After having restrained the Israelites from the strange delusions of
the Gentiles, Moses now forbids them from being too credulous if false
teachers should arise from among themselves, and warns them diligently
to beware of all novel inventions, and not to turn aside in the very
least degree from th... [ Continue Reading ]
3._For the Lord your God proveth you. _(Latin, _tentat vos.) _Whenever
this word, which means _to tempt, _is applied to God, it is not used
in a bad sense, for “to take by guile,” or, “to lay snares of
deceit to entrap the unwary,” but only for “to prove or
examine.” Now, God proves men’s hearts, no... [ Continue Reading ]
5._And that prophet. _Since the ministers of Satan deceive men by
their plausible exterior, when they vaunt themselves to be the
prophets of God, Moses had already admonished them, that all. teachers
were not to be listened to indifferently, but that the true were to be
distinguished from the false,... [ Continue Reading ]
6_If thy brother, the son of thy mother. _The punishment which he had
commanded to be inflicted on false teachers, is now extended to each
one of the people. For although it is a lighter offense in a private
individual to draw others with him into error, both because his
ignorance is excusable, and... [ Continue Reading ]
7_Namely, of the gods of the people. _The sum of the matter is to this
effect, that we should so acquiesce in the known truth, as that our
ears may be closed to all the falsehoods by which it is opposed.
Men’s neighborhood to each other commonly produces, by their
intercommunication, a conformity of... [ Continue Reading ]
9_But thou shalt surely kill him. _He would not that every one should
privately execute vengeance without a public trial; but he referred to
the ordinary custom, that the witnesses should throw the first stone
at condemned criminals, as we shall see elsewhere. For it was an
admirable provision, that... [ Continue Reading ]
12._If thou shalt hear say. _If impiety and rebellion should more
widely prevail, Moses declares that whole cities, together with their
inhabitants, should rather be destroyed, than that so great a crime
should remain unpunished. Hence we may better infer how unholy is the
tenderness of those who wo... [ Continue Reading ]
13._Certain men, the children of Belial. _Moses puts a case, which
very often is wont to occur. For all do not break forth into impiety
together at the same moment, but Satan stirs up some who are like fans
to excite others; and by their instigations the multitude is led to
imitate them. Moses calls... [ Continue Reading ]
15_Thou shalt surely smite. _Lest the severity of the punishment
should occasion surprise, let us first observe that the error was
unpardonable, because its authors, being educated in the doctrines of
the Law, could not be deceived involuntarily, nor unless they had
grown weary of religion, and set... [ Continue Reading ]
16._And thou shalt gather all the spoil of it. _They are commanded to
burn all the furniture, and whatever is found in the city; and the
reason is subjoined, because it is accursed (_anathema_) If any city
was taken in war, all that God here commands to be burnt was to be
counted as spoil, for the J... [ Continue Reading ]
18._When thou shalt hearken. _Although this sentence depends on
something else, (as may be seen by referring to it,) yet is it
general, and extends to the commendation of the whole Law. Moses
teaches first, that the rule of a holy life must be sought from the
mouth of God; and then adds that He must... [ Continue Reading ]