1._And Jacob called_. In the former chapter, the blessing on Ephraim
and Manasseh was related Genesis 48:1, because, before Jacob should
treat of the state of the whole nation about to spring from him, it
was right that these two grandsons should be inserted into the body of
his sons. Now, as if car... [ Continue Reading ]
3._Reuben, thou art my first-born _He begins with the first-born, not
for the sake of honor, to confirm him in his rank; but that he may the
more completely cover him with shame, and humble him by just
reproaches. For Reuben is here cast down from his primogeniture;
because he had polluted his fathe... [ Continue Reading ]
4._Unstable as water_. He shows that the honor which had not a good
conscience for its keeper, was not firm but evanescent; and thus he
rejects Reuben from the primogeniture. He declares the cause, lest
Reuben should complain that he was punished when innocent: for it was
also of great consequence,... [ Continue Reading ]
5._Simeon and Levi are brethren_. He condemns the massacre of the city
of Shechem by his two sons Simon and Levi, and denounces the
punishment of so great a crime. Whence we learn how hateful cruelty is
to God, seeing that the blood of man is precious in his sight. For it
is as if he would cite to h... [ Continue Reading ]
7._Cursed be their anger_. What I have said must be kept in mind;
namely, that we are divinely admonished by the mouth of the holy
prophet, to keep at a distance from all wicked counsels. Jacob
pronounces a woe upon their fury. Why is this, unless that others may
learn to put a restraint upon themse... [ Continue Reading ]
8._Judeah, thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise_. In the word
praise there is an allusion to the name of Judah; for so he had been
called by his mother, because his birth had given occasion for
praising God. The father adduces a new etymology, because his name
shall be so celebrated and illust... [ Continue Reading ]
9._Judeah is a lion’s whelp_. This similitude confirms the preceding
sentence, that Judah would be formidable to his enemies. Yet Jacob
seems to allude to that diminution which took place, when the greater
part of the people revolted to Jeroboam. For then the king of Judah
began to be like a sleepin... [ Continue Reading ]
10._The scepter shall not depart_. Though this passage is obscure, it
would not have been very difficult to elicit its genuine sense, if the
Jews, with their accustomed malignity, had not endeavored to envelop
it in clouds. It is certain that the Messiah, who was to spring from
the tribe of Judah, i... [ Continue Reading ]
11._Binding his fole unto the vine, and his ass’s colt, etc _He now
speaks of the situation of the territory which fell by lot to the sons
of Judah; and intimates, that so great would be the abundance of vines
there, that they would everywhere present themselves as readily as
brambles, or unfruitful... [ Continue Reading ]
13._Zebulun shall dwell at the havens of the sea_. Although this
blessing contains nothing rare or precious, (as neither do some of
those which follow,) yet we ought to deem this fact as sufficiently
worthy of notice, that it was just as if God was stretching out his
hand from heaven, for the delive... [ Continue Reading ]
14._Issachar_. Here mention is partly made of the inheritance, and an
indication is partly given of the future condition of this tribe.
Although he is called a bony ass on account of his strength, (209)
which would enable him to endure labors, especially such as were
rustic, yet at the same time his... [ Continue Reading ]
16._Dan shall judge his people. _In the word _judge _there is an
allusion to his name: for since, among the Hebrews, דון (_din_)
signifies to judge, Rachel, when she returned thanks to God, gave this
name to the son born to her by her handmaid, as if God had been the
vindicator of her cause and righ... [ Continue Reading ]
18._I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord_. It may be asked, in the
first place, what occasion induced the holy man to break the
connection of his discourse, and suddenly to burst forth in this
expression; for whereas he had recently predicted the coming of the
Messiah, the mention of salvation wo... [ Continue Reading ]
19._Gad, a troop_. Jacob also makes allusion to the name of Gad. He
had been so called, because Jacob had obtained a numerous offspring by
his mother Leah. His fattier now admonishes him, that though his name
implied a _multitude_, he should yet have to do with a great number of
enemies, by whom, fo... [ Continue Reading ]
20._Out of Asher_. The inheritance of Asher is but just alluded to,
which he declares shall be fruitful in the best and finest wheat, so
that it shall need no foreign supply of food, having abundance at
home. By _royal dainties_, he means such as are exquisite. Should any
one object, that it is no g... [ Continue Reading ]
21._Naphtali_. Some think that in the tribe of Naphtali fleetness is
commended; I rather approve another meaning, namely, that it will
guard and defend itself by eloquence and suavity of words, rather than
by force of arms. It is, however, no despicable virtue to soothe
ferocious minds, and to appea... [ Continue Reading ]
22._Joseph is a fruitful bough_. Others translate it, “a son of
honor,” (214) and both are suitable; but I rather incline to the
former sense, because it seems to me that it refers to the name
Joseph, by which _addition _or _increase _is signified; although I
have no objection to the similitude take... [ Continue Reading ]
25._Even by the God of thy father_. Again, he more fully affirms that
Joseph had been delivered from death, and exalted to such great
dignity, not by his own industry, but by the favor of God: and there
is not the least doubt that he commends to all the pious, the mere
goodness of God, lest they sho... [ Continue Reading ]
27._Benjamin shall ravin as a wolf_. Some of the Jews think the
Benjamites are here condemned; because, when they had suffered lusts
to prevail, like lawless robbers, among them, they were at length cut
down and almost destroyed by a terrible slaughter, for having defiled
the Levite’s wife. Others r... [ Continue Reading ]
28._All these are the twelve tribes of Israel_. Moses would teach us
by these words, that his predictions did not apply only to the sons of
Jacob, but extended to their whole race. We have, indeed, shown
already, with sufficient clearness, that the expressions relate not to
their persons only; but t... [ Continue Reading ]
29._And he charged them_. We have seen before, that Jacob especially
commanded his son Joseph to take care that his body should be buried
in the land of Canaan. Moses now repeats that the same command was
given to all his sons, in order that they might go to that country
with one consent; and might... [ Continue Reading ]
33._He gathered up his feet_. The expression is not superfluous:
because Moses wished thereby to describe the placid death of the holy
man: as if he had said, that the aged saint gave directions respecting
the disposal of his body, as easily as healthy and vigorous men are
wont to compose themselves... [ Continue Reading ]