Matthew 4:1._Then Jesus was led. _There were two reasons why Christ
withdrew into the wilderness. The first was, that, after a fast of
forty days, he might come forth as a new man, or rather a heavenly
man, to the discharge of his office. The next was, that he might be
tried by temptation and underg... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:3._And when he, who tempteth, had approached to him. _This
name, ὁ πειράζων, _the tempter, _is given to Satan by the
Spirit for the express purpose, that believers may be more carefully
on their guard against him. Hence, too, we conclude, that temptations,
which solicit us to what is evil,... [ Continue Reading ]
4._Man shall not live by bread alone. _He quotes the statement, that
men _do not live by bread alone, _but by the secret blessing of God.
Hence we conclude, that Satan made a direct attack on the faith of
Christ, in the hope that, after destroying his faith, he would drive
Christ to unlawful and wic... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:5._Then the devil taketh him. _It is not of great
importance, that Luke’s narrative makes that temptation to be the
second, which Matthew places as the third: for it was not the
intention of the Evangelists to arrange the history in such a manner,
as to preserve on all occasions, the exact... [ Continue Reading ]
6._He will charge his angels concerning thee. _We must observe this
malice of Satan, in misapplying a quotation of Scripture, for the
purpose of rendering life deadly to Christ, and of converting bread
into poison. The same kind of stratagem he continues daily to employ;
and the Son of God, who is t... [ Continue Reading ]
7._It is written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. _The reply of
Christ is most appropriate. There is no other way, in which we have a
right to expect the assistance promised in that passage, than when
believers humbly submit themselves to his guidance: for we cannot rely
on his promises, with... [ Continue Reading ]
8._The devil taketh him to a very high mountain. _We must keep in
mind, what I have already stated, that it was not owing to any
weakness of Christ’s nature, but to a voluntary dispensation and
permission, that Satan produced this effect upon his eyes. Again,
while his senses were moved and powerful... [ Continue Reading ]
10._Depart, Satan. _Instead of this, Luke has, _Depart behind me,
Satan. _There is no use for speculating about the phrase, _behind me,
_which Christ addressed to Peter, _Go behind me, _(Matthew 16:23,) as
if the same words had not been addressed to Satan. Christ simply bids
him go away; (315) and n... [ Continue Reading ]
11._Then the devil leaveth him. _Luke expresses more: _when all the
temptation had been finished. _This means, that no truce or relaxation
was granted to Christ, till he had been fully tried by every species
of contest. He adds, that Christ was _left for a season only. _This is
intended to inform us... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:12._When Jesus had heard. _These words appear to be at
variance with the narrative of the Evangelist John, who declares, that
John and Christ discharged the office of public teachers at the same
time. But we have to observe, that our three Evangelists pass over in
silence that short space... [ Continue Reading ]
13._And having left Nazareth _I have thought it proper to introduce
this passage of Matthew, immediately after Luke’s narrative, which
we have just examined; because we may gather from the context that, as
Christ had hitherto been wont to frequent the town of Nazareth, so, in
order to avoid danger,... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:18._And Jesus walking. _As this history is placed by Luke
after the two miracles, which we shall afterwards see, an opinion has
commonly prevailed, that the miracle, which is here related by him,
was performed some time after that they had been called by Christ.
(336) But the reason, which... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:22._And they immediately left the ship. _The _first _thing
that strikes us here is the power of Christ’s voice. Not that his
voice alone makes so powerful an impression on the hearts of men: but
those whom the Lord is pleased to lead and draw to himself, are
inwardly addressed by his Spiri... [ Continue Reading ]
Matthew 4:23._And Jesus went about all Galilee. _The same statement is
again made by Matthew in another place, (Matthew 9:35 .)But though
Christ was constantly employed in performing almost innumerable
miracles, we ought not to think it strange, that they are again
mentioned, twice or thrice, in a g... [ Continue Reading ]