1._In that day shall a song be sung. _Here the Prophet begins again to
shew that, after the return of the people from captivity, they will be
defended by God’s power and guardianship, and that under his
protection Jerusalem will be as safe as if she had been surrounded by
bulwarks, ramparts, a ditch... [ Continue Reading ]
2._Open ye the gates. _This “song” was undoubtedly despised by
many, when it was published by Isaiah; for during his life, the
inhabitants of Jerusalem were wicked and ungodly, and the number of
good men was exceedingly small. But after his death, when they had
been punished for their wickedness, it... [ Continue Reading ]
3._The thought is fixed; thou wilt keep peace, peace. _(156) As the
Hebrew word יצר (_Yĕtzĕr_) signifies both “imagination” or
“creature,” and “thought,” some render it, “By a settled
foundation thou wilt keep peace;” as if the Prophet meant, that when
men, amidst the convulsions of the world, conti... [ Continue Reading ]
4._Trust ye in Jehovah for ever. _As to the words, some read in the
second clause, “Trust in God, the strong Jehovah of ages;” but as
צור (_tzūr_) is not always an adjective, but signifies _strength_,
I reject that meaning as forced, besides that it has little relation
to the subject, as will immedi... [ Continue Reading ]
5._For he will bring down the inhabitants of loftiness. _(158) He now
explains more fully what is that power of God of which he spoke. It is
that which we ourselves feel, and which is exerted for our benefit.
The two clauses are therefore closely connected, that “the proud are
laid low by the power... [ Continue Reading ]
7._Straightnesses are the way of the righteous man. _He does not
praise the righteousness of the godly, as some have falsely supposed,
but shews that, through the blessing of God, they are prosperous and
successful during the whole course of their life. Having only stated
briefly in the beginning of... [ Continue Reading ]
8._Yea, in the way of thy judgments. _This verse contains a very
beautiful doctrine, without which it might have been thought that the
former statements were without foundation. Since he said that God will
be our guide during the whole of life, so that we shall neither wander
nor stumble, and while,... [ Continue Reading ]
9._My soul hath desired thee. _This is a stronger expression of the
former statement; for, having previously spoken in the person of
believers, he had said that the desire of their soul was towards God.
He now adds, with regard to himself, _My soul hath desired_; as if he
had said, “I have all the f... [ Continue Reading ]
10._The wicked man will obtain favour. _(167) Isaiah contrasts this
statement with the former. He had said that the godly, even when they
are afflicted, or see others afflicted, still rely on the love of God,
and trust in him. But now he declares, on the other hand, that the
wicked cannot be brought... [ Continue Reading ]
11._O Jehovah, though thy hand is lifted up. _This is an explanation
of the former statement; for he brings forward nothing that is new,
but shews more clearly what he had formerly stated in a few words. He
had already said that the wicked “will not behold the majesty of the
Lord;” and now he explai... [ Continue Reading ]
12._O Jehovah, thou wilt ordain peace for us. _This statement tends to
the consolation of the godly, as if he had said, “We shall see what
will be the end of the wicked; for thou wilt prevent them from sharing
with thy children, and wilt take them away as enemies by fire, but we
shall be happy.” The... [ Continue Reading ]
13._O Lord our God. _This verse contains a complaint of the saints,
that they were oppressed by the tyranny of the wicked. This song was
composed in order to refresh the hearts of believers, who were to be
cruelly banished from that land which was a figure of eternal
happiness, that, having been dep... [ Continue Reading ]
14._The dead shall not live. _(173) The Prophet again speaks of the
unhappy end of the wicked, whose prosperity often agitates and vexes
us, as we read in the Psalms of David. (Psalms 37:1.) That our eyes
may not be dazzled by the present appearances of things, he foretells
that their end will be ve... [ Continue Reading ]
15._Thou hast added to the nation. _This verse is explained in various
ways. Some think that the Prophet here declares that the godly are not
merely oppressed by one kind of affliction, but are plunged, as it
were, into the lowest misery, and that they see no end of their
distresses. Others explain... [ Continue Reading ]
16._O Jehovah, in tribulation they have visited thee. _This might be
explained as relating to hypocrites, who never flee to God but when
they have been constrained by distresses and afflictions. But since
the Lord instructs believers also by chastisements, as the Prophet
formerly shewed, (Isaiah 26:... [ Continue Reading ]
17._As a woman with child. _Here two things ought chiefly to be
remarked. First, he compares believers to women in labor, who, we
know, endure exquisite pain; and, accordingly, he says that their
anguish breaks out into loud and violent cries. Hence we infer that
the Prophet does not only speak of t... [ Continue Reading ]
18._We have as it were brought forth wind. _The second thing to be
remarked is, that he goes beyond the limit of the metaphor; for when
there is no end to their distresses, the condition of the godly is
worse than that of women in labor, who, as soon as they are free from
their pains, break out into... [ Continue Reading ]
19._Thy dead men shall live. _Isaiah continues the same consolation,
and addresses his discourse to God, thus shewing that there is nothing
better for us than to bring our thoughts to meet in God, whenever we
must struggle with temptations; for there is nothing more dangerous
than to wander in our t... [ Continue Reading ]
20._Come, my people. _In this verse he exhorts the children of God to
exercise patience, to shut themselves up, and to bear with moderation
their troubles and afflictions, and to stand unmoved in opposition to
the fierce tempests which seemed likely to overwhelm them. This
exhortation was highly nec... [ Continue Reading ]
21._For, behold, Jehovah cometh out of his place. _It is a very
grievous temptation to the godly, when they see that the wicked
exercise their rage without being punished, and that God does not
restrain them; for they look upon themselves as forsaken by him.
Isaiah therefore meets this temptation, a... [ Continue Reading ]