1._At that time the Lord said unto me _He had had intercourse with the
people for some time, before he returned into the mount with the
second tables; and therefore he now begins to relate more fully what
he had already mentioned in the inverted order of time, _i.e., _that
he stayed in the mount for... [ Continue Reading ]
6._And the children of Israel. _Since it is not the design of Moses to
specify the stations here, as he does in Numbers 33:0, but only to
mark the place in which Aaron died, I have therefore thought fit to
connect what we read here with the preceding narrative. In the death
of Aaron, they might reco... [ Continue Reading ]
8._At that time the Lord separated the tribe of Levi _Moses does not
exactly observe the order of time in the chapter from which this
passage is taken, since he deemed it sufficient to collect here and
there what was required to complete his general exhortation. The
object indeed of the recital of t... [ Continue Reading ]
Deuteronomy 10:12._And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God
require? _After having expounded each Commandment in its order, it now
remains for us to see what is the sum of the contents of the Law, and
what the aim and object of its instructions. For Paul elicits its true
use, when he declares tha... [ Continue Reading ]
14._Behold the heaven. _He again enforces upon them the grace, on
account of which we have seen that the people were under obligation to
God; because this was the most effectual observation for moving them
to submit themselves to their deliverer, to whom they were reminded
that they owed altogether... [ Continue Reading ]
16._Circumcise, therefore. _From this inference it appears wherefore
mention was made of this adoption,. viz., that the _Jews _should more
earnestly and solemnly serve God, whom they had known from experience
to be so gracious. He requires, then, a reciprocal love; for nothing
could be more base tha... [ Continue Reading ]
He confirms the foregoing decree by a reference to the nature of God
Himself; for the vile and abject condition of those with whom we have
to do, causes us to injure them the more wantonly, because they seem
to be altogether deserted. But God declares that their unhappy lot is
no (102) obstacle to H... [ Continue Reading ]
Leviticus 19:12._And ye shall not swear by my name falsely. _Although
Moses is treating of the duties of the Second Table, and had
previously forbidden men to deal fraudulently with their neighbors, he
still adds this sentence by way of confirmation. It may, however, be
inferred from the second clau... [ Continue Reading ]
21._He is thy praise. _That he may the more easily persuade his
countrymen that nothing is better, or more desirable for them than to
devote themselves to God’s service, Moses reminds them that they
have nothing to boast of out of Him; as if he had said, that they were
happy in this one respect, tha... [ Continue Reading ]