The reason why the Evangelists relate this occurrence is, to inform us
that the name of Christ was universally celebrated, and, therefore,
the Jews could not be excused on the plea of ignorance. Many might
otherwise have been perplexed by this question, “How came it that,
while Christ dwelt on the e... [ Continue Reading ]
2._And said to his servants. _From the words of Luke it may be
inferred, that Herod did not of his own accord adopt this conjecture,
but that it was suggested to him by a report which was current among
the people. And, indeed, I have no doubt that the hatred which they
bore to the tyrant, and their... [ Continue Reading ]
This narrative is at present omitted by Luke, because he had explained
it on a former occasion; and for my own part, as I am unwilling to
annoy my readers by writing the same thing twice, I shall handle this
passage with greater brevity (354) The Evangelists relate that John
was seized, because he h... [ Continue Reading ]
5._And though he wished to put him to death. _There is some appearance
of contradiction between the words of _Matthew _and _Mark: _for the
former says that Herod was desirous to commit this shocking murder,
but was restrained by the fear of the people; while the latter charges
Herodias alone with th... [ Continue Reading ]
6._And when Herod’s birthday was kept. _The Evangelists now begin to
relate the stratagem by which Herodias at length succeeded in a design
which she had long meditated, the taking away of John’s life. The
opportunity was afforded to her by an annual festival, when Herod was
celebrating his birthday... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 14:13._When Jesus heard it. John, _who relates the same
narrative, does not mention the reason why Jesus crossed over to the
opposite bank, (6: 5.) _Mark _and _Luke _differ somewhat from
_Matthew; _for they describe the occasion of the journey to have been
to give some repose to his disciple... [ Continue Reading ]
14._He was moved with compassion towards them. _The other two
Evangelists, and particularly Mark, state more clearly the reason why
this _compassion _( συμπάθεια) was awakened in the mind of
Christ. It was because he saw famishing souls, whom the warmth of zeal
had carried away from their homes and... [ Continue Reading ]
15._When the evening was drawing on. _The disciples had now lost their
object, and they see that Christ is again absorbed in teaching, while
the multitudes are so eager to receive instruction that they do not
think of retiring. Theytherefore advise that for the sake of attending
to their bodily want... [ Continue Reading ]
16._Give you to them something to eat. _As a fuller exposition of this
miracle will be found at the sixth chapter of John’s Gospel, instead
of troubling my readers with a repetition of what I have said, I would
rather send them to that exposition; but rather than pass over this
passage entirely, I s... [ Continue Reading ]
19._He blessed. _In this passage, as in many others, _blessing
_denotes thanksgiving. Now Christ has taught us, by his example, that
we cannot partake of our food with holiness and purity, unless we
express our gratitude to God, from whose hand it comes to us.
Accordingly, Paul tells us, that every... [ Continue Reading ]
20._And carried away what was left. _The _fragments _that remained
after satisfying so vast a multitude of men were more than twelve
times larger in quantity than what was at first put into their hands,
and this contributed not a little to the splendor of the miracle. In
this way all came to know th... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 14:22._And immediately Jesus constrained his disciples _They
must have been _constrained; _for they would never, of their own
accord, have left him, and gone to the other side. Now in this they
testify their great veneration for him, when, contrary to their own
opinions, they yield to his co... [ Continue Reading ]
23._He went up into a mountain alone. _It is probable that the Son of
God, who was fully aware of the tempest that was coming on, did not
neglect the safety of his disciples in his prayers; and yet we
naturally wonder that he did not rather prevent the danger than employ
himself in prayer. But in di... [ Continue Reading ]
24._The ship was now in the midst of the sea. _The reader will find
this narrative expounded by me at the sixth chapter of John’s
Gospel, and therefore I shall treat it more briefly here. When Christ
permitted his disciples to be tossed about in a perilous condition,
for a time, by an opposing storm... [ Continue Reading ]
27._But immediately Jesus spake to them. _As Christ is not known to be
a Deliverer till he actually makes his appearance, he speaks, and
desires his disciples to recognize him. That confidence, to which he
exhorts them, is represented by him as founded on his presence;
plainly implying that, since t... [ Continue Reading ]
28._And Peter answering. _The condition which he lays down shows that
his faith was not yet fully settled. _If it is thou, says he, bid me
come to thee on the water. _But he had heard Christ speak. Why then
does he still argue with himself under doubt and perplexity? While his
faith is so small and... [ Continue Reading ]
31._O man of little faith. _While our Lord kindly preserves Peter, he
does not connive at Peter’s fault. Such is the object of the
chastisement administered, when Peter is blamed for the weakness of
his faith. But a question arises, Does every kind of fear give
evidence of a weakness of faith? for C... [ Continue Reading ]
33._They that were in the ship. _I understand these words to refer not
only to the disciples, but to the sailors and other passengers. So
then those who had not yet declared that he was their Master,
instantly acknowledge that he is the Son of God, and by this term
render to him the honor of the Mes... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 14:34._They came into the country of Gennesareth. _The
Evangelists give that designation to the country which borrowed its
name from the lake, though it is uncertain if it was not rather the
name of the country that was bestowed on the lake; but that is a
matter of little consequence. Our ch... [ Continue Reading ]