Matthew 12:1._Jesus was walking on the Sabbath _It was the design of
the Evangelists, in this history, to show partly what a malicious
disposition the Pharisees had, and partly how superstitiously they
were attached to outward and slight matters, so as to make holiness to
consist in them entirely. T... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 12:3._Have you not read what David did? _Christ employs five
arguments to refute their calumny. _First, _he apologizes for his
disciples by pleading the example of _David, _(1 Samuel 21:6.) While
David was fleeing from the rage of Saul, he applied for provisions to
the high-priest Ahimelech;... [ Continue Reading ]
5._That on the Sabbaths the priests profane the Sabbath. _This is the
_second _argument by which Christ proves that the violation of the
Sabbath, of which the Pharisees complained, was free from all blame;
because _on the Sabbaths _it is lawful to slay beasts for sacrifice,
to circumcise infants, an... [ Continue Reading ]
7._But if you knew _This _Third _argument is also mentioned by Matthew
alone. Christ conveys an indirect reproof to the Pharisees, for not
considering why ceremonies were appointed, and to what object they are
directed. This has been a common fault in almost every age; and
therefore the prophet Hose... [ Continue Reading ]
8._For the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath. _Some connect this
sentence with a preceding statement, _that one greater than the temple
is in this place, _(Matthew 12:6;) but I look upon them as different.
In the former case, Christ, by an allusion to _the temple, _affirmed
that whatever was co... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 12:9._And having departed thence. _This narrative and that
which immediately precedes it have the same object; which is to show,
that the scribes watched with a malicious eye for the purpose of
turning into slander every thing that Christ did, and consequently
that we need not wonder if men,... [ Continue Reading ]
10._They asked him, saying. _Mark and Luke say only that they _watched
_what our Lord would do; but Matthew states more clearly that they
also attacked him by words. It is probable, that some others had been
previously cured on Sabbath-days; and hence they take occasion to ask
if he believes it to b... [ Continue Reading ]
11._What man shall there be among you who shall have a sheep? _Christ
again points out what is the true way of keeping the Sabbath; and, at
the same time, reproves them for slander, in bringing as a charge
against him what was a universal custom. For if any man’s _sheep had
fallen into a ditch, _no... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 12:14._Then the Pharisees took counsel. _How obstinate is the
rage which drives the wicked to oppose God! Even after having been
convinced, they pour out their venom more and more. It is truly
monstrous and shocking, that the most distinguished teachers of the
Law, who were entrusted with th... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 12:16._And he threatened them. _The expression used by M_ark
_conveys, in a still more pointed manner, that he restrained the
_unclean spirits, _(89) who were exclaiming, _Thou art the Son of God.
_We have formerly explained the reason why he did not choose to have
such witnesses. (90) And y... [ Continue Reading ]
17._That it might be fulfilled which was spoken _Matthew does not mean
that this prediction was entirely fulfilled by Christ’s prohibiting
loud and general reports to be circulated respecting his power (93),
but that this was an exhibition of that mildness which Isaiah
describes in the person of the... [ Continue Reading ]
18._Lo, my servant, whom I have chosen. _To fix our attention more
closely on his will, God points out by the finger, as it were, the
person whom he is about to send; and this is the design of the
exclamation, Lo! A similar reason may be assigned for the epithets
that follow, when God calls him _his... [ Continue Reading ]
19._He will not strive _The general meaning is, that the coming of
Christ will not be attended by noise, will have nothing of royal
splendor and magnificence. He presently adds, that this will turn to
the advantage of men, by inducing them to love that mildness which the
world everywhere despises. A... [ Continue Reading ]
20._Till he send out judgment into victory. _The words of the prophet
are a little different, _he will bring forth the judgment unto truth.
_But the term employed by Matthew is very emphatic, and is intended to
inform us, that _justice _is not established in the world without a
great struggle and ex... [ Continue Reading ]
21._And in his name shall the Gentiles trust _Instead of these words
the prophet has, _The isles shall wait for his law. _But though
Matthew has changed the words, the meaning is the same, that the grace
of Christ will be shared by the Gentiles.... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 12:22._Then was brought to him. _Luke explains from the
effect, that the devil by which the man was possessed was _dumb; _but
Matthew says, that a twofold plague had been inflicted on the man.
Many persons, no doubt, are blind and deaf on account of natural
defects; but it is evident, that t... [ Continue Reading ]
23._And all the people were astonished. _Hence we infer, that there
was a visible display of the power of God, which drew upon him the
admiration of the great body of the people, who were not at all
actuated by any wicked disposition. For how came it that all admired,
but because the fact compelled... [ Continue Reading ]
24._But when the Pharisees heard it. _The scribes cannot withhold the
acknowledgment of a fact so open and manifest, and yet they
maliciously carp (105) at what Christ did by Divine power. Not only do
they obscure the praise of the miracle, but endeavor to turn it into a
reproach, as if it were perf... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 12:25._But as Jesus knew their thoughts. _Though Christ knew
sufficiently well, and had often learned by experience, that the
scribes, in the exercise of their malice (116) were in the habit of
putting an unfavorable construction on every thing that he did, yet
Matthew and Luke, I have no do... [ Continue Reading ]
27._By whom do your children cast them out? _He charges them with
passing an unjust and malicious decision, because in the same case
they did not decide in a similar manner, but as they were affected
towards the persons. Now this inequality shows, that their prevailing
motive was not a regard to wha... [ Continue Reading ]
28._But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God. _Luke says,_if I
cast out devils by The Finger of God; _employing the word _Finger
_metaphorically instead of the _Spirit. _As God works, and exerts his
power, by his Spirit, it is with propriety that the word _Finger _is
applied to him. And this mo... [ Continue Reading ]
29._How can any one enter into the house of a strong man? _Though the
Evangelists differ a little as to words, there is a perfect agreement
among them as to the substance of this discourse. Christ is pursuing
the subject, on which he had lately touched, about _the kingdom of
God, _and declares it to... [ Continue Reading ]
30._He that is not with me. _There are two ways of explaining this
passage. Some suppose that it is an argument drawn from contraries,
and that Christ’s meaning is: _“ _I cannot reign till the devil is
overthrown; for the object of all his attempts is, to _scatter
_whatever I _gather.” _And certainl... [ Continue Reading ]
31._Therefore I say to you. _This inference ought not to be confined
to the clause immediately preceding, but depends on the whole
discourse. Having proved that the scribes could not blame him for
casting out devils, without opposing the kingdom of God, he at length
concludes that it is no light or... [ Continue Reading ]
32._Neither in the present life _What these words mean, Mark briefly
explains by saying, that_those who have spoken against the Spirit are
exposed to eternal judgment _Every day we ask from God the forgiveness
of sins, and every day he reconciles us to Him; and, finally, at
death, he takes away all... [ Continue Reading ]
33._Either make the tree good _It might look like absurdity, that men
should be allowed a choice of being _either good or bad; _but if we
consider what sort of persons Christ is addressing, the difficulty
will be speedily resolved. We know what opinion was generally
entertained about the Pharisees;... [ Continue Reading ]
34._Offspring of vipers. _The similarity between _the tree _and _the
fruit _is here applied by Christ to nothing more than speech, because
this afforded an opportunity of detecting the inward and concealed
malice of the scribes; and that is the reason why he dwells so much on
this one kind of sin. I... [ Continue Reading ]
36._Of every idle word _This is an argument from the less to the
greater; for if _every idle word _is to be called in question, how
would God spare the open blasphemies and sacrilegious insolence of
those who bark against his glory? (139) An _idle word _means one that
is useless, or that yields no e... [ Continue Reading ]
37._By thy words thou shalt be justified _This was a common proverb,
which he applied to the present subject; for I have no doubt that this
was a saying which the people had frequently in their mouths, that
“every man is condemned or acquitted by his own acknowledgment.”
But Christ turns it to a mea... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 12:39._A wicked generation _He does not merely charge that age
with malice, but pronounces the Jews—or at least the scribes, and
those who resembled them—to be a _wicked nation; _thus declaring
that they labored under a hereditary disease of obstinacy. The word
γενεά sometimes denotes an _ag... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 12:41._The men of Nineveh will rise in judgment. _Having
spoken of the Ninevites, Christ takes occasion to show that the
scribes and others, by whom his doctrine is rejected, are worse than
the Ninevites were. “Ungodly men,” he says, “who never had heard
a word of the true God, repented at t... [ Continue Reading ]
42._The queen of the south. _As Ethiopia lies in a southerly direction
from Judea, I willingly concur with Josephus and other writers, who
assert that she was the queen of Ethiopia. In sacred history she is
called _the queen of Sheba, _(2 Chronicles 9:1.) We must not suppose
this _Sheba _to be the c... [ Continue Reading ]
43._But when the unclean spirit hath gone out. _He speaks of scribes
and hypocrites of a similar character, who, despising the grace of
God, enter into a conspiracy with the devil. Against such persons he
pronounces that punishment which their ingratitude deserves. To make
his doctrine more extensiv... [ Continue Reading ]
44._He findeth it empty _Christ is unquestionably describing those
who, being destitute of the Spirit of God, are prepared for receiving
the devil; for believers, in whom the Spirit of God efficaciously
dwells, are fortified on all sides, so that no opening is left for
Satan. The metaphor of _a hous... [ Continue Reading ]
45._He taketh with him seven other spirits _The number _seven _is here
used indefinitely, as in many other passages. By these words Christ
shows that if we fall from his grace, our subjection to Satan is
doubled, so that he treats us with greater cruelty than before, and
that this is the just punish... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 12:48._Who is my mother? _These words were unquestionably
intended to reprove Mary’s eagerness, and she certainly acted
improperly in attempting to interrupt the progress of his discourse.
(157) At the same time, by disparaging the relationship of flesh and
blood, our Lord teaches a very use... [ Continue Reading ]
50._For whosoever shall do the will of my Father who is in heaven.
_When he says that they _do the will of his Father, _he does not mean
that they fulfill, in a perfect manner, the whole righteousness of the
law; for in that sense the name _brother, _which is here given by him
to his disciples, woul... [ Continue Reading ]