Luke 15:10._There will be joy in the presence of the angels. _If
_angels _mutually rejoice with each other in heaven, when they see
that what had wandered is restored to the fold, we too, who have the
same cause in common with them, ought to be partakers of the same _joy
_But. how does he say that t... [ Continue Reading ]
This parable is nothing else than a confirmation of the preceding
doctrine. (520) In the first part is shown how readily God is disposed
to pardon our sins, and in the second part (which we shall afterwards
treat in the proper place) is shown the great malignity and obstinacy
of those who murmur at... [ Continue Reading ]
Luke 15:12._And the younger of them said to his father. _The parable
opens by describing a mark of wicked arrogance in the youth, which
appears in his being desirous to leave his father, and in thinking
that he cannot be right without being permitted to indulge in
debauchery, free from his father’s... [ Continue Reading ]
17._And when he came to himself. _Here is described to us the way in
which God invites men to repentance. If of their own accord they were
wise, and became submissive, he would draw them more gently; but as
they never stoop to obedience, till they have been subdued by the rod,
he chastises them seve... [ Continue Reading ]
20._And while he was still afar off. _This is the main point of the
parable. If men, who are by nature prone to revenge, and too tenacious
of their own rights, are moved by fatherly love kindly to forgive
their children, and freely to bring them back, when they are sunk in
wretchedness, God, whose b... [ Continue Reading ]
21._Father, I have sinned against heaven. _Here is pointed out another
branch of repentance, namely, such a conviction of sin as is
accompanied by grief and shame. For he who is not grieved for having
sinned, and whose offense is not placed before his eyes, will sooner
attempt any thing than think o... [ Continue Reading ]
22._Bring out the best robe. _Although in parables (as we have
frequently observed) it would be idle to follow out every minute
circumstance, yet it will be no violence to the literal meaning, if we
say, that our heavenly Father not only pardons our sins in such a
manner as to bury the remembrance o... [ Continue Reading ]
This latter portion of the parable charges those persons with cruelty,
who would wickedly choose to set limits to the grace of God, as if
they envied the salvation of wretched sinners. For we know that this
is pointed at the haughtiness of the scribes, (543) who did not think
that they received the... [ Continue Reading ]
28._Therefore his father went out. _By these words he reproaches
hypocrites with intolerable pride, which makes it necessary that the
Father should entreat them not to envy the compassion manifested to
their brethren. Now though God does not entreat, yet by his example he
exhorts us to bear with the... [ Continue Reading ]
31._Son_, (544) _thou art always with me. _This answer consists of two
parts. The first is, that the _first-born son _has no reason to be
angry, when he sees his brother kindly received without any loss to
himself; (545) and the second is, that, without paying any regard to
his brother’s safety, he... [ Continue Reading ]