Luke relates how it happened, that Christ was born in the city of
Bethlehem, as his mother was living at a distance from her home, when
she was approaching to her confinement. And first he sets aside the
idea of human contrivance, (123) by saying, that Joseph and Mary had
left home, and came to that... [ Continue Reading ]
7._Because there was no room for them in the inn _We see here not only
the great poverty of Joseph, but the cruel tyranny which admitted of
no excuse, but compelled Joseph to bring his wife along with him, at
an inconvenient season, when she was near the time of her delivery.
Indeed, it is probable... [ Continue Reading ]
8._And there were shepherds _It would have been to no purpose that
Christ was born in Bethlehem, if it had not been made known to the
world. But the method of doing so, which is described by Luke, appears
to the view of men very unsuitable. First, Christ is revealed but to a
few witnesses, and that... [ Continue Reading ]
9._And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them _He says, that _the
glory of the Lord _(145) _shone around _the shepherds, by which they
perceived him to be an angel. (146) For it would have been of little
avail to be told by an angel what is related by Luke, if God had not
testified, by some outwa... [ Continue Reading ]
10._Fear not _The design of this exhortation is to alleviate their
fear. For, though it is profitable for the minds of men to be struck
with awe, that they may learn to “give unto the Lord the glory due
unto his name,” (Psalms 29:2;) yet they have need, at the same time,
of consolation, that they ma... [ Continue Reading ]
11._This day is born to you _Here, as we lately hinted, the angel
expresses the cause of the joy. _This day is born _the Redeemer long
ago promised, who was to restore the Church of God to its proper
condition. The angel does not speak of it as a thing altogether
unknown. He opens his embassy by ref... [ Continue Reading ]
12._And this shall be a sign to you _(153) The angel meets the
prejudice which might naturally hinder the faith of the shepherds; for
what a mockery is it, that he, whom God has sent to be the King, and
the only Savior, is seen lying in a manger! That the mean and
despicable condition in which Chris... [ Continue Reading ]
13._And suddenly there was present with the angel a multitude _An
exhibition of divine splendor had been already made in the person of a
single angel. But God determined to adorn his own Son in a still more
illustrious manner, This was done to confirm our faith as truly as
that of the shepherds. Amo... [ Continue Reading ]
14._Glory to God in the highest _The angels begin with thanksgiving,
or with the praises of God; for Scripture, too, everywhere reminds us,
that we were redeemed from death for this purpose, that we might
testify with the tongue, as well as by the actions of the life, our
gratitude to God. Let us re... [ Continue Reading ]
15._After that the angels departed _Here is described to us the
obedience of the shepherds. The Lord had made them the witnesses of
his Son to the whole world. What he had spoken to them by his angels
was efficacious, and was not suffered to pass away. They were not
plainly and expressly commanded t... [ Continue Reading ]
16._And found Mary _This was a revolting sight, and was sufficient of
itself to produce an aversion to Christ. For what could be more
improbable than to believe that he was the King of the whole people,
who was deemed unworthy to be ranked with the lowest of the multitude?
or to expect the restorati... [ Continue Reading ]
17._They published concerning the word _It is mentioned by Luke, in
commendation of the faith of the shepherds, that they honestly
delivered to others what they had received from the Lord; and it was
advantageous to all of us that they should attest this, and should be
a sort of secondary angels in... [ Continue Reading ]
19._Now Mary kept _Mary’s diligence in contemplating the works of
God is laid before us for two reasons; first, to inform us, that this
treasure was laid up in her heart, for the purpose of being published
to others at the proper time; and, secondly, to afford to all the
godly an example for imitati... [ Continue Reading ]
20._Glorifying and praising God _This is another circumstance which is
fitted to be generally useful in confirming our faith. The shepherds
knew with certainty that this was a work of God. Their zeal in
_glorifying and praising God _is an implied reproof of our indolence,
or rather of our ingratitud... [ Continue Reading ]
21._That the child might be circumcised _As to circumcision in
general, the reader may consult the Book of Genesis, (Genesis 17:10.)
At present, it will be sufficient to state briefly what applies to the
person of Christ. God appointed that his Son should be circumcised, in
order to subject him to t... [ Continue Reading ]
22._And after that the days were fulfilled _On the fortieth day after
the birth, (Leviticus 12:2,) the rite of purification was necessary to
be performed. But Mary and Joseph come to Jerusalem for another
reason, to present Christ to the Lord, because he was the first-born.
Let us now speak first of... [ Continue Reading ]
23._As it is written in the Law _This was another exercise of piety
which was discharged by Joseph and Mary. The Lord commanded, that all
the males should be dedicated to him, in remembrance of their
deliverance; because when the angel slew all the first-born of Egypt,
(Exodus 12:29,) he had spared... [ Continue Reading ]
24._And that they might offer a sacrifice _This _sacrifice _belonged
to the ceremony of purification; lest any one should suppose that it
was offered for the sake of redeeming the first-born. When the
Evangelist mentions _a pair of turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, _he
takes for granted that his r... [ Continue Reading ]
25._And, lo, there was a man in Jerusalem _The design of this
narrative is to inform us that, though nearly the whole nation was
profane and irreligious, and despised God, yet that a few worshippers
of God remained, and that Christ was known to such persons from his
earliest infancy. These were “the... [ Continue Reading ]
29._Thou now sendest thy servant away _From this song it is
sufficiently evident, that Simeon looked at the Son of God with
different eyes from the eyes of flesh. For the outward beholding of
Christ could have produced no feeling but contempt, or, at least,
would never have imparted such satisfactio... [ Continue Reading ]
30._For my eyes have seen _This mode of expression is very common in
Scripture; but Simeon appears to denote expressly the bodily
appearance of Christ, as if he had said, that he now has the Son of
God present in the flesh, on whom the _eyes _of his mind had been
previously fixed. By _saving _(197)... [ Continue Reading ]
31._Which thou hast prepared _By these words Simeon intimates, that
Christ had been divinely appointed, that all nations might enjoy his
grace; and that he would shortly afterwards be placed in an elevated
situation, and would draw upon him the eyes of all. Under this term he
includes all the predic... [ Continue Reading ]
32._A light for the revelation of the Gentiles _Simeon now points out
the purpose for which Christ was to be exhibited by the Father before
all nations. It was that he might _enlighten the Gentiles, _who had
been formerly in darkness, and might be _the glory of his people
Israel _There is propriety... [ Continue Reading ]
33._And his father and mother were wondering _Luke does not say, that
they were astonished at it as a new thing, but that they contemplated
with reverence, and embraced with becoming admiration, this prediction
of the Spirit uttered by the lips of Simeon, so that they continued to
make progress in t... [ Continue Reading ]
34._And Simeon blessed them _If you confine this to Joseph and Mary,
there will be no difficulty. But, as Luke appears to include Christ at
the same time, it might be asked, What right had Simeon to take upon
him the office of blessing Christ? “Without all contradiction,”
says Paul, “the less is ble... [ Continue Reading ]
35._But also a sword shall pierce thy own soul _This warning must have
contributed greatly to fortify the mind of the holy virgin, and to
prevent her from being overwhelmed with grief, when she came to those
distressing struggles, which she had to undergo. Though her faith was
agitated and tormented... [ Continue Reading ]
36._And there was Anna, a prophetess _Luke mentions not more than two
persons who received Christ; and this is intended to teach us, that
whatever belongs to God, however small it may _be, _ought to be
preferred by us to the whole world. The scribes and priests, no doubt,
were then surrounded by gre... [ Continue Reading ]
37._She departed not from the temple _This is a hyperbolical
expression; but the meaning is plain, that Anna was almost constantly
in the temple. Luke adds, that she _worshipped God with fastings and
prayers day and night _Hence we infer, that she did not visit the
temple for the mere purpose of per... [ Continue Reading ]
38._Made acknowledgment also to God _(206) The holy melody, which
proceeded from the lips of Simeon and Anna, is praised by Luke, in
order that believers may exhort each other to sing with one mouth the
praises of God, and may give mutual replies. When he says, that Anna
_spake of him to all who loo... [ Continue Reading ]
39._They returned to Galilee _The departure to Egypt, I readily
acknowledge, came between those events; and the fact mentioned by
Luke, that they dwelt in _their own city Nazareth, _is later, in point
of time, than the flight into Egypt, which Matthew relates, (Matthew
2:14.) But if there was no imp... [ Continue Reading ]
40._And the child grew _From the infancy of Christ Matthew passes
immediately to his manifestation. (230) Luke relates here a single
fact, which well deserved to be recorded. In the midst of his boyhood,
Christ gave a specimen of his future office, or at least indicated, by
a single attempt, what he... [ Continue Reading ]
41._And his parents went every year to Jerusalem _It is mentioned in
commendation of the piety of Mary and Joseph, that they gave diligent
attendance to the outward worship of God. It was not of their own
accord, but by a divine command, that they undertook this annual
journey. The law enjoins the,... [ Continue Reading ]
44._And thinking that he was in the company _Many passages of
Scripture show plainly, that those who came from a distance, at the
festivals, to worship in the temple, were accustomed to travel in
_companies. _There is no reason, therefore, to wonder that, on the
first day, Joseph and Mary were less... [ Continue Reading ]
46._Sitting in the midst of the doctors _Rays of divine brightness
must have evidently shone in this child: otherwise those haughty men
would not have permitted him to sit along with them. Though it is
probable that he occupied a lower seat, and not the rank of the
doctors, yet such disdainful men w... [ Continue Reading ]
47._And all who heard him _Two things here claim our attention. _All
who heard him were astonished: _for they reckoned it a miracle, that a
child should frame his questions with such correctness and propriety.
Again, they _heard _Christ, and thus acted the part rather of scholars
than of teachers. H... [ Continue Reading ]
48._And his mother said to him _Those who think that the holy virgin
spake in this manner, for the purpose of showing her authority, are,
in my opinion, mistaken. It is even possible, that it was not till
they were apart, and the witnesses had withdrawn, that she began to
expostulate with her son, a... [ Continue Reading ]
49._Did ye not know? _Our Lord justly blames his mother, though he
does it in a gentle and indirect manner. The amount of what he says
is, that the duty which he owes to God his Father, ought to be
immeasurably preferred to all human duties; and that, consequently,
earthly parents do wrong in taking... [ Continue Reading ]
51._And he was subject to them _It was for our salvation that Christ
took upon him this low estate, — that the Lord and head of angels
voluntarily became _subject to _mortal creatures. Such was the purpose
of God, that Christ should remain, for some time, under a shadow,
beating the name of Joseph.... [ Continue Reading ]