acting the part of accusing us before
God. Paul, however, says that they are disarmed, so that they cannot
bring forward anything against us, the attestation of our guilt being
itself destroyed. Now, h... [ Continue Reading ]
16._Let no one therefore judge you. _What he had previously said of
circumcision he now extends to the difference of meats and days. For
circumcision was the first introduction to the observance of the law,
other things (384) followed afterwards. To _judge _means here, to hold
one to be guilty of a... [ Continue Reading ]
17._Which are a shadow of things to come. _The reason why he frees
Christians from the observance of them is, that they were _shadows _at
a time when Christ was still, in a manner, absent. For he contrasts
shadows with revelation, and absence with manifestation. Those,
therefore, who still adhere to... [ Continue Reading ]
18._Let no one take from you the palm. _(389) He alludes to runners,
or wrestlers, to whom the _palm _was assigned, on condition of their
not giving way in the middle of the course, or after the contest had
been commenced. He admonishes them, therefore, that the false apostles
aimed at nothing else... [ Continue Reading ]
19._Not holding the Head_. He condemns in the use of one word whatever
does not bear a relation to Christ. He also confirms his statement on
the ground that all things flow from him, and depend upon him. Hence,
should any one call us anywhere else than to Christ, though in other
respects he were big... [ Continue Reading ]
20._If ye are dead_. He had previously said, that the ordinances were
fastened to the cross of Christ. (Colossians 2:14.) He now employs
another figure of speech — that we are _dead _to them, as he teaches
us elsewhere, that we are _dead to the law_, and the law, on the other
hand, to us. (Galatians... [ Continue Reading ]
21._Eat not, taste not. _Hitherto this has been rendered — _Handle
not_, but as another word immediately follows, which signifies the
same thing, every one sees how cold and absurd were such a repetition.
Farther, the verb ἅπτεσθαι is employed by the Greeks, among
its other significations, in the se... [ Continue Reading ]
22._All which things tend to corruption. _He sets aside, by a twofold
argument, the enactments of which he has made mention — because they
make religion consist in things outward and frail, which have no
connection with the spiritual kingdom of God; and secondly, because
they are from men, not from... [ Continue Reading ]
23._Which have indeed a show. _Here we have the anticipation of an
objection, in which, while he concedes to his adversaries what they
allege, he at the same time reckons it wholly worthless. For it is as
though he had said, that he does not regard their having a_show of
wisdom_. But _show _is place... [ Continue Reading ]