Matthew 27:1._But when it was morning. _The high priest, with his
council, after having examined him at an unseasonable hour of the
night, finally resolve, at sunrise, to place him at the bar of the
governor. By so doing, they observe the form of judicial proceedings,
that they may not be suspected... [ Continue Reading ]
3._Then Judas, perceiving that he was condemned. _By this adverb (
τότε) _then, _Matthewdoes not fix the exact point of time; for we
shall find him shortly afterwards adding, that Judas, when he saw that
the priests disdainfully refused to take back the reward of his
treason, threw it down in the te... [ Continue Reading ]
4._What is that to us? _Here is described the stupidity and madness of
the priests, since even after having been warned by the dreadful
example of Judas, still they do not think about themselves. I do
acknowledge that hypocrites, as they are accustomed to flatter
themselves, had some plausible excus... [ Continue Reading ]
5._And he went away, and strangled himself. This is _the price for
which Satan sells the allurements by which he flatters wicked men for
a time. He throws them into a state of fury, so that, voluntarily
cutting themselves off from the hope of salvation, they find no
consolation but in death. Though... [ Continue Reading ]
6._It is not lawful for us to throw it into the treasury. _Hence it
plainly appears that hypocrites, by attending to nothing more than the
outward appearance, are guilty of gross trifling with God. Provided
that they do not violate their _Corban, _(Mark 7:11,) they imagine
that in other matters they... [ Continue Reading ]
8._For a burying-place to strangers. _The more that wicked men
endeavor to conceal their enormities, the more does the Lord watch
over them to bring those enormities to light. They hoped that, by an
honorable disguise, they would bury their crime, were they to purchase
a barren field for _burying st... [ Continue Reading ]
9._Then was fulfilled what was spoken by Jeremiah the prophet. _How
the name of _Jeremiah _crept in, I confess that I do not know nor do I
give myself much trouble to inquire. The passage itself plainly shows
that the name of _Jeremiah _has been put down by mistake, instead of
Zechariah, (Zechariah... [ Continue Reading ]
10._As the Lord appointed me. _By this clause Matthew confirms the
statement, that this was not done without the providence of God;
because, while they have a different object in view, they
unconsciously fulfill an ancient prediction. For how could it have
occurred to them to _purchase a field _from... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 27:11._Now Jesus stood before the governor. _Though it was a
shocking exhibition, and highly incompatible with the majesty of the
Son of God, to be dragged before the judgment-seat of a profane man,
to be tried on the charge of a capital offense, as a malefactor in
chains; yet we ought to re... [ Continue Reading ]
12_He answered nothing. _If it be asked why the Evangelists say that
Christ was silent, while we have just now heard his answer from their
mouth, the reason is, that he had a defense at hand, but voluntarily
abstained from producing it. And, indeed, what he formerly replied
about _the kingdom _did n... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 27:15._Now the governor was wont at the festival _Here is
described to us, on the one hand, the insatiable cruelty of the
priests, and, on the other, the furious obstinacy of the people; for
both must have been seized with astonishing madness, when they were
not satisfied with conspiring to... [ Continue Reading ]
19._While he was sitting on the judgment-seat. _Although the thoughts
which had passed through the mind of Pilate’s wife during the day
might be the cause of her _dream, _yet there can be no doubt that she
suffered these torments, not in a natural way, (such as happens to us
every day,) but by an ex... [ Continue Reading ]
20._But the chief priests and elder’s persuaded the multitude. _The
Evangelist points out the chief instigators of the wicked proceedings;
not that the foolish credulity of the people, who were influenced by
others, admits of any excuse; but for the purpose of informing us that
they were not, of the... [ Continue Reading ]
22._What then shall I do with Jesus? _Perceiving that they are so
blinded by madness, that they do not hesitate, to their own great
dishonor, to rescue _a robber _from death, Pilate resorts to another
expedient for touching them to the quick, and bringing them to a sound
mind. He argues that the dea... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 27:24._But Pilate, perceiving that he gained nothing by it.
_As sailors, who have experienced a violent tempest, at last give way,
and permit themselves to be carried out of the proper course; so
Pilate, finding himself unable to restrain the commotion of the
people, lays aside his authority... [ Continue Reading ]
25._His blood be on us. _There can be no doubt that the Jews
pronounced this curse on themselves without any concern, as if they
had been fully convinced that they had a righteous cause before God;
but their inconsiderate zeal carries them headlong, so that, while
they commit an irreparable crime, t... [ Continue Reading ]
26_Then he released to them Barabbas. _Our three Evangelists do not
mention what is related by John, (John 15:13,) that Pilate ascended
the judgment-seat to pronounce sentence from it; for they only state
that the clamor of the people and the confused tumult prevailed on him
basely to deliver up Chr... [ Continue Reading ]
27._Then the soldiers of the governor. _It is not without reason that
these additional insults are related. We know that it was not some
sort of ludicrous exhibition, when God exposed his only-begotten Son
to every kind of reproaches. First, then, we ought to consider what we
have deserved, and, nex... [ Continue Reading ]
32._They found a man, a Cyrenian. _This circumstance points out the
extreme cruelty both of the Jewish nation and of the soldiers. There
is no reason to doubt that it was then the custom for malefactors to
carry their own crosses to the place of punishment, but as the only
persons who were crucified... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 27:33._And they came to the place. _Jesus was _brought to the
place _where it was customary to execute criminals, that his death
might be more ignominious. Now though this was done according to
custom, still we ought to consider the loftier purpose of God; for he
determined that his Son shou... [ Continue Reading ]
34._And they gave him vinegar. _Although the Evangelists are not so
exact in placing each matter in its due order, as to enable us to fix
the precise moment at which the events occurred; yet I look upon it as
a probable conjecture that, before our Lord was elevated on the cross,
there was offered to... [ Continue Reading ]
35._They parted his garments. _It is certain that the soldiers did
this also according to custom, in dividing among themselves the
clothes of a man who had been condemned to die. One circumstance was
perhaps peculiar, that _they cast lots _on a _coat _which _was without
seam, _(John 19:23.) But thou... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 27:37._And placed over his head. _What is briefly noticed by
Matthew and Mark is more fully related by Luke, (Luke 23:38,) that the
inscription was written in three languages. John also describes it
_more _largely, (John 14:19.) Under this passage my readers will find
what I pass over here f... [ Continue Reading ]
38._Then were crucified with him two robbers. _It was the finishing
stroke of the lowest disgrace when Christ was executed between _two
robbers; _for they assigned him the most prominent place, as if’ he
had been the prince of _robbers. _If he had been _crucified _apart
from the other malefactors, t... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 27:39._And they that passed by. _These circumstances carry
great weight; for they place before us the extreme abasement of the
Son of God, that we may see more clearly how much our salvation cost
him, and that, reflecting that we justly deserved all the punishments
which he endured, we may b... [ Continue Reading ]
40._Thou who destroyedst the temple. _They charge Christ with teaching
falsehood, because, now that it is called for, he does not actually
display the power to which he laid claim. But if their unbridled
propensity to cursing had not deprived them of sense and reason, they
would shortly afterwards h... [ Continue Reading ]
42._If he is the King, of Israel, let him now come down from the
cross, and we shall believe him. _For they ought not to embrace as
_King _any one who did not answer to the description given by the
prophets. But Isaiah (Isaiah 52:14) and Zechariah (Zechariah 13:7)
expressly represent Christ as devoi... [ Continue Reading ]
43._He trusted in God. _This, as I said a little ago, is a very sharp
arrow of temptation which Satan holds in his hand, when he pretends
that God has forgotten us, because He does not relieve us speedily and
at the very moment. For since God watches over the safety of his
people, and not only grant... [ Continue Reading ]
44._And the robbers also. Matthew _and _Mark, _by synecdoche,
attribute to the robbers what was done only by one of them, as is
evident from Luke And this mode of expression ought not to be
accounted harsh; for the two Evangelists had no other design than to
show that Christ was attacked on every ha... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 27:45._Now from the sixth hour. _Although in the death of
Christ the weakness of the flesh concealed for a short time the glory
of the Godhead, and though the Son of God himself was disfigured by
shame and contempt, and, as Paul says, _was emptied, _(Philippians
2:7) yet the heavenly Father... [ Continue Reading ]
46._And about the ninth hour Jesus cried. _Though in the _cry _which
Christ uttered a power more than human was manifested, yet it was
unquestionably drawn from him by intensity of sorrow. And certainly
this was his chief conflict, and harder than all the other tortures,
that in his anguish he was s... [ Continue Reading ]
47._He calleth Elijah. _Those who consider this as spoken by the
soldiers, ignorant and unskilled in the Syriac language, and
unacquainted with the Jewish religion, and who imagine that the
soldiers blundered through a resemblance of the words, are, in my
opinion, mistaken. I do not think it at all... [ Continue Reading ]
48._And immediately one ran. _As Christ had once refused to drink, it
may be conjectured with probability, that it was repeatedly offered to
him for the sake of annoyance; though it is also not improbable that
_the vinegar _was held out to him in a cup before he was raised aloft,
and that _a sponge... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 27:50._Jesus having again cried with a loud voice. _Luke, who
makes no mention of the former complaint, repeats the words of this
second _cry, _which Matthew and Mark leave out. He says that Jesus
cried, _Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit; _by which he
declared that, though he was fi... [ Continue Reading ]
51._And, lo, the veil of the temple was rent. _When Luke blends _the
rending of the veil _with the eclipse of the sun, he inverts the
order; for the Evangelists, as we have frequently seen, are not
careful to mark every hour with exactness. Nor was it proper that the
_veil _should be _rent, _until t... [ Continue Reading ]
52_And graves were opened. _This was also a striking miracle, by which
God declared that his Son entered into the prison of death, not to
continue to be shut up there, but to bring out all who were held
captive. For at the very time when the despicable weakness of the
flesh was beheld in the person... [ Continue Reading ]
53._And went into the holy city. _When Matthew bestows on Jerusalem
the honorable designation of _the holy city, _he does not intend to
applaud the character of its inhabitants, for we know that it was at
that time full of all pollution and wickedness, so that it was rather
_a den of robbers, _(Jere... [ Continue Reading ]
54._Now the centurion. _As Luke mentions the _lamentation _of the
people, _the centurion _and his soldiers were not the only persons who
acknowledged Christ to be _the Son of God; _but the Evangelists
mention this circumstance respecting him for the purpose of
heightening their description: for it i... [ Continue Reading ]
55._And there were also many women there. _I consider this to have
been added in order to inform us that, while the disciples had fled
and were scattered in every direction, still some of their company
were retained by the Lord as witnesses. Now though the Apostle John
did not depart from the cross,... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 27:57._And when the evening was come. _Let it be understood
that _Joseph _did not come in the dusk of _the evening, _but before
sunset, that he might perform this office of kindness to his Master,
without violating _the Sabbath; _for the _Sabbath _commenced in the
evening, and therefore it w... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 27:59._And having taken the body. _The three Evangelists
glance briefly at the burial; and therefore they say nothing about the
aromatic ointments which John alone mentions, (John 19:39) only they
relate that _Joseph purchased a clean linen cloth; _from which we
infer, that Christ was honora... [ Continue Reading ]
61._And Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, were there. _Matthew and
Mark relate only that _the women looked at what was done, and marked
the place where the body was laid. _But Luke states, at the same time,
their resolution, which was, that _they returned _to the city, _and
prepared spices and oin... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 27:62._And the next day. _In this narrative Matthew did not so
much intend to show with what determined rage the scribes and priests
pursued Christ, as to exhibit to us, as in a mirror, the amazing
providence of God in proving the resurrection of his Son. Cunning men,
practiced at least in f... [ Continue Reading ]
63.We _remember that that impostor said. _This thought was suggested
to them by divine inspiration, not only that the Lord might execute
upon them just vengeance for their wickedness, (as he always punishes
bad consciences by secret torments,) but chiefly in order to restrain
their unholy tongues. Y... [ Continue Reading ]
65._You have a guard. _By these words, Pilate means that he grants
their request by permitting them to post soldiers to keep watch. This,
permission bound them more firmly, so that they could not escape by
any evasion; for though they were not ashamed to break out against
Christ after his resurrecti... [ Continue Reading ]