1_And Moses went and spake these words. _By the word _went _he
signifies that, having received the commands from God, he came to the
people to report them. Hence we gather that they were warned in good
time to beware, if they had been sensibly disposed. And it was
necessary that the people should he... [ Continue Reading ]
2_And he said unto them, I am an hundred and twenty years old.
_Although Moses had been often proudly and disdainfully rejected, it
could not but be the case, nevertheless, that his departure would both
awaken the deepest sorrow, and inspire them with much alarm. By
setting before them his age, ther... [ Continue Reading ]
3_The Lord thy God, he will go over. _By no ordinary consolation does
he encourage their minds to renewed alacrity, because they should
experience, even when he was dead, the unceasing favor of God. Hence
we gather a lesson of especial usefulness, that whenever God raises up
to us men endowed with e... [ Continue Reading ]
4_And the Lord shall do unto them. _He promises that, when they shall
come into the land of Canaan, they shall be conquerors of all its
nations: and this he confirms by experience; for, as God had delivered
Sihon king of the Arnorites, and Og king of Bashan, into their hands,
so also He would give t... [ Continue Reading ]
6_Be strong and of good courage. _After he had shown that God would be
with them, for their help, he exhorts the people to firmness and
magnanimity. And surely this is one means of confirming our courage,
to be assured that the assistance which God promises will suffice for
us: so far is it from bei... [ Continue Reading ]
7_And Moses called unto Joshua. _It hence appears that those, upon
whom a public charge is conferred, have need of a twofold
confirmation: for, after having addressed a general instruction to the
whole people, he directs his discourse peculiarly to Joshua himself,
as to one whose business it was to... [ Continue Reading ]
9._And Moses wrote this law. _It is unquestionable that Moses
deposited the Book of the Law in the custody of the Levites, to enjoin
upon them the duty of teaching; for although it is only related that
they were commanded to recite the book before the people every seventh
year, yet it is easy to gat... [ Continue Reading ]
10._And Moses commanded them. _The object of this precept is the same
as that of the foregoing. He would have (the Law (238)) represented,
and constantly kept before their eyes; now He commands that it should
also be recited every seventh year, lest the knowledge of it should
ever depart. But let us... [ Continue Reading ]
12._Gather the people together. _(241) Literally, “to gather,”
(242) etc., in the infinitive mood; and although this is sometimes
taken for the imperative, yet, in this passage some improperly
translate it “Gather,” etc., as if Moses commanded them to give
these injunctions once only to the people o... [ Continue Reading ]
13._And that their children, which have not known anything. _Again, we
see that their present assembly is not referred to, but that which was
to be repeated every seven years, in order that their posterity might
be retained in the path of duty. Another use, then, of this recitation
is adduced; that... [ Continue Reading ]
14._And the Lord said unto Moses. _Joshua is now substituted in the
place of Moses by a solemn ceremony, not only that he may be held in
greater reverence by men, but also that he may be presented before
God, and thus may acknowledge that he is dedicated to His service; for
his being brought before... [ Continue Reading ]
16._Behold, thou, shalt sleep with thy fathers. _In order that Moses
may labor more earnestly to retain the people in obedience to God, he
is reminded of their indomitable perverseness. He had already
sufficiently, and more than sufficiently, experienced how depraved and
stubborn was the disposition... [ Continue Reading ]
17._Then my anger shall be kindled against them. _By this denunciation
of punishment, God undoubtedly desired to put a restraint upon the
senselessness of the people; but since this was done without their
profiting by it, there was another advantage in this lesson, viz.,
that, after having been seri... [ Continue Reading ]
19._Now, therefore, write ye this song. _It seems absurd that a
useless remedy should be applied to an incurable disease. Why does not
God rather correct their wickedness, and by His Spirit mold their
hearts to obedience, than pour forth words in vain into their deaf
ears? Thus do proud and profane... [ Continue Reading ]
20._But when I shall have brought them. _In other words, God again
enlarges upon the atrociousness of their iniquity, in that, when He
had dealt liberally with the Israelites, they would turn His benefits
into occasions of perversity, since nothing can be more base than such
ingratitude, he says, th... [ Continue Reading ]
23._And he gave Joshua the son of Nul, a charge. _The more difficult
was the task of Joshua, the more needful was it that he should be
encouraged to exert himself, and to beware of failure. For this reason
his charge is repeated, although in his person all the others were at
the same time confirmed.... [ Continue Reading ]
24._And it came to pass, when Moses had made an end. _By “the words
of this law,” we must understand not only those which are embraced
in this book, but in the other three also; and there is an implied
antithesis between the two tables written by God’s hand, and the
exposition which was afterwards a... [ Continue Reading ]
27._For I know thy rebellion. _The reason is given why he passed over
the utility of his doctrine, and only cited it as a witness against
the Israelites in terms of severity and reproach, viz., because he had
found them by experience to be of a “stiffneck,” (of which
expression I have spoken elsewhe... [ Continue Reading ]
28._Gather to me all the elders of your tribes. _Special reference is
here made to the Song, which we gather from the last verse to have
been alone recited. Moses, indeed, appears to contradict himself when
he commands the elders and officers only to be called to listen,
whereas he soon afterwards r... [ Continue Reading ]