We may collect from this rebuke that the Jews were perverse
interpreters of the best teaching; yea, they purposely reviled the
Prophet’s expression, and drew it to a contrary meaning. For it, is
far commoner than it ought to be among unbelievers, always to take
occasion of turning backwards, twistin... [ Continue Reading ]
_Ye_, says he, _use this proverb; but as I live, says the Lord
Jehovah, you shall not use this proverb anymore. _He does not mean, by
these words, that the Jews should repent and become more modest, and
not dare to vomit forth such blasphemy against him; for he is not
treating of repentance here; bu... [ Continue Reading ]
We now see why an oath is interposed, while he pronounces that he will
take care that the Jews should not ridicule any longer _Behold, _says
he_, all souls are mine; as the sole of the son so the soul of the
father, all souls are mine; the soul, therefore, which has sinned it
shall die_. Some interp... [ Continue Reading ]
Here the Prophet confirms his former teaching by examples. For he
first says, if any one faithfully keep the law, he shall prosper,
since God will repay the reward of justice: afterwards he adds, if the
just man beget a son unlike himself, the justice of the father shall
not profit the degenerate so... [ Continue Reading ]
He says then, _if he has not eaten upon the mountains, and not raised
his eyes to the abominable deeds of the house of Israel. _These two
points respect the worship of God: for by the figure “a part for the
whole” to eat, means to offer sacrifices: he refers to those to
which banquets were added as... [ Continue Reading ]
We yesterday explained why the Prophet says that no one is just unless
_he withdraw his hands from iniquity, _because many occasions tempt us
to injure others: unless we restrain ourselves in a middle course we
often hurt our neighbors. Now among the virtues of a just man he puts,
_to judge accordin... [ Continue Reading ]
_He has oppressed the poor and needy_: he had simply said, He has
oppressed a man; but now to make the greatness of the crime appear, he
speaks of the poor and needy: for cruelty in oppressing them is less
tolerable. Whatever the condition of the person whom we treat, with
injustice, our wickedness... [ Continue Reading ]
In this third example Ezekiel announces, that if a man be born of a
wicked father, he may nevertheless be pleasing to God, if he be unlike
his father and thus he refutes the proverb that was so common in
Israel — that the father ate the sour grapes, and the children’s
teeth were set on edge. For if... [ Continue Reading ]
Now at last he concludes: _he shall not die through his father’s
iniquity; he shall surely live. _He does not repeat that this is just,
yet we must understand it so; but he stops at the immediate effect,
since God’s blessing awaits all the just, as Isaiah says surely
there is a reward to the just, ... [ Continue Reading ]
He inculcates the same thing more at length, not for the sake of
ornament so much as to refute that impious saying in which the
Israelites so perniciously persisted. Since then it was difficult to
tear from their minds what was so deeply rooted in them, the Prophet
often exclaims that no one was pun... [ Continue Reading ]
Ezekiel still pursues the sentiment which we have explained, namely,
that God is a just judge and treats every one according to his
conduct; as Paul says, As each has lived in the flesh, so God lays up
a reward for him. (Romans 8:13.) But he more clearly refuted the
proverb, that the sons should suf... [ Continue Reading ]
In this sentence God proposes the hope of pardon, and invites and
exhorts to penitence all the transgressors of his law. But this
doctrine is specially worthy of notice, that God extends his arms, and
is prepared to meet and receive all who betake themselves to good
fruits: for despair hurls us into... [ Continue Reading ]
He confirms the same sentiment in other words, that God desires
nothing more earnestly than that those who were perishing and rushing
to destruction should return into the way of safety. And for this
reason not only is the Gospel spread abroad in the world, but God
wished to bear witness through all... [ Continue Reading ]
As in the last lecture the Prophet offered to sinners a sure hope of
pardon if they heartily repented, and promised that God would be
propitious to them as soon as they shall seek reconciliation with him:
so now, on the other hand, he pronounces,_if the just shall decline
from his justice_, whatever... [ Continue Reading ]
The Prophet here shows that those who used the vulgar taunt — that
the children’s teeth were set on edge, because their fathers had
eaten sour grapes — had broken away from all restraint; and nothing
further remained to hinder them from uttering their blasphemies
arrogantly against God: but their in... [ Continue Reading ]
The Prophet repeats what we formerly saw, namely, that the state of
the case turned upon this, Whether the people had any cause of
complaint when God absolves those who repent, and condemns the just
who desert the course of a pious and holy life? Now, we must always
return to this cardinal point, th... [ Continue Reading ]
Here God briefly shows how furious those are who dare to rebel against
him even when his justice is manifest: for what can be desired more
justly than that God should punish all the transgressors of his law?
and also, if sinners repent, that he should be prepared to pardon
them? But if it seems hard... [ Continue Reading ]
Here God precisely points out that he would discharge the office of
judge, and then he reduces the Israelites to order, and refutes their
audacity: for, as long as men do not feel God’s judgments hanging
over them, and are not held completely in cheek, they grow restive in
their petulance. We see ho... [ Continue Reading ]
Ezekiel again exhorts the people to leave off complaining, and to
acknowledge that there is no remedy for their evils but to be
reconciled to God. But that cannot be done unless they repent. For God
was not hostile to them in vain; nor did he, after the manner of men,
persecute with hatred the innoc... [ Continue Reading ]
We see, therefore, how God throws off that false reproach from himself
with which the children of Israel taunted him, saying, that they
perished by his immoderate rigor, and could find no reason for his
severity against them. He announces, on the other hand, that the cause
of death rested with thems... [ Continue Reading ]