5.This decree also commends modesty in general, and in it God
anticipates the danger, lest women should harden themselves into
forgetfulness of modesty, or men should degenerate into effeminacy
unworthy of their nature. Garments are not in themselves of so much
importance; but as it is disgraceful f... [ Continue Reading ]
Since by this precept God instructed His people in the, law of
kindness, it is a Supplement to the Sixth Commandment. Regard was had,
indeed, to the preservation of the breed; but, besides, when birds are
sitting, as being very lean, it is certain that they are not wholesome
food; still there is no... [ Continue Reading ]
This precept also has reference to the preservation of human life. We
know that the roofs of the Jewish houses were fiat, so that they might
freely walk upon them. If there were no railings round them, a fall
would have been fatal; and every house would have often been a house
of mourning. God, ther... [ Continue Reading ]
Deuteronomy 22:9._Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard. _These four
precepts, which all condemn strange medleys, I doubt not to be
supplements of the First Commandment; and the reason, which is
subjoined in Deuteronomy, directs us to this, where God declares that
the produce of the seed and of the vineya... [ Continue Reading ]
12.This also was a part of, or accessory to, chastity, to have regard
to modesty in dress; for since the thighs were then without covering,
a door was thus opened to many improprieties, if the upper garments
were not closed, and many, as if by accident, would have abused this,
if it had been allowed... [ Continue Reading ]
13._If any man take a wife_. This passage also tends to the exaltation
of chastity. God provides against both cases, lest a husband should
unjustly bring reproach upon a chaste and innocent young woman, and
lest a young woman, having been defiled, should escape punishment, if
she pretended to be a v... [ Continue Reading ]
18._And the elders of that city shall take that man_. Calumny in this
case received a threefold punishment; first, that he, who had invented
the false accusation, should be beaten with stripes; secondly, that he
should pay an hundred pieces of silver to the father of the girl;
thirdly, that he shoul... [ Continue Reading ]
20._But if this thing be true_. If the punishment should seem to
anybody to be somewhat too severe, let him reflect that no kind of
fraud is more intolerable. A false sale of a field or a house shall be
accounted a crime, as also the utterance of false money; and,
therefore, she who abuses the sacre... [ Continue Reading ]
Deuteronomy 22:22._If a man be found lying with_. A Political
Supplement, whereby it appears how greatly God abominates adultery,
since He denounces capital punishment against it. And assuredly, since
marriage is a covenant consecrated by God, its profanation is in no
wise tolerable; and conjugal fa... [ Continue Reading ]
23._If a damsel that is a virgin be betrothed_. The severity of the
punishment is now extended further, and a betrothed woman is counted
as a wife; and this for a very good reason, because she has plighted
her troth, and it is a token of abandoned incontinency for the mind of
a woman to be so aliena... [ Continue Reading ]
30._A man shall not take his father’s wife_. Since Moses does not
here refer to any other kinds of incest, but speaks only of that with
a step-mother, it is probable that, what he had more fully set forth
before he here briefly recalled to the minds of the Israelites under a
single head. At any rate... [ Continue Reading ]