1_Then verily the first, etc _(138) After having spoken generally of
the abrogation of the old covenant, he now refers specially to the
ceremonies. His object is to show that there was nothing practiced
then to which Christ’s coming has not put an end. He says first,
that under the old covenant ther... [ Continue Reading ]
2._For there was a tabernacle, etc. _As the Apostle here touches but
lightly on the structure of the tabernacle, that he might not be
detained beyond what his subject required; so will I also designedly
abstain from any refined explanation of it. It is then sufficient for
our present purpose to cons... [ Continue Reading ]
5._Of which we cannot now, etc. _As nothing can satisfy, curious men,
the apostle cuts off every occasion for refinements unsuitable to his
present purpose, and lest a longer discussion of these things should
break off the thread of his argument. If, therefore, any one should
disregard the Apostle’s... [ Continue Reading ]
6._Now, when these things were thus ordained, etc. _Omitting other
things, he undertakes to handle the chief point in dispute: he says
that the priests who performed sacred rites were wont to enter the
first tabernacle daily, but that the chief priest entered the holy of
holies only yearly with the... [ Continue Reading ]
7._For himself and for the errors of the people, _or for his own and
the ignorances of the people. As the verb |shagag|, means in Hebrew to
err, to mistake, so |shgagah|, derived from it, properly denotes
error, or mistake; but yet it is generally taken for any kind of sin;
and doubtless we never si... [ Continue Reading ]
9._Which was a figure, etc. _The word παραθολὴ, used here,
signifies, as I think, the same thing with ἀντίτυπος,
antitype; for he means that that tabernacle was a second pattern which
corresponded with the first. For the portrait of a man ought to be so
like the man himself, that when seen, it ought... [ Continue Reading ]
10._Until the time of reformation, etc. _Here he alludes to the
prophecy of Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 31:31.) (145) The new covenant
succeeded the old as a reformation. He expressly mentions _meats _and
_drinks, _and other things of minor importance, because by these
trifling observances a more certain op... [ Continue Reading ]
11._But Christ being come, etc. _He now sets before us the reality of
the things under the Law, that it may turn our eyes from them to
itself; for he who believes that the things then shadowed forth under
the Law have been really found in Christ, will no longer cleave to the
shadows, but will embrac... [ Continue Reading ]
12._Neither by the blood of goats, etc. _All these things tend to show
that the things of Christ so far excel the shadows of the Law, that
they justly reduce them all to nothing. For what is the value of
Christ’s blood, if it be deemed no better than the blood of beasts?
What sort of expiation was m... [ Continue Reading ]
13._For if the blood of bulls, etc. _This passage has given to many
all occasion to go astray, because they did not consider that
sacraments are spoken of, which had a spiritual import. The cleansing
of the flesh they leave explained of what avails among men, as the
heathens had their expiations to... [ Continue Reading ]
14._Who through the eternal Spirit, etc. _He now clearly shows how
Christ’s death is to be estimated, not by the external act, but by
the power of the Spirit. For Christ suffered as man; but that death
becomes saving to us through the efficacious power of the Spirit; for
a sacrifice, which was to be... [ Continue Reading ]
15._And for this cause he is Mediator of the New Testament, etc. _He
concludes that there is no more need of another priest, for Christ
fulfills the office under the New Testament; for he claims not for
Christ the honor of a Mediator, so that others may at the same time
remain as such with him; but... [ Continue Reading ]
16._For where a testament is, etc. _Even this one passage is a
sufficient proof, that this Epistle was not written in Hebrew; for
ברית means in Hebrew a covenant, but not a testament; but in Greek
, διαθήκη, includes both ideas; and the Apostle, alluding to
its secondary meaning, holds that the prom... [ Continue Reading ]
18._Whereupon neither the first, etc. _It hence appears that the fact
is what is mainly urged, and that it is not a question about the word,
though the Apostle turned to his own purpose a word presented to his
attention in that language in which he wrote, as though one, while
speaking of God’s coven... [ Continue Reading ]
20._Saying, This is the blood of the testament, _(154) _etc. _If that
was the blood of the testament, then neither the testament was without
blood ratified, nor the blood without the testament available for
expiation. It is hence necessary that both should be united; and we
see that before the expla... [ Continue Reading ]
22._And almost all things, etc. _By saying _almost _he seems to imply
that some things were otherwise purified. And doubtless they often
washed themselves and other unclean things with water. But even water
itself derived its power to cleanse from the sacrifices; so that the
Apostle at length truly... [ Continue Reading ]
23._The patterns, _or _exemplars, etc. _Lest any one should object and
say that the blood by which the old testament was dedicated was
different from that of a testator, the Apostle meets this objection,
and says that it was no wonder that the tabernacle which was earthly
was consecrated by the sacr... [ Continue Reading ]
24._For Christ is not entered, etc. _This is a confirmation of the
former verse. He had spoken of the true sanctuary, even the heavenly;
he now adds that Christ entered there. It hence follows that a
suitable confirmation is required. _The holy places _he takes for the
sanctuary; he says that it is... [ Continue Reading ]
25._Nor yet that he should offer himself often, etc. _How, then, is he
a priest, one may say, if he offers no sacrifices? To this I reply
that it is not requited of a priest that he should be continually
sacrificing; for even under the Law there were days appointed for the
chief sacrifices every yea... [ Continue Reading ]
26._For then must he often have suffered, etc. _He shows how great an
absurdity follows, if we do not count it enough that an expiation has
been made by the one sacrifice of Christ. For he hence concludes that
he must have died often; for death is connected with sacrifices. How
this latter suppositi... [ Continue Reading ]
27._And as it is appointed, etc. _The meaning is this: since we
patiently wait after death for the day of judgment, it being the
common lot of nature which it is not right to struggle against; why
should there be less patience in waiting for the second coming of
Christ? For if a long interval of tim... [ Continue Reading ]
28._The second time without sin, etc. _The Apostle urges this one
thing, — that we ought not to be disquieted by vain and impure
longings for new kinds of expiations, for the death of Christ is
abundantly sufficient for us. Hence he says, that he once appeared and
made a sacrifice to abolish sins, a... [ Continue Reading ]